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Everything posted by surefire

  1. ><?php function get_microtime() { $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime); $mtime = doubleval($mtime[1]) + doubleval($mtime[0]); return ($mtime); } $time1 = get_microtime(); //all the stuff you want to time goes here $time2 = get_microtime(); $diff = abs($time2-$time1); ?> From PHP Developer's Cookbook
  2. Wilexa echoes the point I tried to make earlier, Deverill. You need to carefully craft your page titles and the text in the links back to the site so that the keyphrases are first and concentrated. In other words, put the name of the company last, if at all in the title of the page, put the keyphrases first, and don't dilute their effect with long page titles. You are going to have to focues on some keyphrases at the expense of others. Sometimes you'll find a 'gimme' in your log files such as the 'shark fishing' that you mentioned. This occurs when you find a term that you accidentally rank well for and where there is little competition. Put up a page dedicated to this topic and you'll probably rank even better... until someone wants to dedicate their entire site to the subject. Currently, the inbound links, page titles, and H1 tags are not set up to give your client's site the best bang for the buck. There are easy things you can do to improve this. If you decide to go with any paid advertising. Go with pay per click... and don't direct the traffic to the home page... direct it to a page where you have code that will count the hits in a database. This way you know what you're getting. Don't rely on their count stats... use your own. While we're talking about pay per click... a short term solution for your client is to invest in a pay per click program at Overture or Google Ad Words. While your long term goal should be hits for 'free'... this is a quick way to generate targeted traffic. If you know your numbers and your client is willing to 'buy' clients (and any smart business person should) then this can be a great marketing strategy. The frustrating thing about search engine marketing is that you can make a modification to your site today.. and not see the results for weeks or months sometimes. Pay per click can generate traffic immediately. Just be smart about your bids. And like I said... your client can only take X many people per week. So you're not looking for as many leads as possible... you're looking to convert what visitors you do get to sales. Big difference.
  3. My approach would be different than Wilexa's (not better, just different). You fishing charter client probably only needs one or two clients to come from the web for it to be worth the time, effort, and money. Obviously we all want more... but let's aim for something realistic. I would look at the fact that the tighter keyphrase 'fishing key west' and 'fishing key west charter' are going to Have less competition than 'Key West' Be a tighter match with client to business And between the two, you have 1700 potential hits PER MONTH. If your client is like most charter operations, there is only one boat and therefore only a fixed number of people they can handle per week. So after a certain point, getting too many leads is pointless. If you brought them 1700 leads per month, that would be too many. So why try to cast a bigger net (no pun intended). My suggestion would be to get a fix on who this charter group wants for clients, and what they are typing in to find charter services in Key West. Do not compete in the broader 'Key West' category. Go for a tighter match so that anyone who lands on the site from a search will think 'That's exactly what I'm looking for.' But that's only half the battle. Once the person gets to the site, what are you going to offer them in order to compel them to raise their hand and say 'I might be a potential client'...? Too many sites just say "Here's what we do, here's our phone number". You've got to watch the numbers and work on converting as many visitors to clients as possible. Getting 'eyeballs' don't pay the rent. Getting leads into the funnel and having a mechanism in place to convert those leads to sales is the trick. I'm currently working with a client on this very thing. They have plenty of 'eyeballs' but their sales stink because they didn't give me what I told them to give me... compelling content and an irresistable offer. They told me to put their existing brochures online. Boring... boring... boring. They're starting to come around now that I've shown them the numbers. Good luck.
  4. Well, one reason why you haven't gotten your emails when Google visits is because the script probably isn't being read by the server. View the source code of the home page and you see And if I can see the PHP code in the source, then it's not working... period. So I'd check the file logs to see if Google has visited. Also, and I'm not the pro here at TCH, that's DSDemmin, I would focus on tighter keyword phrases. I see in your page that you have listed "Key West, charter, fishing, boat.." and stuff like that. I would narrow it down and try to use more precise keyphrases. You need to do a lot of research here. I would think "Key West charter" or "Key West fishing" would be your best bet. Leave out the rest once you decide on 2 or 3. The links to the page are critical. What do they say? If they say 'Grand Slam' then that's worthless (almost) if that isn't a keyphrase. Your link back to him should say "Key West Charter: Grandslam" or something like that. Also, the title for the page should be shorter and focus more on keyphrases at the front of the title. "Key West fishing charters: Grand Slam" would be good. Anyhow, gotta run.
  5. In this particular instance, I did a Google for javascript rollover and found many places where you could generate code for these things on the fly. But now that I have code that works, I'll just copy and paste as needed. And I second Andy's thoughts.
  6. Yes. Search engine 'spiders' check for the existence of this file first. Has nothing to do with servers.
  7. MazzaRC, Dave is right... the PHP code just tells the server what HTML to send to your browser. Your browser has no way of knowing (or interpreting) that a page is php. So the question isn't "Why is PHP being interpreted differently by different browsers, OS?" The question is "Why are the different browsers, OS interpreting the same HTML and style sheets differently?" I'm not the end all and be all of programming... but this is something that I can tell you with absolute certainty. The only time that different browsers would affect PHP would be if cookies come into play.
  8. I had no problems switching domains over. I am about to do some more. Just read very carefully and follow the instructions. Watch your email a little more closely when you transfer... you'll want to make sure you don't delete an important email.
  9. You change the robots.txt file. I found this Obviously, replace hidden.html with the page(s) and dir(s) not to index. Also, I think you could password protect the section and the spiders wouldn't get in. *** If you haven't put a robots.txt file on your site then you probably don't have one. It's just a text file put in the public_html directory of your site. I would advise reading a tutorial on it because if you goof it up then you might send all spiders away from all pages.
  10. http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_...gers/index.html Free php mailing list looks like a winner.
  11. All in all, I think Macromedia Dreamweaver is great for helping me debug code and design sites. I know that most of you are aware that Dreamweaver writes weird (read: bad) code for javascript. It turns out that for a simple rollover, Dreamweaver wrote twice as much code as it took and did a very poor job of it. I was very surprised when a client called me up and said that the site was giving them errors... I thought they were talking about the extensive PHP code in the site. It took a lot of time to figure out that their browser was configured to pop up a warning when bad javascript was sent to the computer. They thought the site was broken. Anyhow, I make a practice of avoiding javascript at all costs but this one time I decided to use it. Lesson learned: don't use macromedia to write your javascript (or php for that matter)
  12. It's really hard to say what solution would be best... there are so many available. Many scripts are ready to use and free at Hotscripts.com If you want an interactive slide show then you probably want to use javascript. I can also think of ways to give your pages a non-Java static 'feel' even though there's server side code generating all the content, images, and links you need. It also sounds like you would benefit greatly from a post that several of us contributed on. Go here http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/i...hp?showforum=66 to find them. Minitutorial 1 and the other thread on PHP Includes Good stuff.
  13. Thank you for the nod, Turtle. If I remember previous posts, I think you might be a convert from another script. There are plenty of good scripts. But after tinkering with mine for a while, I've got it to the point where the program does 99% of the work for you... all you gotta do is change the email address. Can't get much easier than that.
  14. I see... sorry for not looking closer. It's possible to install php on your PC but I know nothing about that. Don't know why I assumed you were doing that. Anyhow. You've posted a lot of code. I know you're looking for a white knight to rescue you but I've spent the better part of the past two days hacking scripts on several large sites. I seriously don't have it in me to weed through your code. I'll tell give you a good idea of where to focus Either 1- functions.php file and look at function writeCalendar($month, $year) or possibly 2- the template file... which I don't think you posted here. This php script is like many others that tell the server how to write the html code depending on various situations. But the end result is html. So I would look at the source code of your html that's produced. Once you figure out why the html isn't showing in the second example (unclosed tr, td, or table tags I would guess) then you can go try to hunt down the incorrect php code that makes it happen. Why does it work in one browser? OS? Same reason that every site looks a little (or very) different between IE and Mozilla. This didn't hand the answer to you on a silver platter... but it should cut your debug time down dramatically. Hope it helps. PS - Confucious say: Best way to learn php is to hack away at others' code.
  15. I'd love to help but I'm so used to uploading php to the apache servers that I wouldn't know where to start. Can anyone else help?
  16. Lol. That's good... and thanks for the vote! Got six votes the last time I checked.
  17. As I understand it, this member described an online tool that would post information to a database, compare it to stored values, score it, and send it back to the user automatically. Excel can't do this... to my knowledge.
  18. I have a script that you can put into a page that will tell you how fast it takes for the server to execute all the code. Anytime you want to see the run time, you just view the source code. Not sure if that's the same.
  19. I've never used anything but Photoshop. It has a steep learning curve but once you get comfortable with it, you can create images very quickly. The program is much more than I need though. I'm probably using 2% of what it can do.
  20. The thing I love most about TCH is that we encourage each other to learn and try new things with our website creations. Today is a first for me, and I could use your support. Today I updated the Ultimate Form Mail script so that it's easier to use than ever. I also made it available at Hot Scripts.com... my first script I've opened to the public ever. If you have used the script (and I know many of you have) then please give me a vote by going to the download page for The Ultimate Form Mail Script And cast your vote at that page. Thank you in advance for your time.
  21. Great News... Version 1.4 is realeased and there are a TON of improvements. Basically, all you have to do is upload the two files and change one line... the email you want message sent to. That's it! It's just as secure as previous versions and keeps all the bells and whistles. Here is the change log for version 1.4 >Simplified script so only one change needed. Removed $referers array from config.php and hardwired into mailit.php >Removed $allowed_recipients array from config.php >Just as secure as previous versions (extremely secure) >Simplified script so autoresponder works fine by just turning it on >Script automatically tailors the reply email based on the host name >Simplified script so that notification email tailored to the host name >Improved the layout of the autoresponder reply email >Added a Frequently Asked Questions file >Added a Help Forum Plus there's a FAQ file. This script has to be one of the easiest to install.
  22. Please give us a link to your site so that one of us can help you out. More than likely, the code pointing to your images directory isn't written properly.
  23. surefire

