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Everything posted by surefire

  1. Borfast is right on... While I was reading this thread, I realized that the file extension didn't match what you had advised him with the Add Type... and just to make thing simple, I suggested the easiest thing possible. I also noticed that the code was very unusual. Which is one of the reasons that I was recommending the easiest method possible. Borfast, I'm gonna duck out of this thread so I don't end up muddying the waters.
  2. My experience was the opposite. Hardly any hits for six months at another host... moved to TCH... avalanche. Not necessarily cause and effect... just my experience.
  3. Okay... this has gotten a bit out of control. Borfast gave you some very good information... but he is very advanced in his php knowledge and understanding. We need to back up and make this real simple. Once we get you to step one, then you can work your way up to modifying htaccess. It's not hard. But let's do something even easier. Basic rule: For php code to works your file must be named with a php extension. So... rename your index.shtml to index.php Then... delete index.shtml from your server Then... upload index.php Go to your site. That should work. Please try this.
  4. When you view the source code, you see the php markup tags <?php ?> Which means that the server doesn't know to parse your page as php. So you have two choices: 1- rename your page with a php extension So if it's index.htm then you change it to index.php and then upload it to the server and remove the old page. 2- follow the instructions given by Borfast
  5. First, it would be very easy to hack the scripts so that it would look more like Http://www.mywebsite.com/links/linkpage/id34.htm Second, I've heard it said in this forums and others that link farms are not good for SEO. Third, I am finding that Google, at the very least, is indexing most of my dynamic urls.
  6. For my part of the script, you're welcome. Make sure that you change the permissions for the folder to 777 What I want you to do is to PM me the contents of your config.php script. I'll take a look and see. Please read my long comment I added to this thread to make sure that you are uploading everything with an FTP client. Thanks. PS - Your page looks good... but you really should use a table (with some cellpadding) to line up your form nicely. It will make it look SOOOO much more professional... and it looks like your site is for generating business.
  7. Working with lightsh brought about two important points that I want to make about this script. And in future editions I'll include this info in the docs. I'll be posting a new edition soon that is really the same script but is more in depth in terms of faq and info on the workings of the program. Point One: Be VERY careful when you are editing and uploading the file that (a) your editing software doesn't chop any of the lines of code where it shouldn't be chopped and most of all ( that your ftp program doesn't do the same. lightsh and I discovered that CPanel ftp upload does tend to chop lines in bad places. Lesson: Use an FTP client (program) whenever possible. I have designed the code so that Word Pad and Notepad shouldn't hurt the contents of the program. Point Two: Some of the security measures are redundant. The thing about this script that makes it relatively safe (nothing's 100%) is that the recipient email address (your email address where the form info is sent) is hardwired into the script when you write it in the config.php file. This means that the script should only send email to that email address. A popular pearl script, FormMail.pl, has an achilles heel in that the recipient is determine in the html that has the form. Spammers have found ways to fool the script into sending email to other (hundreds and thousands) recipients. So... if you are getting Unauthorized Domain error messages. Then you probably have an issue outlined in point One... but you can also remove the line. There is still a danger, although a small one. The danger is that someone uses the script to send you a TON of email. The unauthorized domain is a safety switch, which when configured the right way, only accepts input from a form that resides on YOUR SITE. So I highly encourage you to keep it in place and use it... but the script can still run without it.
  8. My point is that at no time should the credit card numbers be sitting in someone's email. Even if the person processing the transactions is honest and ethical... are they going to lock their computer or turn it off every time they leave their desk? Is everyone with access to that computer equally ethical? And what happens when that computer gets sold to someone else on ebay or donated to charity? 99% chance that those emails will still be on the hard drive. I have a merchant account with Authorize.net. This is not an endorsement of their service, but it makes a point. The card gets processed by them. Mind you, this is NOT a third party all-in-one service. This is my own merchant account. But when the email comes to me, some of the numbers are left out. This is to protect the card holder. If I NEED to verify a transaction or track something down, then I can call them up or log in to their site and put in the correct info. If you are insistant on using email, then the next best thing would be encryption that keeps the info encrypted even while it's on the user's hard drive and goes back to the encrypted state after it's been opened and used. I'm doubtful that PGP does that. I'm a little more paranoid than most conumers but I'm also aware of the rising level of identity theft. If I used a service and found out that the transaction was secure... but now my info is sitting in someone's email... I'd be mucho mad. You've asked a question... Although you may not like the answers...you've gotten some honest answers from different points of view.
