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Everything posted by surefire

  1. Link to TCH is on every page of my site Name of site: Travel Nursing Jobs - Travel Nurse Depot Description: Travel nursing jobs and travel nurse career tools. Link: http://www.travelnursedepot.com/ Evaluation por favor. (please) Rock Sign
  2. I haven't seen that before so I doubt that my guess will hit the mark, but here it is anyhow: are you using persistent connection in your scripts? If so, you might want to change that so the connections lapse automatically. Look for mysql_pconnect() in your scripts. I've read that persistent connections are not advised for shared servers.
  3. The last tutorial I did on PHP didn't get nearly as much traffic as the earlier ones. As a TCH family member, is there anything else that you would like to learn about prgramming? Have you seen some things on other sites that you'd like to learn how to do? If so, please post your requests here. I can't say we'll be able to cover every topic... but this will definitely help us tailor the next tutorial to what the group wants. Thumbs Up
  4. I would use a database driven solution... postnuke, phpnuke, CMS, or custom built for the situation... wouldn't be very hard.
  5. I'm not sure... but if you're designing sites for clients, then you can still but in whatever CSS you want to make IE change scrollbar colors. Mozilla Firebird will hold you, the developer, to a higher standard than IE will because Mozilla code is designed to accurately reflect the CSS standards. It's more CSS compliant than IE. That doesn't mean better... but I've found that setting my browser default to Firebird speeds up my site design because of the stricter interpretation. Then, when I switch to IE to double check, everything almost always looks fine. I found the opposite to be true (just as you have indicated) when IE was my default browser. It would let me get away with CSS that wasn't perfect, and then I'd get mad when I checked it in Netscape... which is based on Mozilla. Anyhow, there are dozens of cool things about the browser itself that has nothing to do with web design. I simply like the browser better than IE.
  6. Best way is a 301 redirect in .htaccess Check this thread 301 redirects in htaccess
  7. In order to use these contributions, I had to upgrade to the 2.2 build. I already added in Easy Populate and it looks like it just might live up to its name.
  8. I just read that link by rayners and learned some cool tricks I didn't even know about... Awesome!
  9. It's touted as a very 'lean' version of Mozilla. Which I guess means they cleaned up the code a bit and left out stuff that most don't use... but I haven't personally found that the program loads any faster than ie. But what I like is that I can open up sites in different tabs instead of new windows. The toolbar is small and sleek so that the browsing screen is bigger. I like the way that bookmars are set up. You can search though your bookmarks like you would search Google. It comes with a google search box so you can search google without going to the site first. You can change the font size on sites to accomodate your viewing preferences. It has a popup blocker. And as a developer, I have found that 9 times out of ten, if a site works for Mozilla, it will probably work for IE, Netscape, etc. My research indicates that Mozilla incorporates css better. I was using Netscape for a while, which is built off of Mozilla code, but it seemed to have bugs in it and when I searched for a problem to the bugs I found, the searches came up with other bugs that I wasn't comfortable with. Apparently, from what I've read, AOL does a sloppy job of converting Mozilla code to their purposes. In addition, I read an article recently that says Microsoft has no urgent plans for upgrading IE since they have 'won' the browser war. My guess is that Mozilla builds will make a nice inroad on IE market share... who would've thought that PHP would surpass ASP?! At the very least, my hope is that more folks migrating away from IE might encourage Microsoft to update their browser rather than resting on their laurels.
  10. Didn't mean to upset you. It just seemed strange that your posting was so detailed, with screen shots, etc. and the link redirected. If I jumped to the wrong conclusion, I am truly sorry.
  11. You've got to name your page with a php extension test.php instead of test.htm There are mod rewrite tricks you can use to have html pages parsed as php.
  12. I know there's been at least one other thread on Mozilla. I've been using Mozilla Firebird from some time now and it's great. http://www.mozilla.org/
  13. Guys... Be aware that the link provided at the start of this thread redirects to this link: http://www.hlembke.de/prod/disruptor/ Which leads me to believe thatguy8b gets a kick back through an affiliate program. There's nothing wrong with making money... I'm a capitalist too. But just understand that the glowing review given here might not be impartial.
  14. Are you associated with this product in any way?
  15. That linked helped out a ton. OSCommerce is pretty easy to edit. I just wasn't sure if changing the text was all I had to do. I already made some of the changes and I'm off and running now. Thanks again.
  16. Cool. I'll check that link. Thanks buddy.
  17. I know some of you use OS Commerce. I've got a client's shop started here www.knowlesanimalclinics.com/shop but it says the shop isn't live or active. What needs to happen for this to go live? Will it go live after I set up the module for payment (Paypal, 2checkout, etc)? Or is there something else I'm supposed to do to turn it 'on'? Thanks guys.
  18. webnovice sent me an email with some additional details, like the url. When I checked the url, it appeared that the script was working fine. This leads me to believe that this was a site propogation issue. Some scripts won't work until the site has fully propogated... this is one of them. Webnovic, if I'm wrong about this or I'm missing something, then please let us know and please give the url.
  19. Okay... thanks for checking. I'll do my best to be patient. My concern is that I've been in dmoz for months... but you're the seo guy. I'll wait a while and if nothing, I'll ask for your opinion on what to do next.
  20. Thanks for the link!
  21. I think that the way you structure your query will have a lot to do with how fast it runs. In other words, it's a lot faster to have a long, drawn out, selective query that eliminates most of the records in your table, than to have a query that selects almost every row of a long table and then the rest of your script selects the stuff you need. I'm not sure that was such an eloquent explanation... but learn as much as you can about queries and joins. If you write the query with care, even very large tables should be parsed in under three seconds.
  22. Send me a PM with your config.php script.
  23. Okay... I don't think I'm explaining this well... I know I'm in dmoz. I know I'm indexed by Google... but I'm not in their directory listing, as far as I can tell. The googlebot knows my site well... it's just that I can't find my site in the directory of google, even though it's in dmoz. I thought the Google directory was a mirror image of dmoz. Am I making sense?
  24. What did you use to check your pop account? Imap? Could you list some of the code? As for the interval, I'd set for 5 minute intervals
  25. I know... but what I was referring to was the directory. Thanks for all the info guys, but I'm still scratching my head wondering why the Google directory doesn't show my site but dmoz does.
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