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Everything posted by TheMovieman

  1. Unbelievable! THANK YOU. I cannot believe I forgot that! *shakes head* "also, why are you using textareas for everything?" That's where the info from the DB gets filled in so I can, if need be, edit it. Now all I have to do is figure out what I missed on my review page that wouldn't print those... Probably something simple, so I'll give it another sweep.
  2. Anyone know how to remove the horizontal scroll? It's hard to read the code.
  3. I haven't tried those but I know the values aren't there. The output page I have, the coding to get the info from the DB is correct and I know the field types in the DB are correct (they match the other "rating_" fields exactly. rating_film, rating_features, rating_audiovideo and rating_overall contain the same type of values as rating_video and rating_audio. Strange thing is, I copied all those "rating_" codes just changing for video or audio... BTW, here's the entire code for that page: ><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Movieman CMS: Edit Review</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head> <body> <?php *removed* if (isset($_POST['body_film'])): $id = $_POST['id']; $keywords = $_POST['keywords']; $title = $_POST['title']; $list_title = $_POST['list_title']; $year = $_POST['year']; $director = $_POST['director']; $writer = $_POST['writer']; $cast = $_POST['cast']; $dvd_releasedate = $_POST['dvd_releasedate']; $theater_releasedate = $_POST['theater_releasedate']; $posted = $_POST['posted']; $retail_price = $_POST['retail_price']; $edition = $_POST['edition']; $hddvd = $_POST['hddvd']; $amazon = $_POST['amazon']; $specialfeatures = $_POST['specialfeatures']; $studio = $_POST['studio']; $body_film = $_POST['body_film']; $body_features = $_POST['body_features']; $body_audiovideo = $_POST['body_audiovideo']; $body_overall = $_POST['body_overall']; $image1 = $_POST['image1']; $image2 = $_POST['image2']; $dvd_cover = $_POST['poster']; $mpaa_rating = $_POST['mpaa_rating']; $runtime = $_POST['runtime']; $rating_film = $_POST['rating_film']; $rating_features = $_POST['rating_features']; $rating_audiovideo = $_POST['rating_audiovideo']; $rating_video = $_POST['rating_video']; $rating_audio = $_POST['rating_audio']; $rating_overall = $_POST['rating_overall']; $discs = $_POST['discs']; $chapters = $_POST['chapters']; $screenformat = $_POST['screenformat']; $audio_english = $_POST['audio_english']; $subtitles = $_POST['subtitles']; $criticid = $_POST['criticid']; $studios = $_POST['studios']; $genres = $_POST['genres']; $subgenres = $_POST['subgenres']; $audios = $_POST['audios']; $videos = $_POST['videos']; $sql = "UPDATE dvd_reviews SET id='$id', title='$title', year='$year', studio='$studio', mpaa_rating='$mpaa_rating', runtime='$runtime', retail_price='$retail_price', release_date='$dvd_releasedate', criticid='$criticid', posted='$posted', dvd_cover='$dvd_cover', rating_film='$rating_film', rating_features='$rating_features', rating_audiovideo='$rating_audiovideo', rating_overall='$rating_overall', director='$director', writer='$writer', cast='$cast', theater_releasedate='$theater_releasedate', supplemental_features='$specialfeatures', body_film='$body_film', body_features='$body_features', body_audiovideo='$body_audiovideo', image1='$image1', image2='$image2', keywords='$keywords', discs='$discs', chapters='$chapters', screenformat='$screenformat', audio_english='$audio_english', subtitles='$subtitles', amazon='$amazon', body_overall='$body_overall', edition='$edition', list_title='$list_title', hddvd='$hddvd', rating_video='$rating_video', rating_audio='$rating_audio' WHERE id='$id'"; if (mysql_query($sql)) { echo '<p>Movie details updated.</p>'; } else { exit('<p>Error updating review details: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } // Delete all existing entries for this // review from the moviegenre table $ok = mysql_query("DELETE FROM moviegenre WHERE movieid='$id'"); if (!$ok) { exit('<p>Error removing review from all genres:' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } $ok2 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM movieaudio WHERE movieid='$id'"); if (!ok2) { exit('<p>Error removing review from all audio cats:' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } $ok3 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM moviepicture WHERE movieid='$id'"); if (!ok3) { exit('<p>Error removing review from all video cats:' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } $ok4 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM moviestudio WHERE movieid='$id'"); if (!ok4) { exit('<p>Error removing review from all studio:' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } $ok5 