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Here's a script I have shared with TCH members. Very secure and easy to set up. http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/i...wtopic=2912&hl=
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do. It seems that you have different length fields and you're trying to snip pieces off the ends of the data. If that's the case, you can use strlength() function to get the length of the data string. This piece of information can be used with the other php functions you are using to snip off the size pieces you want. If I misunderstood, please elaborate.
You're welcome. And I'll take you up on that.
>RewriteEngine on ## Ignore www.**** and **** RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.yourdomain\.com [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^yourdomain\.com [NC] ## A directory with the name of the subdomain must exist RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%1 -d ## Add the requested hostname to the URI ## [C] means that the next Rewrite Rules uses this RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [C] ## Translate abc.****/foo to ****/abc/foo RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9A-Z]+)\.yourdomain\.com/?(.*)$http://www.******/$1/$2 [L] create a text file name it whatever you want Add the above code to it replace 'yourdomain' with your domain (leave out www and dot whatever) save the file ftp the file to your server in your public_html directory rename the file .htaccess Seems like you've seen what can happen and you survived. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to back up your site... database and all. But that's just good policy whenever making a major change site wide. Dunno. Didn't write it.
Found this in Google... this looks like the answer you are looking for ht*p://isp-lists.isp-planet.com/isp-webhosting/0203/msg00551.html I wrote the above url so there wouldn't be a link... I think you know to replace the * with a t. I'm sorry the Apache Mod Rewrite info was confusing... but this stuff isn't easy. Please be aware that if you start giving the server instructions to modify your urls without really knowing what's going on, then you run the risk of something going haywire in a big way.
First, I read somewhere that subdomains have to be typed in without the www... and I never verified that for certain. But up until now, that's what I've assumed. You asked about mod rewrite. Before I came to TCH, I wanted to use Apache Force Type but my old host ran windows or it wouldn't work for some reason so I worked my way through with mod rewrite and successfully did it. It wasn't easy and that's my only experience with mod rewrite. I found this Here http://httpd.apache.org/docs/misc/rewriteguide.html So you might want to check that out. I tried to Google your question and didn't come up with much. Sorry.
Thanks for the kudos. You're welcome. I'm creating version 1.5 now. Debugging feature Multiple file uploads Improved email validation Version 1.6 will likely Have cleaner code Have more sample forms to use
I agree with all of the above. Every business has a handful of vendors that they write regular checks to. These usually aren't competitors. Ask the captain which vendors get his business. Approach them for links. If they don't have a site, you've got a new prospect. And the link is very relevant. Repeat as necessary. Theoretically, you could have an endless chain of new business expanding out geometrically. Of course it won't work that way, but it's as good a place to start as any. It can also be done the other way. Does he have any corporate clients? Do they have sites? Would they give him a link for nothing? Would they do it for something that would be valuable to them (full day fishing for half day price?) which costs the captain diddly squat. Does the marina where he keeps his boat have a site? Yes: link. No: website client. Where does he buy his bait? His fishing tackle, rods, and reels? Who made his boat? His navigation system? His fishfinder? His polarized sunglasses? Which camera shop develops the pictures of the fish? The captain could write an article and send it in to the local rag in Key West (which probably has a site) and he could get a link from them... plus good advertising. If he doesn't like to write, have a local grad student (or professor) write an article for him. Ghostwriting happens all the time. Ask Hillary Clinton. She didn't 'write' her latest multi-million dollar book... she gave her ghostwriters 'guidance' and 'parameters'. Not all of these are golden winners... but maybe one or two will get your creative juices going. PS - One of my clients is a dealer for sprint phones... business keysets. He does a lot of business with Sprint... but really a drop in the bucket compared to all of their business. But I told hime to call his Sprint rep and ask for a link. Do they? Can they? Would they? Turns out... No they don't... but yes they will... he'll be the first. If we can get sprint to add the link to their site the way I want them to... oh boy. Wanna talk about relevant and high quality?! Not bragging... but if Sprint will do it for my phone salesman, there's no reason not to ask the biggest vendors of your client. Just don't expect it to happen overnight. Large corporations measure policy changes in epochs.
http://forums.devshed.com/archive/4/2002/04/4/34559 Make sure that you know basic security feature for your database, especially if you are going to be accepting user input from visitors. Become familiar with addslashes and htmlspecialchars functions. Ugly things can happen if you build a database driven site without precautions and safety measures built in.
