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Everything posted by Samrc

  1. Samrc


    Misery loves company? I am enjoying taking a break and popping bubbles (except for a couple nasty levels!). Unlike most online flash or shockwave games, this one holds your place so you can just re-enter where you left off. FUN (for the most part). Just showed it to my boss and she can not wait to try.
  2. Samrc


    Still on level 45 at home, level 27 at work. Found the next version of this torture here: MOREBLOONS. And the latest version is BLOONSWORLD
  3. Samrc


    After trying off and on for 2 days, I finally cleared 42 (after posting for help) but now am stuck on 44!
  4. Samrc


    I am stuck on 42. Can not get it. What was your strategy to get past these nasty frozen balloons? They are really DRIVING ME NUTS!
  5. Bad spammers! (bonk bonk on the head)
  6. Samrc


    EXCELLENT! Thank you.
  7. Samrc


    Testing a different FTP software today. 1st time I have seen the full WELCOME from the TCH server in a long time. (Usually it is at the top of the status window but this software popped it up in a separate window). It told me I was connection 3 out of 50 allowed. Just pulled it again and it says: Strange, since I am the only one with ftp access to that site. I have assigned another FTP but that person does not know it yet. SO....How can I be 2 or 3 of 50? I was in earlier today, does the server remember the connection and only resets the number after x minutes?
  8. Glad to be of help. See you around the forums!
  9. Welcome to the forums lizzieanddarcy Unlike the others I DO use CSB! In CSB, use the INSERT menu on your toolbar to insert images, animated graphics, downloadable files, music, all sorts of goodies. MAKE SURE YOUR FILE NAME HAS NO SPACES, CHARACTERS (except - or _) and USING LOWERCASE IS PREFERRED. 3 WAYS TO have a downloadable PDF file: You will probably use #1 or #2. 1) USE THE INSERT > FILE DOWNLOAD LINK Choose your file on your computer and publish. CSB will absorb a copy of your file and load it to the web for you. This option is fine if you just have one pdf file and that contents of that will not change very often! If it changes you will have to remove the one you have and reinsert it fresh. This method requires no external programs. CSB does all the lifting for you. 2) USE FTP or FILE MANAGER TO UPLOAD A FILE: (best option if you have A LOT of files) When you use a 3rd party FTP program to upload your special files (swf, music, pdf, image for slideshows, etc) you can place them into folders on your website that mean something logical if you like. You can place all your pdf files in a pdf folder, or separate them by topic, etc. Or since you are here at TCH, you can use the File Manager (inside your cPanel) to upload your pdf file to your site. You can put the file directly in the public_html folder, or create a pdf folder on your site and put the file in there. Easy and fast. Then in your CSB page, simply link to the pdf file from a web page with either a text or image link. Just select (highlight) the image or text then right click, choose URL style link and type in the address for the file. If file is in your public_html folder on the site, your address would look like this: http://www.domain.com/yourfile.pdf If file is in a pdf folder inside your public_html folder on the site, your address would look like this: http://www.domain.com/pdf/yourfile.pdf This is the best option. Keeps your CSB file small and uncluttered, running faster for publishing and besides that, the pdf file can be changed just by uploading a new version of the same file name to the website. -------------------------- You will not be using this method now but here for reference for OTHER things you may want to do as you build.... 3) USE CSB/TRELLIX TO UPLOAD A FILE AS PART OF A CODE: (usually this instruction is for FLASH .swf or image files for slideshows, etc) When you use CSB/Trellix to upload and link to a file (swf, music, pdf, image) as part of a code, you place the code into an INSERT HTML, then place the file into the WEB COMPONENTS part of the insert HTML. To find the file, the code must be modified to put ^GEMDIR/ in front of the file name. RESULT: CSB/Trellix publishes the code AND your file to your website. ADDITIONAL INFO: You should look at the VIEW SOURCE on the page with the code. You will not see ^GEMDIR/ in the code. That is placed into your code to tell CSB/Trellix to create a SUBDIRECTORY to hold that webcomponent. The source code on the page will show the swf file can be located at an address that looks like HTMLobj-123/yourfile.swf LINKING: If you want to link to the file from somewhere else on your site, or as part of another script, you would have to use the true URL address to link to the file, example: http://www.domain.com/HTMLobj-123/yourfile.swf You would NEVER use the ^GEMDIR/ outside of the confined space of the CSB INSERT HTML interface! To link from one Insert HTML to another is tricky but can be done. Insert the swf file. Publish. Using the View source get the proper url address of the swf file. Then when you put your other code in you can use the true address of the swf file in the code. You use ^GEMDIR/ for the files that are inserted only into the CURRENT insert HTML code. NOTE RE INSTRUCTIONS: CSB 3 & 4: INSERT > HTML code. CSB 5: INSERT > ADVANCED HTML > HTML CODE To be brief, we often shortcut instructions to "INSERT >HTML" By the way, when you PUBLISH, if you use instruction #1 or #3 above, remember to UNCHECK the option to publish to a local HTML file if you have defined it in the publishing options. If you do that, your HTML-obj folder will publish fine. [This box is helpful as a setting for previewing your site, but not for publishing your site!] File > Publish web site > Options > HTML Directory > Uncheck this box when you publish. You can easily recheck it again when you want to use the preview function again. ----------------- This is one of the many topics covered at my CSB support site.
  10. welcome to the forum sammi from another sami! Thomas was asking you to point your registrar to the TCH dns name servers. In non-geek speak: This means that the place where you registered your name has sign posts that direct traffic. (>>>>> this way to the sammi's site). By putting in the names of the TCH dns name servers at your registrar, you will be turning that sign post to point your new website here at TCH. If your registrar does not know where your site is, then no one else will either.
  11. Samrc