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM moviesubgenre WHERE movieid='$id'"); if (!ok5) { exit('<p>Error removing review from all subgenre:' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } if (isset($_POST['genres'])) { $genres = $_POST['genres']; } else { $genres = array(); } if (isset($_POST['subgenres'])) { $subgenres = $_POST['subgenres']; } else { $subgenres = array(); } if (isset($_POST['audios'])) { $audios = $_POST['audios']; } else { $audios = array(); } if (isset($_POST['videos'])) { $videos = $_POST['videos']; } else { $videos = array(); } if (isset($_POST['studios'])) { $studios = $_POST['studios']; } else { $studios = array(); } foreach ($genres as $genreID) { $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO moviegenre SET movieid='$id', genreid='$genreID'"; $ok = @mysql_query($sql); if (!$ok) { echo "<p>Error inserting review into genre $genreID: " . mysql_error() . '</p>'; } } foreach ($audios as $audioID) { $sql2 = "INSERT IGNORE INTO movieaudio SET movieid='$id', audioid='$audioID'"; $ok2 = @mysql_query($sql2); if (!$ok2) { echo "<p>Error inserting review into audio $audioID: " . mysql_error() . '</p>'; } } foreach ($videos as $videoID) { $sql3 = "INSERT IGNORE INTO moviepicture SET movieid='$id', picid='$videoID'"; $ok3 = @mysql_query($sql3); if (!$ok3) { echo "<p>Error inserting review into video $videoID: " . mysql_error() . '</p>'; } } foreach ($studios as $studioID) { $sql4 = "INSERT IGNORE INTO moviestudio SET movieid='$id', studioid='$studioID'"; $ok4 = @mysql_query($sql4); if (!$ok4) { echo "<p>Error inserting review into video $studioID: " . mysql_error() . '</p>'; } } foreach ($subgenres as $subgenreID) { $sql5 = "INSERT IGNORE INTO moviesubgenre SET movieid='$id', subgenreid='$subgenreID'"; $ok5 = @mysql_query($sql5); if (!$ok5) { echo "<p>Error inserting review into subgenre $subgenreID: " . mysql_error() . '</p>'; } } ?> <p><a href="../index.html">INDEX PAGE</a></p> <?php else: *removed* $dvd = @mysql_query( "SELECT id, title, list_title, year, studio, mpaa_rating, runtime, retail_price, release_date, criticid, posted, dvd_cover, rating_film, rating_features, rating_audiovideo, rating_overall, director, writer, cast, theater_releasedate, supplemental_features, body_film, body_features, body_audiovideo, image1, image2, keywords, discs, chapters, screenformat, audio_english, subtitles, amazon, body_overall, edition, hddvd FROM dvd_reviews WHERE id='$id'"); if (!$dvd) { exit('<p>Error fetching review details: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } $review = mysql_fetch_array($dvd); $id = $review['id']; $title = $review['title']; $list_title = $review['list_title']; $year = $review['year']; $studio = $review['studio']; $mpaa_rating = $review['mpaa_rating']; $runtime = $review['runtime']; $retail_price = $review['retail_price']; $dvd_releasedate = $review['release_date']; $cid = $review['criticid']; $posted = $review['posted']; $poster = $review['dvd_cover']; $rating_film = $review['rating_film']; $rating_features = $review['rating_features']; $rating_audiovideo = $review['rating_audiovideo']; $rating_overall = $review['rating_overall']; $director = $review['director']; $writer = $review['writer']; $cast = $review['cast']; $theater_releasedate = $review['theater_releasedate']; $specialfeatures = $review['supplemental_features']; $body_film = $review['body_film']; $body_features = $review['body_features']; $body_audiovideo = $review['body_audiovideo']; $image1 = $review['image1']; $image2 = $review['image2']; $keywords = $review['keywords']; $discs = $review['discs']; $chapters = $review['chapters']; $screenformat = $review['screenformat']; $audio_english = $review['audio_english']; $subtitles = $review['subtitles']; $amazon = $review['amazon']; $body_overall = $review['body_overall']; $edition = $review['edition']; $hddvd = $review['hddvd']; $rating_video = $review['rating_video']; $rating_audio = $review['rating_audio']; // Convert HTML special characters // in database value for use in // an HTML document. $id = htmlspecialchars($id); $title = htmlspecialchars($title); $list_title = htmlspecialchars($list_title); $studio = htmlspecialchars($studio); $mpaa_rating = htmlspecialchars($mpaa_rating); $retail_price = htmlspecialchars($retail_price); $dvd_releasedate = htmlspecialchars($dvd_releasedate); $poster = htmlspecialchars($poster); $rating_film = htmlspecialchars($rating_film); $rating_features = htmlspecialchars($rating_features); $rating_audiovideo = htmlspecialchars($rating_audiovideo); $rating_overall = htmlspecialchars($rating_overall); $director = htmlspecialchars($director); $writer = htmlspecialchars($writer); $cast = htmlspecialchars($cast); $theater_releasedate = htmlspecialchars($theater_releasedate); $specialfeatures = htmlspecialchars($specialfeatures); $body_film = htmlspecialchars($body_film); $body_features = htmlspecialchars($body_features); $body_audiovideo = htmlspecialchars($body_audiovideo); $image1 = htmlspecialchars($image1); $image2 = htmlspecialchars($image2); $keywords = htmlspecialchars($keywords); $screenformat = htmlspecialchars($screenformat); $audio_english = htmlspecialchars($audio_english); $subtitles = htmlspecialchars($subtitles); $amazon = htmlspecialchars($amazon); $body_overall = htmlspecialchars($body_overall); $edition = htmlspecialchars($edition); $hddvd = htmlspecialchars($hddvd); $rating_video = htmlspecialchars($rating_video); $rating_audio = htmlspecialchars($rating_audio); // Get lists of critics and genres for // the select box and checkboxes. $critics = @mysql_query('SELECT id, name FROM critic'); if (!$critics) { exit('<p>Unable to obtain critic list from the database.</p>'); } $genres = @mysql_query('SELECT id, category FROM genre ORDER BY category'); if (!$genres) { exit('<p>Unable to obtain genre list from the database.</p>'); } $subgenres = @mysql_query('SELECT id, subcategory FROM subgenre ORDER BY subcategory'); if (!$subgenres) { exit('<p>Unable to obtain genre list from the database.</p>'); } $audios = @mysql_query('SELECT id, mix FROM audio ORDER BY mix'); if (!$audios) { exit('<p>Unable to obtain audio list from the database.</p>'); } $videos = @mysql_query('SELECT id, format FROM video ORDER BY format'); if (!$videos) { exit('<p>Unable to obtain video list from the database.</p>'); } $studios = @mysql_query('SELECT id, name FROM studio ORDER BY name'); if (!$videos) { exit('<p>Unable to obtain studio list from the database.</p>'); } ?> Part 2: > <B><?php echo $title; ?></B><br /><br /> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <p>Movie ID:<br /> <textarea name="id" rows="1" cols="30"> <?php echo $id; ?></textarea></p> <p>Keywords:<br /> <textarea name="keywords" rows="4" cols="45"> <?php echo $keywords; ?></textarea></p> <p>Movie Title:<br /> <textarea name="title" rows="1" cols="45"> <?php echo $title; ?></textarea></p> <p>Movie List Title:<br /> <textarea name="list_title" rows="1" cols="45"> <?php echo $list_title; ?></textarea></p> <p>Year:<br /> <textarea name="year" rows="1" cols="8"> <?php echo $year; ?></textarea></p> <p>Director:<br /> <textarea name="director" rows="1" cols="30"> <?php echo $director; ?></textarea></p> <p>Writers:<br /> <textarea name="writer" rows="5" cols="70"> <?php echo $writer; ?></textarea></p> <p>Cast:<br /> <textarea name="cast" rows="10" cols="70"> <?php echo $cast; ?></textarea></p> <p>DVD Release Date:<br /> <textarea name="dvd_releasedate" rows="1" cols="30"> <?php echo $dvd_releasedate; ?></textarea></p> <p>Theater Release Date:<br /> <textarea name="theater_releasedate" rows="1" cols="30"> <?php echo $theater_releasedate; ?></textarea></p> <p>Review Posted:<br /> <textarea name="posted" rows="1" cols="30"> <?php echo $posted; ?></textarea></p> <p>Retail Price:<br /> <textarea name="retail_price" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $retail_price; ?></textarea></p> <p>DVD Edition:<br /> <textarea name="edition" rows="1" cols="20"> <?php echo $edition; ?></textarea></p> <p>HD-DVD? (y):<br /> <textarea name="hddvd" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $hddvd; ?></textarea></p> <p>Amazon Tag:<br /> <textarea name="amazon" rows="1" cols="15"> <?php echo $amazon; ?></textarea></p> <p>Special Features:<br /> <textarea name="specialfeatures" rows="10" cols="70"> <?php echo $specialfeatures; ?></textarea></p> <p>Studio:<br /> <textarea name="studio" rows="1" cols="30"> <?php echo $studio; ?></textarea></p> <p>Film Review Section:<br /> <textarea name="body_film" rows="8" cols="70"> <?php echo $body_film; ?></textarea></p> <p>Special Features Review Section:<br /> <textarea name="body_features" rows="15" cols="70"> <?php echo $body_features; ?></textarea></p> <p>Audio-Video Review Section:<br /> <textarea name="body_audiovideo" rows="15" cols="70"> <?php echo $body_audiovideo; ?></textarea></p> <p>Overall Review Section:<br /> <textarea name="body_overall" rows="15" cols="70"> <?php echo $body_overall; ?></textarea></p> <p>Image #1:<br /> <textarea name="image1" rows="1" cols="45"> <?php echo $image1; ?></textarea></p> <p>Image #2:<br /> <textarea name="image2" rows="1" cols="45"> <?php echo $image2; ?></textarea></p> <p>DVD Cover:<br /> <textarea name="poster" rows="1" cols="45"> <?php echo $poster; ?></textarea></p> <P>MPAA Rating:<br /> <textarea name="mpaa_rating" rows="1" cols="15"> <?php echo $mpaa_rating; ?></textarea></p> <p>Runtime:<br /> <textarea name="runtime" rows="1" cols="8"> <?php echo $runtime; ?