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link: http://www.martinmotorsportsinc.com/


name: Martin Motorsports, Inc. – Northern Virginia's BMW & Volvo Service and Performance Shop


description: Automobile service and performance shop for BMW, Volvo, and other fine automobiles, located in northern Virginia.


tch link: bottom of pages


search engine eval: yes, please!


Oh, a quick note:


Would love to see 'Hosting by TCH' changed to a link with the wording 'Web Hosting by Total Choice Web Hosting'.


Thank you :D


SEO thoughts:


Not in Google index :D … new site?


Your biggest obstacle against obtaining a descent rank on any search engine is the fact that you have no body text on your index page. Well you do have some: © Copyright 2003 Martin Motorsports, Inc. All rights reserved. Website designed and developed by …. Hosting by …, but that is it.


Adding 'real' text will make a big difference.



I usually give three to four distinct recommendations but the body text issue is so overwhelmingly important that you need to focus on that one first.


Note: you have too many keywords listed in your Meta Keywords tag.


What do you think are the most relevant keywords? List them in order.

Would love to see 'Hosting by TCH' changed to a link with the wording 'Web Hosting by Total Choice Web Hosting'.

Changed the link, should be better now. :D

Not in Google index ;) … new site?


Your biggest obstacle against obtaining a descent rank on any search engine is the fact that you have no body text on your index page.


Note: you have too many keywords listed in your Meta Keywords tag.

Yup, new site, just went live a few days ago, so hence, no Google yet :(


As for the body text issue, I've fixed that, and there is now body text. However, you might not see the body text, and this was done on purpose, and is not a spam technique. Essentially, if you view the source to the page, you will see the text there, in a nice format. If you do a "print preview" of the site, you will see the text, as you will also see it in NN4, Lynx, and other CSS-disabled browsers.


Why did I choose to do this? To be consistent with my design and also be consistent with the latest table-less design techniques. The latest techniques choose to hide/show different information, depending on the browser, and I'm doing the same thing with my text. For browsers that support CSS and CSS-P, they get the nice layout, that speaks for itself. For browsers that don't, they get the text to help make the same statement.


I hope this make senses, as I'm one highly against spam and related techniques, and if not, I can delve into more details.


As for the keywords, I have 27 listed in descending importance. I did not think this was too many, how many do you recommend I cut this down to then?


Thanks for the feedback, appreciated :D


Great looking site. I really like what you did with the text! I have not before seen a site that did this (or simply didn't notice it.) It's a great step toward true "works with any browser" and accessibility while not sacrificing design.




A lot more sites are starting to move to this tableless design coding technique. One of the bigger ones I know is wired.com, and another great sitve I've seen is adaptivepath.com.


Checking out their source code you'll see even more tricks.


Your body text is fine now, spiders will see this:


>motorsport flag Martin Motorsports, Inc. 1992 maroon E36 at Summit Point
    * services
    * performance
    * affiliations
    * directions
    * contact us
Martin Motorsports, Inc. - Northern Virginia's BMW & Volvo Service and
Performance Shop

  Martin Motorsports, Inc. offers a wide range of services and performance
  enhancements for your BMW, Volvo, or other fine automobile, while at
  the same time maintaining the highest level of quality and service to
  the customer. The links above offer more details in these areas and if
  you have any questions, be sure to
  contact us. Have a great day!
  Website designed and developed by Ted Serbinski. Web hosting by
  Total Choice Web Hosting.
  © Copyright 2003 Martin Motorsports, Inc. All rights reserved.


As to the number of keywords, there is no magic number but remember that each one you add dilutes the others. Most people use too many, I like selecting the most relevant and focusing on just those (in both Meta tags and elsewhere).


I looked at yours again... Without doing the proper research I could not recommend which ones to focus on, but I can tell you at this point that you do have too many.


Okay, I looked at the META keywords again and reduced the number to 13, only focusing on the most important keywords. Never really considered the fact that multiple keywords would have a diluting effect.


Also, do you see any other problem areas that should I focus on for search engines, or should I be relatively good for now?


Thanks for the help, appreciated :huh:

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