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Everything posted by surefire

  1. isearch is good, but a resource hog. Not very efficient. You'll find a link in the TCH help pages. If your site is large, but well indexed in Google, then I would use either the free serach options available from Google, or if you want it to look like your own site, register for a free Google API key and use a freely available script to run a Google site-wide search.
  2. That mail-list service seemed pricey. I would consider Constant Contact. I've used their free trial and their service is pretty darn good. The pricing is here http://www.constantcontact.com/pricing.jsp Looks like 2k emails would run you about $50 - $75 per month. For the same money, you can get a semidedicated account at TCH. So, based on Jimuni's response, I'd say you should give it a look. The other possibility, not sure if it would work, would be to break your list into sub-lists and send them out in batches. What's a couple of hours difference in notification? For most lists, it doesn't matter at all. If you wanted to automate the task, I'm sure there are scripts available or they can be written.
  3. I've successfully used phpmailer to send mail. Nice features and it's pretty easy. Just google phpmailer and you'll find it.
  4. I also have used Force Type to pass variables to my php code. I used Mod Rewrite on another host before I moved to TCH... I can tell you that Force Type is MUCH easier. In my experience, Google will follow and index dynamic urls but they seem to give higher credence to urls that appear static.
  5. If I understand you correctly, then you are looking to have both the content and design driven off a database. Two suggestions: one would be to name your CSS styles the same as the field values in your one table so that when you are creating the table, it's a simple matter of adding a bit of code in the mix that says something like echo '<td class = ." . $memberInfo[$colname[$i]] . ">$memberInfo[$colname[$i]]</td>'; I'm not sure if I formatted the above line correctly, but the concept is to use css names that match the field names in your table. The rest is done on it's own. The second way is a bit more involved and would require you to have a database table matching field values to css classes (or attributes, id, whatever) and throwing in extra code to match them up. Then, you modify the values in your table, rather than messing with html. Frankly, I like the first idea better, and I hadn't really thought of it until you asked this question. I plan to use it soon.
  6. The script has been updated several times. I don't know why there is a problem with your form or the code, but the latest version has lots of improvements over the one that you are using. Ultimate Form Mail
  7. I've successfully used this script as-is after minor modifications. I have been ftp-ing the database backup to my site every day for many months. The script does work... I'm not sure what problems you're running into. I've read your posts and the only thing I could recommend is reinstalling the script and taking great care when you edit. Sorry I don't have a more specific answer.
  8. http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/i...?showtopic=2591 It does take some experimenting before you get it right. I gotta run but will try to be more detailed if the above thread doesn't help you enough.
  9. I would go with Jimuni's suggestion. But just to make the waters a little muddy, here are two other ideas: 1- build you own database driven system to check for passwords 2- use one already built and ready to use. Some TCH members have had great success with Amember. See the TCH help pages and third party software. Or another place you might look is HotScripts. Found at hotscripts.com Look under PHP or Perl/CGI
  10. I've seen another possible solution. Other members have had great success with Abyss web server software. I downloaded it to try and it was easy enough to install... several days passed before I got off my lazy butt to download php binaries. Before I could do so, Abyss started asking me to register. I just didn't want to mess with it. But others have said it works like a charm.
  11. I wanted to clarify something that might have sounded snotty Everyone at TCH is very helpful and will do what we can to help folks with scripting concepts. But when you have a language that will stop working if you misplace one ; or leave out one } in 8000 lines of code... it's not the type of thing that you can learn in an afternoon... not completely anyhow. I have several books right on my desk because... I reference them often. So, to clarify, we are all very happy to share our knowledge, but if you want to learn PHP, Perl, Javascript, or what have you, then a book will REALLY help. And it's a rare bird that has mastered any of these languages without ever investing in a book to speed the process and learn some new tricks. I've only suggest to two people that they buy a book... both indicated they really wanted to learn php. I feel better now.
  12. My knowledge of playing with .htaccess is limited. Maybe you should send a support ticket.
  13. Set up some scripts like phpNuke, phpPostNuke, Mambo, PHPwebsite, or any other Content Management System. (You'll only want to set up one of the above, so maybe you should play with phpNuke since there's a one click install in the CPanel) When you see something you like, open up the files on the server and see if you can figure out how it was done. If you get stuck, buy a book. That's exactly how I learned it.
  14. Will show you everything you want... pick the variable that interests you most.
  15. Not to discourage anyone from posting additional info... but you can find several pinned discussions about PHP and what books people like most. They're right here in the Coding Central portion of the forums at TCH. Personally, I think that PHP is a great all around scripting language that bypasses browser limitations and can add database functionality to your website. Nothing is a magic bullet, but PHP does quite a lot.
