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  1. I was just talking to someone on AIM who said they couldnt email me, I didnt believe them so I tried, and sure enough, the mail bounced back. So I checked in Cpanel, and all my mail forwarders are gone too! Ahh! It's not so much a pain restoring them all (there was only like 10), but I hope you plan on sending an email to everyone on that server letting them know of this possible issue... If I wasnt told who knows how long it would of been before I realized it, and who knows what I could of missed
  2. I just got a new job and they gave me that 7 Habits of Effectual People book to read... the Programming book they gave me isn't as dry. Well, it's a good way to fall asleep. One page and I'm out for the night... The only reason I'm trying to read it is so the referances the Simpsons make about this book will seem all the more humerous...
  3. Wow, cool. Thanks! I went through it and had it working without it since it was only a small change afterall. I use Forcetype for most of my url rewriting (for pseudo-static pages), but a couple I used that for.
  4. I have been having problems with my site over the last week or so (server 35), especially with 500 Internal Server Errors. I submitted a help ticket and got this back: "/home/site/public_html/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration" Hmm, I haven't changed any configuration, or any way the site is setup really, in over a year. I never had any problems with using "RewriteEngine" before. Was something changed so we can no longer use this? I took it out and the site does seem to load now. D'oh! If we can't use it anymore I'm going to have to change how everything is setup, sigh./
  5. Yeah, it just depends on exactly what you want to do with the submitted info. If you only want to show it on the page right after they submitted the form, then there is no need for sessions (cookies). (The data will be in PHP's $_POST array that the page the form is sent to can use to print it out.) That Phorm script can do that for you. Only if you want to use that info for more than just that (on other pages) will you need something like sessions (which btw don't nessasarily have to use cookies to work).
  6. Wow... seems I'm the slow one around here. But yeah it works now, cool! Thanks a lot!
  7. According to PHP.net, the function imagettfbbox() is part of PHP 4+, but in a script I tried running, it said it was undefined. Am I missing anything? I was using it to generate an image on the fly for one of those anti-robotic image dealies (a script I found on Hotscripts by "Chuck Harmston"). It could be the script of course... I have no clue how this image stuff works in PHP, heh. Thanks!
  8. Heh, I could see how getting an email for EVERY 404 error could lead to a TON of email. Punks scaning for things like mail.pl alone will flood you. You can always go into awstats and check out a list of all 404 errors.
  9. registerfly.com charges I think $1 for whois privacy (per domain, per year), but the normal registration is a buck or two more than GoDaddy.
  10. Yes! No more parking in the middle of the street for me! Now someone just needs to come up with a forumla for making perfect doughnuts...
  11. So to summerize, you're saying it's possible to increase your sites PR by simply posting on message boards where you have the site's link in your sig/profile? Hmm, that seems a little odd.
  12. Ahh... Thanks for all the tips! I was helping a friend with his site and noticed he had all his links without the "index.php" and wasn't sure. I think I'll just tell him to add the "index.php" part just to be safe. Then maybe someday I'll get him to turn them info "static" urls...
  13. This is sort of an odd question... but in essance, is it "okay" (valid, acceptable, ect) to have your links like: ht*p://www.domain.com/?var1=x&var2=y Or is it better to always list it fully as: ht*p://www.domain.com/index.php?var1=x&var2=y Thanks!
  14. What about the awesome Gary Cherone days? Have we all forgotten about that week already? I wish I had...
  15. That's where you're wrong. I myself, never make a mistake. Yet my computer and stuff are always messing up. Hence the computer must of made a concious decision to screw with me...
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