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New Support Protocol?

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Over the last few days we have been trying to communicate with TCH via yahoo messenger, sending messages to totalchoiceguru. This identity comes and goes throughout the day. I sleep only about 4 hours a day so I see that it is often on in the wee hours, too.


I used to be able to at least get acknowledged and usually the service was fantastic.


So, after a few days trying (and I'm still trying) to get a response from this identity, I wrote to TCH, but the problem about which I'm writing is a password problem. I didn't fill in the password field (yes, this part is my fault) and so it came back and told me to do that. I wrote in the field that I didn't know my password. It accepted the form. However, after it was sent, I realized that it sent it to an email address that is no longer in use and for which I also don't have the password, as it was lost in the same hard drive replacement that the other was lost, and about which I'm writing.


Aaack, please help.


How do I contact TCH in some meaningful way? Do I resubmit a help ticket and try to get them to send to a current and working email address? Will they respond? The Online support always appears offline to me. The yahoo ignores me completely, and I've just installed AOL messenger, though I loathe having it on my system, to hopefull catch one of the gurus and beg their assistance, but I've seen no one online so far.


Please help.... please please? I've even gone as far as to bribe the yahoo helper with offers to send flowers, candy, pizza and beer..... still nuttin'. :whip:


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Sorry to hear about this, there is normally someone on support tech most times and with the Yahoo account too.


You can always submit a help desk ticket by going here, use your new address:




Try AIM, look out for RickVz is often



PM myself, AndyB, RickVz with your new email address and as much info as you can give us and we can start a support ticket for you.


Sorry to hear you have had problems like this, hopefully we can get it all sorted now



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Okay, great, thank you thank you. I resubmitted the ticket and got a confim that you got the ticket. I also chatted with Andy in China.


Thank you for your help! I think I will rid myself of the totalchoiceguru yahoo identity as it seems not to be getting my messages to you nice people.


Thank you again for your assistance.


Oh... when the problem is solved, do you send me a notice? Or do I just check on my ticket periodically?


Thank you!



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Ticket answered in less then 15 minutes.


Also if you check the support page, you will notice there are all new support chat options. Totalchoiceguru is not used as often as before, we are trying to split the duties between several support members now.









AOL or Yahoo IM!


As always submit a ticket if you can not get thru on chat. As you can see the tickets get super fast turn around times.



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Bill & Jim, thank you very much. I'd say the ticket was answered in less than 10 minutes.


Really appreciate you! And, yes, Amazing support. Andy said he just can't stay away from TCH, loves it so much.




Thank you again!


Great work!


What a wonderful Working Testimonial!


Warmest regards,


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