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Coppermine 1.3.5 Released

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How to upgrade


1) First, make a backup of your database.

Log in to your cpanel and find the backup section.

You should see a line saying "Download a MySQL Database Backup" and under that, your databases names. Just click on the one you want to download (in this case your Coppermine database.


2) With either ftp program or cpanels file manager, backup your include/config.inc.php file, your anycontent.php file and your "albums" directoy to your own computer. (VERY IMPORTANT!!!)


3) With Winzip or similar, unzip the archive "cpg1.3.5.zip"


4) With your ftpprogram or cpanels file manager delete the file install.php ifexists in coppermines root directory.


5) Now upload all the files and folders from the unzipped "cpg1.3.5.zip", except for the "albums" directory, include/config.inc.php file, your anycontent.php file.


6) If you have not already done so, create a folder called "edit" within your "albums" directory - this folder will be used by coppermine as a temporary folder, do not ftp-upload files there. Make sure the new "edit"-folder is CHMODed the same way your albums-directory is (755 or 777, depending on your server's config)


7) Now you are almost done. You can now log out from your ftp-account.

With your browser navigate to yourtch-hosted-domain.com/copperminefolder/update.php and follow the instructions.



If you have made a custom theme, see the theme.html inside the doc directory for how to apply eventual changes.


You can not use language files from older versions of Coppermine - make sure to only have the language files that come with this package inside your lang folder (delete or rename all files from older versions within the lang folder)



This was an upgrade guide to the version mentioned in this thread, however, most coppermine upgrades are done the same way.


Have fun with your Coppermine gallery. :)

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Thanks so much Thomas. I understood your explanation better than the instruction's explanation. I appreciate you doing this. Now, I don't have to redo any of them.


I followed everything exactly, but it still reads cpg133 up in part of the address. It still updated, right?


And is there anyway to shorten the URL for my galleries? Here's one such gallery URL:



Anyway to shorten that a little to take the cpg133 off the URL?


And also, can you delete any of the themes without messing coppermine up?

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I haven´t checked the AJ Gallery yet so I can´t answer that, but I second Steves part about it.

If you named your gallery "cpg133" it would show in the address bar. For instance, I call my coppermine folder "animals" so "animals" is a part of its original address.


As for deleting themes, I think you can do that safely. I have never done that myself but I see no reason it shouldn´t work well. Back up the themes you are deleting and you can easily move them back if coppermine are getting angry at you. :)

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Hi All,


First, thank you Thomas for these instructions. They were very helpful - well, sort of. :) Let me explain.


I have 3 Coppermine Galleries - one on a local server that I use when I edit themes, and two on different domain names hosted by TCH. I decided to update the small gallery on gailplayground.com first. I spent hours the past two days trying to update Coppermine from version 1.3.3. to 1.3.5. but I was getting nowhere. I just kept getting error messages. I read and re-read the instructions over and over again and kept thinking I must be doing something wrong.


This afternoon, I decided to try and update the gallery on my local server - once I got the files from the new version copied to my .htdocs folder - the update took seconds. I then got brave and decided to try and update the Coppermine Gallery on my main web site. Again, after uploading the files via my FTP program, the update was very quick.


While I was waiting for files to upload, it finally came to me why I perhaps could not get the one Coppermine Gallery to update. I had used TCH David's script that he wrote a few months ago - the purpose is to change the ownership of the files from 'nobody' to the User ID. After updating my main Coppermine Gallery, I went back to the Coppermine that would not update - I removed the 2 files that were part of David's fix and then held my breath. This time, the update was successful and very quick just like the other 2 updates. I only wish I had thought of this solution much earlier.


I thought I would post this here in case there is someone else who perhaps is having the same problem.



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I had used TCH David's script that he wrote a few months ago - the purpose is to change the ownership of the files from 'nobody' to the User ID. After updating my main Coppermine Gallery, I went back to the Coppermine that would not update - I removed the 2 files that were part of David's fix and then held my breath. This time, the update was successful and very quick just like the other 2 updates. I only wish I had thought of this solution much earlier.

The purpose of the files I wrote was to allow Coppermine's main php files to be run as CGI scripts. One file was the .htaccess file which tells the webserver to run .php files as CGI scripts, and the other file was a php script that modifies Coppermine's php scripts by adding one line at the beginning of each script which is required for CGI scripts.


After uploading the new upgrade files to the server, all you should have needed to do was re-run the php script I wrote, so the new Coppermine php files would have the necessary line of code added to them. Then the upgrade script should have run without error.

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Hi David,


Thanks very much for your explanation. I didn't think about the 2 files (the .htaccess and the fixfiles.php) until this afternoon and I really wouldn't have known to just run the script again anyway. As I said, I just kept thinking I was doing something wrong which wouldn't be the first time (and I'm sure it won't be the last). :)


I can add the files and run the fixfiles.php script again. No harm done and I have gained a bit more knowledge hopefully.


Thanks again for your time. By the way, I hope you are enjoying that new computer.



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