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Fear of gas shortage is causing a run on gas in my area (Orlando, FL).


Lines of cars, bagged handles for empty pumps, and tempers....Can't believe the panic. I paid $2.72 for regular yesterday ($2.92 for high test) and now the few places that still have gas are raising the prices on gas already in their tanks.


Don´t know how much a gallon is compared to our litres, but here in Sweden we pay 12.28 skr for one litre. On the other hand I just read today that the market will start exporting oil to you guys so maybe your prices will drop. :thumbup1:


$3.02 here yesterday. Up a dime from the day before. What really makes me angry is that these stations have already paid a certain price for the gas in their underground tanks. So how can they raise the price up until they receive their next shipment of gas?




I just filled up my Diesel Dodge Pickup Truck.


Paid $3.09 per gallon for diesel.


Price for regular gasoline is around $3.39 a gallon.


The rich getting richer and the rest of us are getting poorer.


You think you've got it bad?


In the UK (where I no longer live thankfully!) the average price of gas is 89.7p per litre.

1 US Gallon is 3.79 litres, which makes it £3.40 a gallon.

According to xe.com, that's $6.26 a gallon! That's normal everyday pricing.


Here in Spain it's slightly better, around 1€ a litre = $4.75 a gallon.


It's the governments that get rich in Europe with fuel taxes.




I said in my original post:

the few places that still have gas are raising the prices on gas already in their tanks
And Old Timer also said this:
these stations have already paid a certain price for the gas in their underground tanks. So how can they raise the price up until they receive their next shipment of gas?


So is it price gouging when the merchandise already in stock has the price drastically increased because it is in demand and a necessary item?


Seems to me the price for that gas already in the tanks was set the day the tank was full and that the gas station owner will be billed for that amount of fuel at that set price. So how can it be justified to increase the price when you haven't been charged an increase in price yet???? Don't get me wrong. I am ALL FOR MAKING A PROFIT, but when it causes hardships..... And besides, it's not just the cost at the pump. Those gas prices impact the cost of groceries, services, etc.



Anyone in california? would like to know current prices out there....




I'm in San Jose California. Went by the same station today and the price hadn"t changed since yesterday (small miracle) $3.02 regular.


Thing is the price of everything will rise. Almost all items delivered to stores are shipped by truck.


Time to get the cobwebs off the bike. :lol:

(price of beer hasn't gone up yet. :lol2:



(price of beer hasn't gone up yet.)

Yeah...YET. Maybe they could figure out a way to make a vehicle run on beer!


Question...would that then be considered drunk driving?


Today I saw the local Shell station selling their V-Power gasoline (I guess it's like super-ultimate or something) for $3.51/gallon.


That's just nuts. I filled up yesterday for $3.09, and most places around here are holding steady at $3.19 or $3.29. Though a few places are as low as $2.99, but they sell out very quickly.


Travelled from Ft. Lauderdale ($3.05 average) to Lake City, FL ($2.99 average). Turnpike costs were $3.18 for regular. Been reading info online how many stations back home were low or out of fuel today. Looks like I top off where/when I can. I can see where the gas situation is gonna be rough on those of us who HAVE to travel for work. This is crazy!

I said in my original post: 
the few places that still have gas are raising the prices on gas already in their tanks

And Old Timer also said this:

these stations have already paid a certain price for the gas in their underground tanks. So how can they raise the price up until they receive their next shipment of gas?
So is it price gouging when the merchandise already in stock has the price drastically increased because it is in demand and a necessary item?


Seems to me the price for that gas already in the tanks was set the day the tank was full and that the gas station owner will be billed for that amount of fuel at that set price. So how can it be justified to increase the price when you haven't been charged an increase in price yet????

It is true that the gas already in service station storage tanks has already been bought and paid for, but at least part of the price of a gallon of gas is how much the service station owner has to pay to *replace* the gallon of gas they sell you. I imagine that service station owners are expecting wholesale prices to increase (they'll have to pay more to get their storage tanks refilled), so they are passing the anticipated increase in their costs to the customer. If they didn't, the increase in wholesale price would come out of the service station owner's pocket until they could sell the entire next shipment of gas.