    Thank you! Will add them to my office FF on Monday! There are still some sites I can not access with FF so those will come in handy.
  12. Samrc


    It's still a hassle to have to switch over to IE for some sites. But for the first time in two weeks, I did not have to LOGON to every site this morning. FF remembered the passwords and IE will not! I have been a firefox user for years, but it has not been my primary browser at work. Now it is.
  13. Samrc


    I had already tried going to the PROGRAM FILES folder to see/clear book marks. There is a profile folder but no book marks in there...hence my post. But got to thinking about XP structure... Went to my Application Data folder C:\Documents and Settings\sam\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ Opened my bookmarkbackups folder and renamed each of the files by adding an x front of each. That cleared MOST of the bookmarks. The few that were remaining I allowed to stay. Then I imported from IE. Moved the links folders to the Bookmarks Toolbar Folder in FF and the rest are fine under the imported from IE folder. Last step... Put my FIREFOX icon at the front of on my QUICK TASK bar and moved IE icon out of view. I am now a FF user at work. One of the last hold-outs has finally converted.
  14. I am not a foolish little soul, yet I am a check card person. I like the convenience of the money coming from my checking, without having to write a check. It does not cost me to use it, and saves me time. I don't carry cash. I have good credit and have the choice to use a credit card. But if I do, I then have to take the extra step of paying it off at the end of the month if I don't want to pay interest. Why add hassle to a simple purchase? Especially since many of the credit card companies now have a 15-20 day grace instead of the old 30 days. If the payment gets there within a month of the billing, I could still get charged interest when my intent was to pay off the balance. (And now I hear that some card companies AVERAGE 2 months charges for the interest so even if you paid it off, you would owe interest!!!) Some of the secured credit cards (often used as a GIFT CARD) now offered (walmart, amscot, etc) have fees that really eat the balance. Each purchase has a fee, fee to check balance more than once per month, fee if you don't use it within x months, etc. Those things can REALLY eat you up. A check card does not do that. You are charged for only what you spend! Credit Cards have their uses. But I make the choice to NOT use it for everyday purchases. Like having cds, money markets, savings bonds, penny jar, saving accounts, using a bank or credit union, the check card is simply another budgeting option that each individual chooses to utilize or not.
  15. Samrc