></textarea></p> <P>Star Rating - FILM: <textarea name="rating_film" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_film; ?></textarea></p> <P>Star Rating - SPECIAL FEATURES: <textarea name="rating_features" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_features; ?></textarea></p> <P>Star Rating - AUDIO AND VIDEO: <textarea name="rating_audiovideo" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_audiovideo; ?></textarea></p> <P>Star Rating - VIDEO: <textarea name="rating_video" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_video; ?></textarea></p> <P>Star Rating - AUDIO: <textarea name="rating_audio" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_audio; ?></textarea></p> <P>Star Rating - OVERALL: <textarea name="rating_overall" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_overall; ?></textarea></p> <b>TECHNICAL INFORMATION</b><br /> <p>Number of Discs:<br /> <textarea name="discs" rows="1" cols="8"> <?php echo $discs; ?></textarea></p> <p>Number of Chapters:<br /> <textarea name="chapters" rows="1" cols="8"> <?php echo $chapters; ?></textarea></p> <p>Screen Format (Widescreen, Fullscreen):<br /> <textarea name="screenformat" rows="1" cols="45"> <?php echo $screenformat; ?></textarea></p> <p>Audio (English):<br /> <textarea name="audio_english" rows="3" cols="70"> <?php echo $audio_english; ?></textarea></p> <p>Subtitles:<br /> <textarea name="subtitles" rows="3" cols="70"> <?php echo $subtitles; ?></textarea></p> <b>End of TECHNICAL INFO</b><br /><br /> <p>Critic:<br /> <textarea name="criticid" rows="1" cols="8"> <?php echo $cid; ?></textarea></p> <p>In Studios:<br /> <?php while ($studio = mysql_fetch_array($studios)) { $sid = htmlspecialchars($studio['id']); $sname = htmlspecialchars($studio['name']); // Check if the review is in this studio $result = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM moviestudio WHERE movieid='$id' AND studioid='$sid'"); if (!$result) { exit('<p>Error fetching review details: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } // mysql_num_rows gives the number of entries // in a result set. In this case, if the result // contains one or more rows, the condition // below will evaluate to true to indicate that // the joke does belong to the category, and the // checkbox should be checked. if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='studios[]' value='$sid' />$sname<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='studios[]' value='$sid' />$sname<br />\n"; } } ?> </p> <p>In Genres:<br /> <?php while ($genre = mysql_fetch_array($genres)) { $gid = htmlspecialchars($genre['id']); $gname = htmlspecialchars($genre['category']); // Check if the review is in this genre $result = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM moviegenre WHERE movieid='$id' AND genreid='$gid'"); if (!$result) { exit('<p>Error fetching review details: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } // mysql_num_rows gives the number of entries // in a result set. In this case, if the result // contains one or more rows, the condition // below will evaluate to true to indicate that // the joke does belong to the category, and the // checkbox should be checked. if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='genres[]' value='$gid' />$gname<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='genres[]' value='$gid' />$gname<br />\n"; } } ?> </p> <p>In Sub-Genres:<br /> <?php while ($subgenre = mysql_fetch_array($subgenres)) { $sgid = htmlspecialchars($subgenre['id']); $sgname = htmlspecialchars($subgenre['subcategory']); // Check if the review is in this genre $result4 = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM moviesubgenre WHERE movieid='$id' AND subgenreid='$sgid'"); if (!$result4) { exit('<p>Error fetching review details: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } if (mysql_num_rows($result4)) { echo "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='subgenres[]' value='$sgid' />$sgname<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='subgenres[]' value='$sgid' />$sgname<br />\n"; } } ?> </p> <p>In Audio:<br /> <?php while ($audio = mysql_fetch_array($audios)) { $aid = $audio['id']; $aname = htmlspecialchars($audio['mix']); $result2 = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM movieaudio WHERE movieid='$id' AND audioid='$aid'"); if (!$result2) { exit('<p>Error fetching review details: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } if (mysql_num_rows($result2)) { echo "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='audios[]' value='$aid' />$aname<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='audios[]' value='$aid' />$aname<br />\n"; } } ?