  9. Congratulations Rob! Now get to work Sorry. Just wanted to use that whip emoticon. Reminds me of working for 'the man' Yuck! ... which is definitely NOT what it's like working for TCH. Okay. I just hit my emoticon limit for the month.
  10. I verified that the script is functional. No error message. The only thing that I can think is that your home computer is using the mailit and config scripts that it saved in the cache. If it stored a copy of these files in cache and you then updated the referers array with the correct info, then that would explain why your personal computer is giving you fits, while all other computers seem to be working. This is just a guess. Try clearing your cache and see if that works. I'll save someone the time of pointing out that PHP scripts are server side and so cached files probably shouldn't be an issue... I just can't think of what else it could be. No one has reported this as a problem. And these types of problems usually don't fix themselves on their own. There are lots of mail scripts out there and I never take it personally when someone decides not to use the one I helped create... but having said that, I run this script on all my sites and on dozens of client sites... I've never seen this problem if I've configured the config.php file correctly.
  11. This is a VERY unsafe way of doing this. Your gut is telling you the right thing... you need another solution. Even sending the info through a secure form is unsafe since the numbers are sitting in someone's email inbox. One way to do this correctly is to process the credit cards through a secure form or third party service and have part of the number x'd out before the invoice is emailed to them. Check out paysystems, 2checkout, among other services.
  12. Yep. That's a good idea. The next version will contain an index page.
  13. I'm not 100% sure about this... but it could very well have something to do with topics being rearranged slightly in the forums. There's a little Spring cleaning going on.
  14. Thank you so much for the analysis. I'm definitely guilty of putting my clients' sites before my own. The shoemaker's children go barefoot. Great advice. I'll get cracking on it. You mentioned different meta tags for each page... I think I'm already doing that. **** I just fixed all of the tags (td, tr, alt and so on). Now the only thing the html validator kicks out is the session ID and the title tags... which for some reason it doesn't like the title tags on my page. I've been so busy with other stuff that I haven't had time to clean up my code. Embarrassing. I'll get cracking on a redesign of the site so the title tags are used more effectively. Thanks again.
  15. I don't know if this is still an issue... But the reason I steered clear of ready-to-use CMS systems was that the dynamic urls seemed to be at a disadvantage when it came to getting Google and other search engines to spider. As I said, this may no longer be an issue, but it was for some time. Dynamic urls those long stings with ?&= in them like www.yoursite.com/default?id=2&topic=3 The issue was big enough for me to start builing my own content management system based on my own needs. It's certainely not perfect, but it taught me a lot. You learn a lot of php scripting when you have to build it yourself. If I were going to build my own CMS system from scratch, I'd probably build it based on a object oriented system like SMARTY or something similar. But basically, I'd still be building from scratch.
  16. I think they're looking for your database name. If you username in cpanel were "insignia" and you named your database "whatever" then you'd put define("MYDB", "insignia_whatever"); // <-- mysql db pname When you go to Cpanel, and choose Manage Mysql, it should show you the name of your database. Also can be found in PHP myadmin.
  17. What are you looking to do with pdflib? Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, there might be other solutions.
  18. Top two: Travel nursing jobs Travel nurse Do you want more?
  19. A lot of TCH members have found this little script a valuable replacement for Form Mail and it has many features other scripts are lacking. http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/i...?showtopic=2912
  20. And I'm glad that script is working well for you.
  21. Thank you, sir.
  22. Try adding a slash before your images in your code so that <img src="logo-squares.jpg" width="250" height="88"><br> becomes <img src="/logo-squares.jpg" width="250" height="88"><br> If that doesn't work, check that you have uploaded the files to your server. I get a 404 error when I try to view the images by typed the url into my browser.
  23. I will take your comment as the most honest critique I've ever received since you weren't aware that I designed it myself. (Notice my 'handle' I go by in the TCH forums ) The reason I asked for a review, was because when you post in this particular part of the board, you can ask (nicely) Dsdemmin, the resident SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert to give a quick review of the site vis a vis... SEO. So, thank you for the kind words... I'm actually about to update the look of the site. Thanks again for the kind words... you didn't even know you were complimenting me. :hug: I love you man.
  24. Both are good ideas... any more? Or more votes for either of the two?
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