Do a search on and you'll find plenty of info. The one bit that I would add to Wilexa's post is that if you are going to use sessions to pass variables, then you should have a testing script that makes sure the user can accept cookies (or sessions) and have a back up plan if they can't. Some ultra high security sessions will disable the sessions feature of php.
I really like the layout and the colors you're using.
After tweaking, modifying, and watching the results... one of my sites has catapulted from the eighth page of Google to the #8 position on page one for a VERY competitive keyphrase. The site was launched about six months ago and has been an ongoing project. When I came to TCH, I started reading the info from posts made by Dsdemmin. Before TCH, I had invested in a book (ebook) in search engine positioning by Planet Ocean. The book was a good start but this stuff is changing all the time so some of it was outdated. I would encourage any TCH family member to read his posts very carefully and to REALLY examine your site for possible improvements. I can't tell you how many times I skimmed a post, thought "Yeah, I've done that." when in reality I hadn't. I was sloppy and lazy. I will also tell anyone else who wants to improve their search engine results that you should use each month as a test. Get a hunch, change something (slightly) and see what happens. This is how you will find out for CERTAIN if something works or doesn't work. Also, check your keyphrase in the search engine of your choice and see who ranks the highest. Why do they rank so well? Who is linking to them? You'll learn a lot by doing your homework. Out and out tricks usually don't work and can get you banned. For all of you with dynamic sites... I'll tell you that my own experiments indicate to me (and I believe this wholeheartedly!) that although Google will index and follow dynamic urls... they give better ranks to static ones (or apparently static ones ) If you have dynamic urls (www.yoursite.com/index.php?id=34&cat=12) then you might want to invest the time and energy to recode your site for static looking urls. I will also tell you that although search engines can 'read' text links better than image links... there are times when image links are the thing to use, and times when text links are the thing to use. (Some links you might not want the search engines to 'read') Pay special attention to your home page and every detail about it. How many outbound links are there? Which ones are text and which are images? What do your header tags say? Your title? Your text? The more competitive your keyphrases and the niche you are trying to crack, the more focused your site has to be on one (maybe two) keyphrases. Would you rather be in the top five for only one of your keyphrases or on the third page for several of your keyphrases? And keep going for inbound text links with your keywords in them. I don't know everything but I've learned a ton from reading, testing, and watching. I've jumped from being buried in the eighth page to a very good position on the first page in a competitive category. It CAN be done. And as a final note, from someone with 13,000 pages indexed in Google, I will tell you that Dsdemmin is right, quality trumps quantity. Although I hope to soon have both. Thank you Dsdemmin. Your writing is often cryptic... but figuring it out has been fun.
I'm not much of an OOP code writer, but shouldn't you have code like That's the best I've got. Hope it helps.
Yes... this script just does it automatically.
Set up a cron job. This could be tricky if you've never done it before. There is info in this thread and others on the forum that explain it. For testing, you might want to set up to execute every five minutes or so, as long as your database isn't too huge.
I think that the errors indicate that the setup variables aren't correct. I think you already knew that. I would guess that you probably put the $dbname (name of your database) incorrectly. Or you forgot to assign the user to the database. It took a bit of tweaking on my part to get the script running correctly. The way I solved it was to open an ftp connection to my site and see that the script was sucessfully uploading a file. I saw where the file was being put (not where I wanted) and went back into the script to find out why. A little tip... if you are emailing the file to yourself, then you don't need to ftp the file to your site. It's redundant... and you'll still have a file on your site if you set up the vars correctly. Also, I noticed that you put the script in the public_html folder... you should strongly consider moving it outside the public_html directory. Put it in your home folder.
Aol And Setting Up Pop3 For Outlook
surefire replied to karmacriminal's topic in CPanel and Site Maintenance
Thanks so much. Link opened fine. My client will be very happy. -
Aol And Setting Up Pop3 For Outlook
surefire replied to karmacriminal's topic in CPanel and Site Maintenance
RJSKon, I looked for the Compuserve forum you mentioned but couldn't locate it on the web... could you please provide more info? One of my clients is on compuserve and wants to set up Outlook. Thanks. -
I myself have wondered the same question... but in thinking it through, I doubt it seriously. CSS is interpreted by the browser. So just like images, other digital media, html, and javascript... if the browser can interpret it... it's accessible. I've seen one case where the actual file was moved behind several links... so it was more work. I've also seen pages that have been run through some sort of obfuscation code to render a bunch of javascript that is tough to read. None of these are foolproof. Maybe someone else has a better solution. But in the end... if you don't want anyone to ever see it, then don't put it on the web. You may not like that answer but it's generally true.