> </p> <p>In Video:<br /> <?php while ($video = mysql_fetch_array($videos)) { $videoid = $video['id']; $videoname = htmlspecialchars($video['format']); $result3 = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM moviepicture WHERE movieid='$id' AND picid='$videoid'"); if (!$result3) { exit('<p>Error fetching review details: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'); } if (mysql_num_rows($result3)) { echo "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='videos[]' value='$videoid' />$videoname<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='videos[]' value='$videoid' />$videoname<br />\n"; } } ?> </p> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" /> <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" /> </form> <?php endif; ?> </body> </html> Edit: Sorry about the horrizonal scroll on this one... Also, the page I'm doing all this on is an edit page for my reviews. What happens is, all those php echos get the values from the DB for that particular review so I can edit whatever I want (spelling errors, whatever) and then submit it and wala, all done. I also tried entering the data on another page where I post new reviews and again, the values do not seem to post.
  4. Hey, I've added two new columns to a table called "rating_audio" and "rating_video" but after updating my script to post the info into the table, those two will not POST. I've checked the others by changing the data and they go through fine and update appropriately on the page. Here's some of the code, maybe I'm just missing something: >if (isset($_POST['body_film'])): $id = $_POST['id']; $keywords = $_POST['keywords']; $title = $_POST['title']; $list_title = $_POST['list_title']; $year = $_POST['year']; $director = $_POST['director']; $writer = $_POST['writer']; $cast = $_POST['cast']; $dvd_releasedate = $_POST['dvd_releasedate']; $theater_releasedate = $_POST['theater_releasedate']; $posted = $_POST['posted']; $retail_price = $_POST['retail_price']; $edition = $_POST['edition']; $hddvd = $_POST['hddvd']; $amazon = $_POST['amazon']; $specialfeatures = $_POST['specialfeatures']; $studio = $_POST['studio']; $body_film = $_POST['body_film']; $body_features = $_POST['body_features']; $body_audiovideo = $_POST['body_audiovideo']; $body_overall = $_POST['body_overall']; $image1 = $_POST['image1']; $image2 = $_POST['image2']; $dvd_cover = $_POST['poster']; $mpaa_rating = $_POST['mpaa_rating']; $runtime = $_POST['runtime']; $rating_film = $_POST['rating_film']; $rating_features = $_POST['rating_features']; $rating_audiovideo = $_POST['rating_audiovideo']; $rating_video = $_POST['rating_video']; $rating_audio = $_POST['rating_audio']; $rating_overall = $_POST['rating_overall']; $discs = $_POST['discs']; $chapters = $_POST['chapters']; $screenformat = $_POST['screenformat']; $audio_english = $_POST['audio_english']; $subtitles = $_POST['subtitles']; $criticid = $_POST['criticid']; $studios = $_POST['studios']; $genres = $_POST['genres']; $subgenres = $_POST['subgenres']; $audios = $_POST['audios']; $videos = $_POST['videos']; $sql = "UPDATE dvd_reviews SET id='$id', title='$title', year='$year', studio='$studio', mpaa_rating='$mpaa_rating', runtime='$runtime', retail_price='$retail_price', release_date='$dvd_releasedate', criticid='$criticid', posted='$posted', dvd_cover='$dvd_cover', rating_film='$rating_film', rating_features='$rating_features', rating_audiovideo='$rating_audiovideo', rating_overall='$rating_overall', director='$director', writer='$writer', cast='$cast', theater_releasedate='$theater_releasedate', supplemental_features='$specialfeatures', body_film='$body_film', body_features='$body_features', body_audiovideo='$body_audiovideo', image1='$image1', image2='$image2', keywords='$keywords', discs='$discs', chapters='$chapters', screenformat='$screenformat', audio_english='$audio_english', subtitles='$subtitles', amazon='$amazon', body_overall='$body_overall', edition='$edition', list_title='$list_title', hddvd='$hddvd', rating_video='$rating_video', rating_audio='$rating_audio' WHERE id='$id'"; The first part (with $_POST) is in the order where the data entry in the script. Example: id keywords title list_title etc. etc. While the second part is in the order in the table. Here's the code for the entry portion: ><P>Star Rating - VIDEO: <textarea name="rating_video" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_video; ?></textarea></p> <P>Star Rating - AUDIO: <textarea name="rating_audio" rows="1" cols="10"> <?php echo $rating_audio; ?></textarea></p> Appreciate any help as this is driving me nuts. Like I said, I can edit anything on the page and it will post the change correctly both when I go back into the edit page and to the output page as well...
