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And The Winner Is.....


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We'd like to thank everyone that entered and took time to provide a link to TCH on their website. We hope you will leave those links in place and proudly display it to your visitors! Thumbs Up


Recap of the purpose and rules of the contest:

What: Original design of desktop wallpaper for Windows based pc's.


How: The design is up to you, but the theme of course MUST be based on/around/about TotalChoice Hosting!


To Enter: Submit to this forum (Xbox Giveaway) your wallpaper entry as an uploaded file. Include a link to your website in your entry (required).


The Catch: While there are many purposes to these contests, one big reason is for the promotion of TCH. So, all entrants MUST have a Link to TCH on their site's homepage. You can get linking instructions here. TEXT LINKS are preferred!


Judging: There will be three judges for this contest - lstover, sicilychick and dsdemmin. Judgement will be based on the following attributes (among others):

1. Relationship of wallpaper to TCH - how well the entry portrays TCH and its offerings and beliefs.

2. Aestethic appeal and usability of the wallpaper design.

3. Creativity, originality


The winning entry must agree to relinquish all rights to the wallpaper design to TCH and it becomes the sole property of TCH! Credit will be given to the designer, of course.


And the winner of either an X-Box or Handspring Treo is Borfast!


His entry was chosen because the judges felt that it best represented the TCH company and family, it is VERY *usable* as wallpaper, and is VERY original (to the point that each person that choses to use this wallpaper can further customize it without losing any of the TCH design elements). I'm using it now on my desktop with the solid yellow background image chosen. Very slick! Congratulations, Borfast! Please PM me for instructions for claiming your X-Box or Treo.


Of course, the judging was not easy. There were a lot of really great entries. One of those entries in particular drove us to ask HG for a *Runner-Up* prize. So...


A $25 Amazon gift certificate is awarded to deranged-brain.com. We liked the functionality, simplicity and *tech* look of this one. Congratulations, deranged-brain.com! Please PM me for instructions for how to receive your gift certificate.


Well, this was fun... stick around the forums. You never know when Head Guru may get a new contest idea! Rock Sign

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Yaay! Kick Me


Thanks guys! I must say that this was indeed fun. I had a great time making the wallpaper. :D


I also wish to thank Bill for the contest. What other webhosting company would promote such a great contest?? Rock Sign

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Alright, way to go! Congrats to everyone...and TCH, please feel free to use my submission if you like! I'd be more than happy to contribute something to the TCH Fam. I will be eagerly awaiting the next competition...I sure hope it has something to do with hoola hoops and MPEG movies...hint, hint. Just kidding!



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Congrats to the winners and all who took their time to submit an entry! In my eyes you are all winners for just entering, but the best, according to the judges, must be recognized more than the others...:)


Top job everyone, and looks like my referred member(deranged-brain.com) is doing some good around here! :)



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