Tracy, I don't know if you can ftp a page to their site. If you can, upload an info page. ><?php phpinfo(); ?> I would be willing to bet that they are using an older version of PHP. If that's the case... then maybe this will help >For those of us who don't have the luxery of upgrading to the latest version of PHP on all of the servers we use but want to use the same variable names that are used in the latest version for super global arrays here's a snippet of code that will help: // Makes available those super global arrays that are made available // in versions of PHP after v4.1.0. if (isset ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) { $_SERVER = &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; } if (isset ($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { $_GET = &$HTTP_GET_VARS; } if (isset ($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; } if (isset ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS)) { $_COOKIE = &$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; } if (isset ($HTTP_POST_FILES)) { $_FILES = &$HTTP_POST_FILES; } if (isset ($HTTP_ENV_VARS)) { $_ENV = &$HTTP_ENV_VARS; } if (isset ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS)) { $_SESSION = &$HTTP_SESSION_VARS; } The only downfall to this is that there's no way to make them super global. Chances are, though, if you're using a lot of global arrays in your code you should consider a code redesign! :) Hope this helps.
Very cool indeed! Thumbs Up
I'd strongly recommend the CMG page I linked to in the opening post. There are some cool drop downs in there. I really try to avoid using javascript but if the menu was truly huge, then a drop down would be perfect. Personally, I think that the 'perfect' drop down menu would be a marriage between PHP and javascript where the javascript array (and some of the code) would be determined by php. That way, modifying the navigation would be as simple as adding to a comma delimited list. As is, I kinda like the HV Menu found at CMG. Wish it had the ability to set a slight delay for the drop down. In the future, I might modify HV Menu to be used with a PHP backend.
I'm not sure if this is the cause... but you might try capitalizing SERVER and adding a forward slash in front of inc. If that doesn't work, then try using the absolute url. like... htttp://www.whatever.com/inc/PHhead.php
Before I get flamed for bashing javascript... I'd like to point out that this little post is more about using javascript intelligently than eliminating it completely. Javascript works great for certain purposes. IMHO it's best use is to make sites easier for the visitor to use and navigate. Javascript can be used to check form data before it's submitted or dynamically change forms on the fly. And we all know that javascript can make elegant drop down menus for navigation. But I think that once a webdesigner or do it yourselfer starts learning javascript or borrowing free javascript code, there's a strong temptation to go 'nuts' with javascript everywhere on the site. "So what's the harm?" you ask?... Here are some reasons why you might want to limit your use of java script: Javascript can be interpreted differently by different browsers and older versions... ruining the effect Javascript can be blocked by some browsers Some javascript effects turn off visitors and are considered annoying Many of the cool rollover techniques can be imitaded and replicated by CSS Let's look at that last one. Javascript can create neat rollover buttons. Some effects can only be done with javascript... no doubt. But have you seen all of the cool javascript-like effects that you can recreate with CSS? You'd be amazed at what you can do to make your site look like it's using javascript rollovers... without all the fuss. Here is a short list of advantages CSS holds over java script: Javascript rollovers require loading of two images for every button one the page... CSS requires none (or one) and is MUCH faster for page loading Search engines can't read your javascript links as well as it can read text links jazzed up with CSS Not a long list... but the benefits are VERY attractive. So enough theory... let's look at an example: CMG Code Resource This navigation scheme looks great. It's all done with Cascading Style Sheets... not javascript. And this is for a site that is a resource for javascript! And here's a page with a short tutorial on how to make neat image links with CSS replicating some javascript effects: Design Meme In closing, javascript is a great tool... but it's frequently overused. See if there are some areas on your site that you can make java-free. Your pages will load faster and your search engine rankings might benefit.
I think your best bet would be to submit a help ticket and include the header information from one or two of the suspect emails. The tech support folks at TCH are brilliant and they might be able to look into this for you.