  5. Thanks for the link. Might use a couple of those...
  6. Yeah, that'd be cool if you could PM me the address. At some point, I want to make my site almost fully CMS dependent, but right now I only have 3 pages that I update (index, and two release schedule pages).
  7. Outside of a free template I got online, everything is hand written. I use a CMS for the reviews pages (data populating) and any sorting (like by studio, contributor, etc) but I'm still a novice. But it's a much better system than when I first started my site (going on 3+ years here at TCH, but more than 7 years all told). I had a page for each review which made changing the design a pain in the rear (imagine recoding 100+ pages, lol). How about you? Do you have a site?
  8. Figured it out (how dumb am I?). The border was set to 0 in the first part of my css file... For crying out loud! LOL
  9. While adding a class to each image is fine and works at giving the image a border, I'd still like a border around the image to show that it is a link. For the home page, it's ok the way it is, but I'm currently working on my dvd release page and some are links while others are not and the way I have it now, you can tell which is which as the one's that are links have a blue border and those that do not, have a black border. But now when I transferred the code into my new layout, even though each image has a border="1" attribute, none of them have a border... Thing is, I've transferred the classes from the old one to my new one so they have the same attributes as the old one, but for some reason, under one of these classes or ids (outer, inner, float-wrap, content, content-wrap or home-box2), something must be overruling my border properties for these images (it doesn't do it for other border properties for tables). Like I said, this is a problem for the page as I need to show which are links and which are not. (Warning: These pages take time to load since they have hundreds of images) Here's the page with my old design (look at the images with blue and then others with black borders): http://www.moviemansguide.com/dvdschedule/index.php And here's my new one (I'm not completely done with the design): http://www.moviemansguide.com/dvdschedule/index-beta.php
  10. Thanks OJB. As for the errors, I've made several changes since yesterday. I'm going to be deleting my beta folder as I've transferred the stuff I've done to the main folder. I'm still not done so the work I'm doing just has a "-beta" attached to the page name. The border thing: I found a way to get it done, but I still don't understand why it wouldn't even put a simple border around my images with "border="1". But in my css, I put something similar to what you posted and it worked. Here's what I've got done so far: http://www.moviemansguide.com/index-beta.php And for a review: http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/...=beemovie-2disc I'm hoping to get the rest of the site converted by this weekend. Oh, and thanks about the indexing thing, I'll add that to my htaccess file.
  11. Another quick update, I wanted to try a table within a div because on my home page I want to split the content section with two columns: one for the movie title, the other the rating. Again, the font element displays fine but it will not recognize the width even though both (width and font) are under the same class.
  12. Just an update, but it seems most everything inside: > <div id="content"> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="spacer"></div> <div class="home-heading"> Site Updates</div> <div class="home-box2"> <center> <a href="reviews/DVD/read.php?id=atonement">Atonement</a> </center> </div> </div> </div> doesn't get executed (don't know the technical term. In my css file, I have a class called ".home-box2" within the id "content" (so it will only pertain to anything inside the "content" div). But "text-align" doesn't respond. Also, I tried adding a new element to handles the links, but no go for that either: >#content li :link, :visited { color: #1D7CF2; text-decoration: none; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; } #content li :hover { color: #37FDFC; padding-bottom: 0px; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: underline; } While something like this worked in my left sidebar, this does not within the "content" div. What does work is the page wide link attributes. But I can't add a border to my images, yet they are clickable and I have the border within the image src set to a number... Any thoughts?