Anyone in california?  would like to know current prices out there....

Prices were already high out here, but they're going up too. This morning, a relative was looking for gas and saw a station selling gas for $2.99, with a long line of cars waiting to fill up. This afternoon, that same station is seliing gas at $3.15.


Dont forget the independant stations. We have one here selling for $3.19 a galon. He was interviewed in the paper stating that he has to pay $3 per galon just to the gas company that brings it in. I just heard on the news that most stations here in Phoenix are already out of gas.

they are passing the anticipated increase in their costs to the customer. If they didn't, the increase in wholesale price would come out of the service station owner's pocket until they could sell the entire next shipment of gas.


I can accept that. Shame that the local business owner with the local gas pumps are put between a rock and a hard place just like the rest of us.


Prices increased again to $3.19/gal regular here, for that stations that have gas. Many stations seem to be getting just partial fills. They reopen only half the pumps for a day or so then out again...


Maybe I'll check EBAY for a moped on sale.... :)


New Study Finds Oil Company Profiteering Behind Gasoline Price Spikes


The study by petroleum industry analyst Tim Hamilton showed, for


example, that from January 17th to April 18th 2005 gasoline prices jumped


65 cents per gallon and refiner profits rose by 61 cents per gallon. The


extra four cents went to the state in increased sales tax collection. The


study concluded that California's percentage sales tax provides an economic


incentive for government officials to promote high prices at the pump


because they result in greater tax collection -- an estimated $1 billion more


in California during 2005 due to the price gouging. The consumer group


recommends a "windfall profits rebate" be instituted.


Complete article HERE




I am waiting for the following from my bank;


"Due to increased fuel costs associated with transferring funds between accounts, a 10% fee will be added to all transactions involving direct deposits and balance transfers."


Something I found interesting. Yes, the companies are gouging us because they can and the hurricane is a great excuse... but...


At least here in Key West, we have hurt ourselves more. Because everyone panicked and made a run on the stations, their schedules have been disrupted. Instead of X trucks per month like normal, they need to do 3 trucks NOW and that costs them a boatload more from the providers in Miami.


There is no excuse though. Most of what was hurt in LA was Natural Gas and the limitation on gasoline is not oil but refineries. We have 20 year old refineries and nothing significant build since. They were saying that 2 ports in South Florida had a total of about 130 million gallons of fuel sitting there and the station here said that he has full trucks in Miami just waiting to come down. But yet we have folks sitting out in the street in line at the few stations open.


As for price? I can't say - they all took down their prices from the signs. Guess if they are the only ones in town with gas then it doesn't matter how much it is.


Hi all,


See this comparison:


01 galon = 2.92 It is wonderful... :)


01 galon = 3.7843 litres correct?


In Brasil , gasoline is sold for Litre.


Each litre cost U$ 6,07


01 galon = U$ 22,95 :)


Someone that come to live in the Brazil? Hahahahah :D


do you mean $22.95 ? a gallon?


OH my Gosh. Are you kidding?


It got up to $3.15 in Texas, but now its gone down to 2.89.


I never thought Id be happy with 2.89 a gallon. I remember when it was .19 a gallon. Whew. :blink:

Yeah...YET.  Maybe they could figure out a way to make a vehicle run on beer!


Question...would that then be considered drunk driving?


Well they have already figured out. See this pages:


Mother Earth Alcohol Fuel manual http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_librar...arth/meToC.html

The Manual for the Home and Farm Production of Alcohol Fuel by S.W. Mathewson : http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_librar...manual_ToC.html


Too cool! Make all you want and drink the excess! :clapping:


"Mmmmm....beeeeerrrr": Homer J. Simpson


Interesting situation around here, tho'. Gas stations with fuel are very few and far in between. Seems like when they get some in, the next day they are gone. Apparently it's an issue in the western part of the panhandle. Prices are holding about $2.65-2.70 for regular when they have gas.


Prices are holding strong at around $3.09 here in Key West. The funny thing is that I live at MM 17, Key West is MM0 and the other direction at about MM 30 the gas is $2.89 Crazy stuff... they are just doing it cuz they can in KW.

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