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greatfolios sysop

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    Cleveland & Chattanooga - TN
  • Interests
    My children, Photography, Computer stuff, mountain bikes, Beach, Scuba, Kona coffee, ASL, Scouts

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  1. I looked and looked, it's gone...? any clues as to what happened? Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  2. something you said made me go and change the url's to full instead of ../ and magicly it all worked.... Thanks!!! Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  3. you have the path correct, I was trying to do it from memory.... it works fine with the greatfolios url, but the root is different when I use the ppp url. Thanks again! Mr. Bill
  4. image locations are in public_html/assetts/images/ (good catch with the resellers comment....) thank you! Mr. Bill
  5. I am sure this is my fault.... I have greatfolios.com and my portfolio is www.greatfolios.com/billmccord - simple enough so far.... I asked tch to point www.properspectivephotographics.com to www.greatfolios.com/billmccord - and I don't see some of the same graphics and page features as I do if I use the www.greatfolios.com/billmccord url. not sure if there is something I can do with .htaccess or perminent redirects.... any thoughts? Thanks in advance, Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  6. Sorry it should be magnum XL 200 http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/inside_park/rides/thrill/magnum.cfm Fun!!! Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  7. just came home from Cedar Point!!! Rode the Raptor and the Magnum 200. Too chicken to take on the others.... Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  8. I know Geo and Bogatones as I have reccomended them both to TCH! I work with Bogatones and Geo is a friend of a couple of years. Mr. BIll :Nerd: Rock Sign
  9. I got one too.... I am www.greatfolios.com There is now a www.greatfolio.com Should make me feel good right? Mr. Bill
  10. Thanks Lisa, (in more ways than one, you are all busy and we appriciate you.) Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  11. Got dreamweaver working agian, link to TCH is at bottom of splash page. Rock Sign
  12. Hi Guys, I know it is just a splash page but the rest of the site is coming soon, I would like the spiders to catch a phrase on the site now to keep this client happy. http://www.flairmodels.net Flair Models Nashville, TN - Models and Promotions for over 30 years. (oops, forgot link to TCH, I'll get it on in the next day or two.) (I'll edit this when I get it done....)
  13. Allan, www.billmccord.com Thanks! (what a cool jesture....) Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  14. Kewell!!! Mr. Bill :Nerd:
  15. Bad spellers of the world.... UNTIE!!! Mr. Bill :Nerd:
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