  13. I'm redisgning my site using DIVs instead of tables, but I've run into problems, some I've fixed. One that elludes me because it should be simple. On this test page, I have an image that I want to a border around, but no matter what I do, nothing seems to take. Here's the page: http://www.moviemansguide.com/beta Here's the page code (I've marked the relevant area): ><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>Movieman's Guide to the Movies | The Final Word on Movies... and DVDs!</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" /> <link href="style-black.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </head> <body> <div id="mainContainer"> <div id="header"> <img src="images/header/logo02.jpg" width="515" height="60"> </div> <div class="outer"> <div class="inner"> <div class="float-wrap"> <!-- HERE'S THE AREA OF INTEREST --> <div id="content"> <div class="contentWrap"> <div class="headimage"> <div class="image"> <center><a href="reviews/DVD/read.php?id=atonement"><img src="images/homepage/atonement2.jpg" border="1" alt="Atonement"></a></center> </div> </div> <div class="spacer"></div> <div class="home-heading"> latest additions</div> </div> </div> <!-- END --> <!-- end centered div --> <div id="left"> <h2><img src="images/header/menu.jpg" width="146" height="16" alt="Main Menu" border="0"></h2> <ul> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com">Home</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/contact">Contact Us</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/forums">Message Board</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviewindex.php?type=dvd">DVD Reviews Archive</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviewindex.php?type=movie">Movie Reviews Archive</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/theatricalschedule">Movie Release Schedule</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/dvdschedule">DVD Release Schedule</a></li> </ul> <h2><img src="images/header/latestreviews.jpg" width="146" height="16" alt="Latest Reviews" border="0"></h2> <ul> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=nocountryforoldmen-bd">No Country for Old Men (BD)</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=enchanted">Enchanted</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=atonement">Atonement</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=nocountryforoldmen">No Country for Old Men</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=beemovie-2disc">Bee Movie: 2-Disc Edition</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=daninreallife-bd">Dan in Real Life (BD)</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=gattaca-se">Gattaca: Special Edition</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=30daysofnight">30 Days of Night</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=thingswelostinthefire">Things We Lost in the Fire</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=sleuth">Sleuth</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=spiral">Spiral</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=awake">Awake</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=americangangster-2disc_elyusha">American Gangster</a></li> <li><img src="images/bullet1.gif"> <a href="http://www.moviemansguide.com/reviews/DVD/read.php?id=beowulf-hddvd">Beowulf (HD DVD)</a></li> </ul> <h2><img src="images/header/amazon.jpg" width="146" height="35" alt="Upcoming DVDs" border="0"></h2> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0010X73ZG/moviemsguidet-20" target="_blank">The Mist: Collector's Edition</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0010YVCI4/moviemsguidet-20" target="_blank">Bonnie & Clyde: Spec. 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Mozilla makes this necessary. Be sure to check your layout in different browsers if you changes this value. Especially IE7 seems to create a horisontal scroll if this value is set too large ***/ } * html .inner { width: 100%; } /*** div.inner is wider than its container, div.outer, and so overlaps to the right, pushing div.right into the proper position. IE expands div.outer instead, requiring a Tan hack to avoid blowing the layout apart. IE gets the original 100% width as in the Livingstone layout. ***/ .float-wrap { float: left; width: 760px; margin-left: -165px; /*** Same length as .outer padding-left but with negative value ***/ } * html .float-wrap { /*** No need for hacking IE on this layout ***/ } #content { float: right; width: 590px; min-height: 730px; background-image: url('images/starbg.jpg'); } #content .home-heading { float: right; text-align: left; font-size: 18px; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-weight: bold; color: #E0EEEE; background-color: #000000; border-right: 2px solid #3333FF; border-bottom: 2px solid #3333FF; text-transform: lowercase; width: 540px; overflow: auto; } #content .spacer { width: 1px; height: 20px; } #content .headimage { width: 620px; height: 130px; text-align: center; overflow: auto; } .image { border-color: red; } * html #content { position: relative; /*** IE needs this ***/ } .contentWrap { padding: 5px; } .contentWrap ol, .contentWrap ul { margin: 3px 0 5px 25px; } .contentWrap li { padding-bottom: 2px; } /************************** LEFT COLUMN **************************/ /*** div.left is in div.float-wrap, and when div.float-wrap is neg margined to the left, div.left is carried over into the proper position. ***/ #left { float: left; position: absolute; width: 200px; background: #000000; min-height: 770px; padding: 5px; border-right: 1px solid #3333FF; margin-top: -55px; } * html #left { position: relative; /*** IE needs this ***/ height: 250px; } #left ul { list-style: none; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-top: 15px; } #left li { padding-bottom: 4px; margin-left: 0px; } #left li :link, :visited { color: #1D7CF2; text-decoration: none; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; } #left li :hover { color: #37FDFC; padding-bottom: 0px; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: underline; } #left h2 { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #0000FF; padding-top: 8px; border-bottom: 2px dotted #3333FF; } /************************** FOOTER **************************/ #footer { width: 760px; color: #38B0DE; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 auto; padding-top: 10px; text-align: center; background-color: #000000; border-top: 1px solid #3333FF; } I'll no doubt have other issues, but this will go along way in getting this done. Any help is welcomed!