    Uh Oh

    SSI is a server side technology. So all the 'magic' goes on at the server before the page is even sent to the browser. That's why I love server side script so much. Here's what I found That's from http://www.2kweb.net/support/virtual/web/conf/ssi.html So maybe you need to add this extra line or two of code in your .htaccess I don't use SSI and opt for PHP... but you already knew that.
  24. I'd put the excel idea on the back burner and focus on getting that information into an a mysql database. Once the data is in the database, there is an infinite number of things you can do with it. You described something that I already put on one of my sites. FYI, if you are new to server side scripting and database work then it's going to take some time to teach yourself everything you need to know. This is a pretty big project to undertake as your first introduction to programming. I fully encourage you to take on the challenge if you have the patience and time to see it through to the end. You'll learn a ton. Best of luck to you.
  25. TCH has incredible uptime. I think the code that you're looking for really depends on the way your site is written. For example, my sites rely very heavily on server side coding. If the server was having a hiccup, then my site probably wouldn't show at all. I am having trouble coming up with a scenario where your site would still be up and running but the server would have a feature that wasn't working. Again, not to blow off your question, but TCH has such amazing up time that I'd stongly that such a script wouldn't become useful except maybe a fraction of 1% of the time. IMHO you might as well just put up a gif file that says "This server is working perfectly" and just leave it there.
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