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Everything posted by vengavenga

  1. Ah, so government health warnings were correct Ali.
  2. Thanks anyway Robert ... In "logical" thinking mode, it makes no sense, and seems like a stupid question - I know that, and nearly didn't ask because of that, but in "real world" thinking mode it just doesn't make sense as the three sites are targetted at two different countries and cover three completely different subjects! Ali.
  3. Once upon a time, there was a hosting company who lived in cyberspace with a fancy city but there wasn't any food, so they climbed onto one of their desks (which resembled an old tree); Unfortunately, spazmatic outbursts caused .... BOOOOM! ...
  4. A client has contacted me to say that his stats "aren't working properly" as for the last three Thursdays the number of visitors has been much, much lower than any other day. My first thought was that it will be to do with some local (Spanish) event - TV program, football whatever, and that his customers tend not to shop on Thursdays. Out of interest though, I looked at my own stats and the stats of another cliemt (both sites aimed at UK visitors mostly) and found the same thing ... significantly fewer visitors on the last three Thursdays (but not Thursday's before then). Theories anyone? (Server 52 using AWStats) Cheers, Ali.
  5. Once upon a time, there was a hosting company who lived in cyberspace with a fancy city but there wasn't any food, so they climbed onto one of their desks (which resembled an old tree); Unfortunately, spazmatic outbursts ...
  6. No problem - appreciate your help anyway No, it's the Skype site that I can't access. Although I can download the Skype software from elsewhere, it then tries to contact the Skype site during the first run when the user name is entered. Ali.
  7. Thanks Jikrantz but that's the problem .. I can't access skype.com or skype.net at all! Ali.
  8. Thanks both of you ... TCH Bruce - I'll give that email a try. James - I've tried the .net address as well with exactly the same result. Really can't figure this one out at all - just have to wait and see if it "cures" itself somehow .... Cheers, Ali.
  9. Reformatted my PC today (don't think it's related to the problem). Been reinstalling all my usual software but can't access the site to download Skype (times out). Downloaded Skype from a mirror site (MajorGeeks) but it won't authenticate my user name without timing out either. Did a traceroute to skype.com and it gets very nearly there, missing just the last two hops. Did some online traceroutes from remote locations and it made it's way to Skype everytime, so it's not their site that's down. 1,,61ms,None,---- 2,,68ms,None,---- 3,,69ms,ge-1-0-0-399.j02-mt.mad.tiscali.es,---- 4,,69ms,ge-1-1-0-39.mad40.ip.tiscali.net,---- 5,,93ms,so-2-0-0.lon22.ip.tiscali.net,---- 6,,93ms,ge1-0.1000M.ldn2nxg2.ip.tele.dk,---- 7,,105ms,pos4-0.2488M.ffm2nxg1.ip.tele.dk,---- 8,,129ms,so-1-2-0.2488M.kd4nxu1.ip.tele.dk,---- 9,,128ms,so-1-0-0.2488M.arcnxu1.ip.tele.dk,---- 10,,129ms,pos4-0.2488M.opanxg1.ip.tele.dk,---- 11,----,Timeout,n/a,---- 12,----,Timeout,n/a,---- 13,----,Timeout,n/a,---- It doesn't look like it's my ISP (Tiscali, Spain) but I did find a posting on usenet from last week describing someone with a similar problem also using Tiscali, so I'm wondering if Skype are blocking specific ip ranges for any reason. Anyway, that's all the background - could someone pop onto Skye.com site please and see if there's an email address on there for support? Thanks muchly! Ali.
  10. Once upon a time, there was a hosting company who lived in cyberspace with a fancy city but there wasn't any food, so they climbed onto one of their desks (which resembled
  11. Once upon a time, there was a hosting company who lived in cyberspace with a fancy city but there wasn't any food, so they climbed onto one of their desks ( ...
  12. Once upon a time, there was a hosting company who lived in cyberspace with a fancy city but there wasn't any food, so they climbed onto one of ...
  13. wave
  14. DHL
  15. Off (as in turn the TV off my least favourite show!)
  16. dog
  17. dictionary
  18. thoughtful
  19. Hi Simon, I'd just like to reassure you if possible that these guys do take communication very seriously whether it be by email, live support, ticket or instant messaging, I know it's easy to think that businesses aren't taking you seriously, but I think that if you just give them a chance you'll see that they want to help in any way they can. Not connected with TCH in any way ... just a customer. Ali
  20. Wow - love it! Artichoke - 20 questions, 2nd guess Hair Tie - 28 questions, 2nd guess Bogie/Booger - 28 questions, 2nd guess Very, very clever indeed Ali.
  21. Chillies (having moved from the Uk to Spain a year ago, I'm acutely aware of the Spanish people's dislike of spicy food and the resulting lack of fresh chillies in supermercados ... so really any word beginning with CH makes me think hmmmm curry, chiilli etc etc)
  22. In the coppermine database server field, have you tried setting it to "localhost"? Also, Try taking a look at the database username again in cpanel to see what it shows it as. If you've gone over x number of characters, it'll shorten the name. Could well be that. Hope that helps, Ali
  23. Hi, You'll probably find that if you add your account user name in front of both the database name and the database user name along with an underscore character that it'll work ... eg: If your TCH username was fred then the database name would be fred_coppermine If the username that you've set up for the database was freddie, then it'd be fred_freddie Hope that helps, Ali.
  24. Should also mention that there's an extension available for Firefox that adds a "View this page in IE" option to the right click menu, so if you do happen to come across a problem with a site then it's just takes 2 clicks to load the page you are trying to view. Ali.
  25. Looking at the fredmeyer site nowin Firefox 0.9.1 and it looks fine - I might just be looking in the wrong place, but it does seem OK. I've tried abandoning IE on and off over the last couple of years, but until recently have always had to use it on a daily basis for one site or another. Things seem to have much improved in the last 2 or 3 months though - both Opera and Firefox seem much more capable than they were before. Used Firefox around 12 hours a day for the last month or so and think I've probably only had to use IE once or twice. Just my 2 centimos worth. Ali.
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