welcome to the forums pcb-beachbumb
1. DO I first need to create a database with the same name on my TCH site?
Yes, you should create a database and and a user in cpanel, adding the user to the database.
2. DO I just use normal FTP to upload my DATA & Database tables, if so where do I put them?
You upload the database using PHPmyAdmin in cpanel. If the file is large ( over 4MB ) then I would suggest uploading the sql file to your account, then opening a ticket telling us where teh file is and the name of the database you would like it uploading in, asking us to upload it for you.
3. The remote MYSQL access in cpanel, is that to be used with my local mysql administrator panel to control the database on TCH? if so what would my settings be?
Yes, if you create the database in canel, then you could access it remotely ( and even upload the data that way). The settings would be then be the domain name, the database name, the name of teh user you have assigned to teh database, and teh password you have assigned to it. You will also need to add the IP address in cpanel of where you want to access from ( or % for anywhere ).