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When I try to add a mySQL connection I get an error.



I created the database and added the database user to it with ALL privilages. I also added % as an access host in cpanel mysql.


Here are images of what info I typed in. The FTP works well, it is the sql connection that doesnt.


EDIT: TCH-Bruce - I removed the images with your cpanel information in them - If you are going to post images like that at least blur out confidential information.


This is the error:


Posted (edited)
EDIT: TCH-Bruce - I removed the images with your cpanel information in them - If you are going to post images like that at least blur out confidential information.

Thanks Bruce, figured without password it would be useless to have username info... guess maybe I was wrong(?).


So, here are the same images with the confidential info blurred out.




I read a bunch of threads on here regarding the same subject, but still I can't figure out how to fix it.

I haven't tried setting server to localhost, but since the mySQL is on the TCH server and not my computer, I don't see how that would help. I'll give it a shot though just in case. Any other suggestions though?


EDIT: So I read the thread you linked to... and it makes sense that localhost can work. Anyway I tried it... but to no avail. I get the same error.

Edited by rksprst
Did you give your computer's IP address access to MySQL in cPanel? Enter your IP under Access Hosts or "%".

Yea, I also did that. Still get an error... very weird.


Sorry, I must have have missed this thread but we are going to fix you up. You just need to make 4 small changes.

  1. Under Testing Server change FTP host to just your domain without "ftp" e.g. totalchoicehosting.com
    I would suggest making this change under Remote Info as well
  2. Under Testing Server change Host Directory to "public_html/"
  3. Under MySQL Connection change MySQL Server to "localhost"
    Note: For the MySQL Server field you must enter localhost if PHP and MySQL are running on the same machine.
  4. Go to http://www.whatismyip.org and add the IP listed to your Access Hosts. The IP you added is a local network IP and will not work

Good Luck :)

  • 6 months later...

Let me just say I have been trying to make this work for several hours ans was getting an error about could not find the file:



I was trying to use my IP address because I do not have a website setup yet.


I finally had to use the following settings:


Say my cpanel username is dude123

MySql Settings:


Connection name: whatever

MySql Server: localhost

username: dude123_scott

password: **********

Database: dude123_voting


In the testing server setup:


Server Model: PhP MySql

Access: PHP

FTP Host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (my tch ip address sent on signup)

Host directory: public_html/

Login: dude123

password: xxxxxxxx

URL Prefix: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/~dude123/


It was nut until I put the ~dude123 in the prefix that it started working.

This is probably not necessary if you have a domain name pointed at the site.

But I dont have one yet.


hope this helps.

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