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Secure Php Mail()


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trying to secure form submited info to disalow spammers. Any other PHP'ers out there with suggestions??



// set up variables
$redirect = "thanks.url"; \\your thank you URL
$subject  = "Enter a subject here"; \\your subject
$mailingto = "you@******"; \\hardcoded to: field
$headers = "From: webserver@******\r\n" . "Reply-to: webserver@******\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP-" . phpversion(); \\change who you want the emails from
$message = ""; \\just clearing anything a spammer tried to pass
$tmessage = ""; \\just clearing anything a spammer tried to pass
$securemessage ""; \\just clearing anything a spammer tried to pass
$welcome = "enter message to send to form submittal recipient \n" \\start your email
$footer = "this will apear after the form data\n" \\ this will end the email

//parse form submittal - enters each field submitted on a new line "name : value"
foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key => $value)
$message .= $key ." : " .$value ."\n";

//eliminate any email at's
$securemessage = srt_replace('@', "at", $message);

//build email
$tmessage = "$welcome\n\n$message\n$footer";
$ret = mail($mailingto, $subject, $securemessage ,$headers);

//make sure we sent email and redirect
if ($ret) {
header("Location: $redirect");
} else {
echo('<h1>Enter your WOOPS form did not work here</h1>');


I have not checked the script yet, but wanted to get some input. I am aware of some spammers trying to send cc:'s thru form subbmitions and want to make a simple php script that had every place there could be an email either hardcoded or check and remove any @'s. Thoughts? Suggestions? Martini's??

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Thanks for the input Charlie. Unfortunately I have 2 php scripts that do other things in addition to sending out an email (append or modify a .htaccess style file) and it would take way to much work to try to include a script like that into my pages, but thanks for the info on a secure PHP form mailer!! Rock Sign

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