  16. I didn't want to be left out of all the fun. So here's a ballot for all of us not in California.
  17. This is the type of question that will get a bazillion and one different responses to. The bottom line IMHO is that it's just a matter of preference. I would suggest you tackle this in a different order. If I had it all to do over again, I would learn these pieces in this order: html css php mysql I'm still learning all the neat stuff that css can do. Now... to get the most bang for your buck, I'd learn just a few tricks with PHP and then refocus all your attention on CSS until you've got it down. include() header and footer date() for today's date I would leave the more advanced php and mysql stuff for last and only attempt to learn it when you have plenty of time to toy around with it. Absolutely. CSS pretties up your html and gives your page structure. PHP works on the server to add extra functionality and interactivity to your pages. It also forms the glue between your site and MySQL. SSI is something I've totally overlooked because I'm not aware of anything that SSI can do that PHP cannot. But I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if someone would like to correct me. Your post makes it sound as if you are trying to bite off too much at once. If you follow my recommendations, your time won't be wasted on confusing code but you'll still get some of the best benefits of PHP. Best of luck to you.
  18. I suggested upgrading to the latest version... best I can do without debugging the whole script. If it persists, then you need to change line 40 (version 1.5) >$referers[0] = $website; to >$referers[0] = "www.yoursite.com"; where www.yoursite.com is your actual domain. If that doesn't do it... then just eliminate line 40 altogether. That should remove the security check.
  19. Can you post the link to your form? And have you upgraded to the latest version of the script? Don't do it yet if you haven't already... I want to see what you've got now.
  20. I must be missing something because I don't see any difference between the two pages. I'm using Mozilla Firebird. Anyhow, php does the magic on the server side. The server reads the code and outputs html. So if your code isn't messed up, there is no difference in the output your browser receives. If your page is different that the one you started with, then you've missed something in your code. Maybe you already knew that, but a lot of people new to PHP think that the browser reads the php... it doesn't. What were you trying to do... include() header and footer html?
  21. You and I are singing the same song... I was just pointing out the differences. There are no monthly fees for PaySystems. You're right most payment gateways give you code you can paste... mine doesn't. But the fees are low. So whatcha gonna do? Nobody's perfect.
  22. I'd echo the part about $50 per month as a typical cost for accepting cards. I looked at Paysystems and their ilk Pros Very fast to set up Very simple to implement No monthly fees (that I know of) Easy to do recurring bills (subscriptions) Cons They take a high percentage of the transaction The rate they offer isn't always the rate they advertise They hold back a big percentage of money for safety The money doesn't go into your account right away They're Canadians... just kidding... they are Canadians though Your own merchant account Pros Money deposits right away Percentage of transaction should be much lower Your user doesn't have to leave your site at all No holdback on your money Cons Fees to set up (sometimes) Monthly fees are pricey Gateway interface can be a pain SSL certificate takes time and $$ I like some of the features of Paysystems but I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger because I added up the percentage of their cut (4%) and the holdback (6% I think) and I thought 'I don't want to net 90 cents on every dollar and have to wait for my money' Yes, I know the holdback is eventually given to you... but meanwhile I gotta pay my mortgage now. I think it's a good system, but I'm looking at setting up my own SSL for my merchant account and setting up my own Paysystems clone (just for me and various sites I have, not for others). I'm cheap and don't want to have to purchase multiple SSL's if I can avoid it. But I digress....
  23. Good job vendlus... you obviously know your way around a database... don't you?
  24. surefire

    Uh Oh

    If you are managing the site by putting up 20,000 static pages then you could save yourself tons of time and energy by driving this off a database. CMS (Content Management System) of some sort. I really think that you would benefit from putting this content into a database and switching php includes for the ssi functions. Upfront investment will pay big dividends.
  25. There are other threads in this forum on what happened and why but to sum up, the upgrade to the latest version of PHP involved a lot of chages in the working of the php code. (see php.net for more details) The changes caused some poorly written scripts to spew out error messages even though the errors weren't fatal (stopping the code in its tracks). So TCH chose to turn off the error reporting so that they wouldn't spend the next ten years answering "Why am I getting this error message on my page?" when in reality the page worked well enough. Is it harder to debug... yes. But you can turn on error reporting using .htaccess or in the code itself See http://us4.php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php I have found that most of the fixes light off an avalanche of information that is tough to wade through... so before you try to turn error reporting back on, you might want to try old fashioned debugging techniques. CPanel has no feature related to turning error reporting on or off.
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