  14. I've started over and so far, it's fine. I'm having other problems but since it isn't FF or IE related, I'm going to start a new thread. A mod can delete this thread if they'd like...
  15. That's basically it. The whole thing just doesn't look very good in Firefox. Also, check out the links. Only the top 3 are clickable (is that a word?), the rest don't do anything (almost as if they're part of the background). But I want to do this the right way and not plug in a quick fix to make everything look all nice. And I'm not in a rush as my current design displays fine on both browsers.
  16. Yeah, I know. BUt even with those the page still looks wrong. Anyway, thanks for the replies but I decided to start over with a fresh template. This time I'm doing it piece by piece and checking with IE and Firefox. So far I've completed the left side and both browsers are displaying it properly.
  17. BTW, I have fixed a couple things in the css. Doesn't change the look, but thought I should mention it... When using Firefox's validation tool, I got 51 errors. 19 of them were within the YouTube link and most others were because I didn't have the <ul> tags. The css page did validate (after fixing the 2 issues), however.
  18. Ok, I know this is an issue with IE and not Firefox but I actually have it the way I want it in IE and wanted to know if there's some extra code I can put in my css file to straighten things out for Firefox users. If I have to start over, that's fine, though if I could use some of the code I currently have, that would be great. Here's the page: http://www.moviemansguide.com/beta Another question, kind of unrelated: Anyone know how to control the indent on a list? Right now I have just the <li> without the proper <ul>. I want to, but it just indents it too much (though I know that's why the links won't show in Firefox). I have so many other questions, but I'll leave it there for now, lol. Here's the page code (yes, it's messy): And here's the css page: Appreciate any help.
  19. Figured it out... Forgot to add another mysql_real_escape_string($id) duh!
  20. OJB posted the code to make my script more secure, and while it's worked for some queries, others I get an error. I'm hoping someone can help. Here's the error: Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home2/moviema/public_html/reviews/DVD/read2.php on line 118 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home2/moviema/public_html/reviews/DVD/read2.php on line 122 Here's the code in question: >$safequery3 = sprintf("SELECT category, movieid, genreid, dvd_reviews.id FROM genre, moviegenre, dvd_reviews WHERE movieid='%s' AND genreid-genre.id AND dvd_reviews.id='%s' ORDER BY category", mysql_real_escape_string($id)); $genreinfo = @mysql_query($safequery3); I was working on a different page and got this error as well so I assume it has something to do with the WHERE clause and the number of '%s' I have there, but I don't know. Any ideas? It works on code with only one '%s' in the WHERE clause (or maybe it's the ORDER BY).
  21. That's the thing, though. Some of these addresses have been empty for a while but have the same amount of usage (over the course of a month). It'll go up when there's something new (usually immediately) but will not go down even weeks after deleting messages...
  22. Hey, This has been happening for a bit now, but I was wondering if this is a known problem in Cpanel. When I go into a mail account, before hand, it'll say (for example) there's 2mb in use on that account. Well, when I go in and clean it out, making sure to also clean out the "Trash" folder, I'll go back and under usage, it'll still say 2mb. It's the same for other accounts with various amounts of usage. I've had to open a ticket it zero it out, otherwise these will keep going up and hit my max...
  23. I found the one I had used before, MySQL Administrator.
  24. Thanks OJB! Fixed all the pages with those vulnerabilities
  25. Hello once again, lol Don't know what it's called, but I'm having trouble with linking something. Ok, so I've created a page that lists reviews by studio (each one gets their own page), but the way my code is set up, it's not that easy. Here's the code: ><?php $studioinfo = @mysql_query("SELECT ..."); $cat_array = array(); while ($sinfo = mysql_fetch_array($studioinfo)) { $studioid = $sinfo['studioid']; array_push($cat_array, $sinfo['name']); } $cat_string = implode(", ", $cat_array); echo $cat_string; ?> This is to show multiple studios but I don't know how to link it properly. When I tried it, it linked both studios to the same link when there needs to be one for each.
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