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  1. We chatted, created a new account in outlook, checked it worked, then copied all the old emails over. All working nicely now I hope
  2. If you want a simpler alternative for paint try "GNU paint", although I like Bruce use GIMP. For notepad++ try "Geany" which is an IDE, probably the closest to notepad++, or you can add the various plugins to Gedit.
  3. Thanks had a great day
  4. Yes, although 240 mins ( 4 hours) rather than 240 seconds - I think that was probably just a typo on your part though Correct, so it then passes the list of files to the command following the pipe Correct, it's a directory listing (ls) in long listing format (-l) Basically it adds the arguments passed to it to the end of the command, or swaps (x) the order of the command and arguments if you prefer to think of it that way. So in this case it adds each file found (one at a time) to the command for the long listing ( ls -l). Spaces or other characters (such as brackets in the file name) will be needed to be treated carefully though, otherwise they will appear as separate arguments in the ls command The -r tells the xarg command to only run if it is passed data. i.e. if there were no files found ( hence nothing passed to it) it would not run. Don't be sorry, learning new skills, or improving skills is always good
  5. There isn't I'm afraid, as it's defined by the owner of the process that can't be changed. The only way I can think to get round it is to get the piped script to dump the data to a file, then to call the URL of a web page php to execute and send the email. That way it is a web page ( hence "nobody") sending the email.
  6. It will be different from a piped script compared with a direct php because of the owner of the running process. When it is run from a web page it will be run as "nobody". When it is run from your piped script it will be running as your cpanel ID.
  7. Yes, that's pretty much correct I would add the path into the require_once so that it becomes require_once("/home/cpuser/Something.php"); where cpuser is your cpanel username ( and assuming you have uploaded Something.php into your root directory.
  8. Hi Siverz, welcome to the forums. This is an old thread, but the code still works effectively. The easiest place to add it would be at the beginning of your template, then it's automatically added to all pages.
  9. I was fortunate enough to manage to get one of the first copies of the new album just released by Natalie Brown - "Random Thoughts". I may be biased (well, she is a family member here ) but I think it's great - well done Nat Advertising isn't allowed on our forums here - otherwise I'd provide a link but you can find out a little more on a spotlight we did about Natalie back in 2003 - http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/spotlight2.html She's been a member of the family here for a while Anyway, I just wanted to say well done Nat, I love your voice
  10. ukrtel has the ranges; - - - - - - - - - - so for some like 92.112 it is the whole range ( from to ) whereas for others like 195.5 they only have the first half of that 16 block. The easiest to block these ranges is probably to use the CIDR (you can convert on ip2cidr.com ) deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from deny from
  11. What is the forum ( IPB? vBulletin? something else ? ) and what is the chat program you are trying to install.
  12. Welcome to the forums itzybitzyskitzy The ability to create new php variables is not locked in cpanel. Is he trying to use some sort of restricted variable name or function ?
  13. HI Brian, I assume that this is the .htaccess in your public_html folder. There is no redirect in there. What are you trying to redirect to where ? ( if you don't want to say on a public forum, then please PM me )
  14. Welcome to the forums Brian What do you have in your main .htaccess file and in any .htaccess in the subfolder ? The issue in the above case was because there was a conflict between the two different .htaccess files.
  15. welcome to the forums pcb-beachbumb 1. DO I first need to create a database with the same name on my TCH site? Yes, you should create a database and and a user in cpanel, adding the user to the database. 2. DO I just use normal FTP to upload my DATA & Database tables, if so where do I put them? You upload the database using PHPmyAdmin in cpanel. If the file is large ( over 4MB ) then I would suggest uploading the sql file to your account, then opening a ticket telling us where teh file is and the name of the database you would like it uploading in, asking us to upload it for you. 3. The remote MYSQL access in cpanel, is that to be used with my local mysql administrator panel to control the database on TCH? if so what would my settings be? Yes, if you create the database in canel, then you could access it remotely ( and even upload the data that way). The settings would be then be the domain name, the database name, the name of teh user you have assigned to teh database, and teh password you have assigned to it. You will also need to add the IP address in cpanel of where you want to access from ( or % for anywhere ).
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