    Ok I admit it... I am one of the last IE users For years I have used IE as my "required" browser (banking and other issues) for my WORK machine. It was easier than opening one browser for most things, the other browser for the "required" sites. But the latest version IE7 refuses to save any passwords for more than an hour on ANY site. The scales have tipped. The aggravation of using 2 browsers will be less than the IE agravation on ALL sites. Though I use Firefox at home mostly, at some point in the past I imported some favorites from IE to my work copy of FF. I would like to totally clear ALL bookmarks in FF on the work machine and do a fresh import from IE7. Can't seem to do this in the bookmark manager. Any guidance here would be appreciated. Then I can begin to use FF at work for the majority of sites, using IE only on the few remaining IE stubborn sites.
  16. Resolution. Microsoft support never accepted that their updates caused any difficulty. Sent me to Adobe to research problem even though both Outlook and Adobe Acrobat worked fine prior to the WINDOWS update. The updates could not be removed or ignored. I am stuck with them for better or worse. I uninstalled Adobe Acrobat 6 and that stablized my Outlook. Then installed my older Adobe Acrobat 5 Professional and that works fine. Now I have full Outlook and AA again, just stepped back down a version for AA but that's fine. Still have all the functions I NEED to have on this machine.
  17. Its been more than 48 hours but I can offer a panorama of a bridge. 7 mile bridge, in the Florida Keys How about a record player.
  18. I played once. 1014.3 Think I will stop. Don't think I could do better.
  19. I like the free PrimoPDF found here: h**p://www.primopdf.com/primopdf_free_idx.aspx This one is installed and acts just like a printer. Even offers encryption for your file.
  20. ....hmmm thinking out loud here.... Couldn't you just park that old domain onto the new website?
  21. Finally back in office and thought you should know the latest on this issue: - Ran Outlook in SAFE MODE (At Run Type: Outlook /safe with space between outlook and / ) . Still could not open, reply, forward or compose new emails. - Ran Outlook Repair in the ADD/REMOVE programs menu. Still could not open, reply, forward or compose new emails. End tasking only way to get out of frozen screen. Uninstalled Adobe Acrobat 6 and rebooted. Outlook 2003 functions NORMALLY. Reinstalled Adobe Acrobat 6 and rebooted. Outlook 2003 disabled again. Took AA6 out. Microsoft gave me an answer in which they suggested I try the Safe mode and repair. They also said this: HUH???? I replied: "If that is true, there would be no need to apply updates at all. They are designed to patch security holes, tweak functions like junk mail filter to be more responsive, etc so they definitely DO have a direct effect on the performance of Microsoft products. " Also told me that the problem was due to Adobe Acrobat not being fully compatible with Outlook. Amazing. I have had BOTH programs on the same machine for YEARS. Both worked fine, fully functional, fully compatible UNTIL I loaded in the latest MS update. So it is obvious that something in the update changed the way OUTLOOK 2003 functions. I have asked MS tech support if the NEW version of AA will be compatible with my Outlook 2003 before I buy it. If it isn't, I may be banned from using AA on this computer! I have a lovely free PDF generator (PrimoPDF) but I also use some of the higher functions of the AA program that are not offered with freeware.
  22. I see some updates listed in my Add/Remove programs. Unfortunately the two I need are NOT listed. And yes, I tried the system restore (see my last line on my last post). Unfortunately that did not take me back far enough (I do not keep many restore points. It did take me back to the day of the update but the oldest point was just AFTER the update! Rolled it back forward again since that did not work. The microsoft forums have other people posting about the same issue but no resolution posted yet. And I sent a detailed email to MS for support.... we will see..... so far I have only gotten the confirmation that the support request went in.
  23. Well, we do not have that choice for the office. We run Outlook from the Exchange server. And my desk handles the corporate email box as well as my own. I can send/receive and preview emails. But can not respond or click to open. And Microsoft forum has lots of other folks in same boat. So far, no patch to the updates to fix problem and can not uninstall the updates that caused the problem this time. And tried a system restore but that did not help either so undid the restore.
  24. I posted on Microsoft's help forum in the area where they discuss windows updates. They sent me (and others) to the OUTLOOK forum area for help. But they don't know anything about the windows update. Hoping you folks have heard what to do... All was working on pc. Installed both of these updates 12/18/07. Update for Outlook Junk Email Filter 2003 (KB943591) Update for Outlook 2003 (KB943649) Since then I have had lockups, failing to open emails, can't read or reply, even my Adobe Acrobat Standard gives me an error that never appeared before the updates were applied: "There was an error while loading the plug-in 'SaveAsXML.api'. The data area passed to a system call is too small." I can avoid that error, but not being able to use my OUTLOOK for corporate emails is really getting in the way! Was told on a forum for ADOBE products that the Outlook needed to be repaired, then reinstall Acrobat. Easier said than done. Went into Control Panel and those two updates were NOT listed for Add and Remove. So. HOW can I get my OUTLOOK repaired? Have tried to run Detect and Repair on Outlook. Says it was successful but still can not open emails. I am running xp pro on office network. Have Office 2002 for Word/Excel/PP/Access but run Outlook 2003 to be compatible with server. Has NEVER been issue. I have lost so much time and effort struggling with this and I am going nuts! Please help.
  25. Merry Christmas to all
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