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Everything posted by namaste

  1. I know how to use the IP Manager to block an IP address or range of addresses. The problem I've been confronted with recently is when either a person or a script (?) is used to sign up to our Web Page, and the IP address is 'masked'. I assume this is what is happening as the relevant section of the PHP Nuke file, nuke_users shows a '0' rather than the normal series of numbers for the IP address. This invariably happens when the the Discussion Forum is used to post links to various other sites, mostly someone selling rubbish, religion, et cetera. Am I making the correct assumption here, i.e., the IP address is indeed masked, and if so how or is it possible to still trace / unmask those pests? I know that some years ago --- at least 10--- you could send an eMail to someone via a specific site which stripped off any indication of the true origin of the eMail, so I'm thinking this has now been ported over to the IP address. Any suggestions? Thank you and make a nice day, namaste
  2. What I'm attempting to do is install Coppermine (v1.4.18) into Raven Nuke (v.2.20) as in integrated component / module. What I've completed to date is read through and followed the TCH Web Hosting Help Site Page on Coppermine up to Step 3, to where I've created a folder "gallery" nested within the public_html folder. Where I'm having difficulty now is that the Coppermine Docs AND the TCH Help Site manual do not indicate if this is for a Stand Alone Coppermine, which I am assuming it is.? I presently have Coppermine running smoothly on another site at TCH which is using PHP-Nuke 7.8. I note the Coppermine directory/folder is located at <www.myothersite.org/public_html/modules/coppermine>. In this case Coppermine is integrated into the PHP Nuke site, i.e., link on home page to coppermine, accessible/usable by all members, appears in Admin Menu, et cetera. I wish to achieve the same result on the Raven Nuke site I have at TCH. The folks at the RN site gave me the URL for the downloading of Coppermine which is intended to work with PHP-Nuke. Raven tells me that Fantastico is 'definitely not going to install any integrated scripts,' and when I did the install several months ago via cPanel Fantastico De Luxe it resulted in a Stand Alone module, which I do NOT want. I've removed that installation. Albeit must I have some detailed knowledge about scripts to integrated Coppermine to my RN site at TCH? As I did not set up the PHP-Nuke site I 'administer', I cannot use it as a reference for what I would like to attempt here with the RN Site. Finally, the Docs suggests that, it's always a good idea to contact your web hosting service first and ask them if they are aware of any known issues when installing Coppermine." Given it works A-ok on the PHP-Nuke site I assume there are no issues! Any suggestions you good folks here at TCH can offer is appreciated.
  3. I would appreciate it if someone could help me in understanding one specific feature of this item in cPanel. I note the Left side of the page shows an assortment of items beginning with Navigation, through CMS, et cetera. The upgrade box shows in my case that on the site I have using PHP Nuke, I have 7.8 and that 7.9 is available for upgrading. I purchased it some time ago but not sure the modifications I've made to several modules wouldn't make the who site go BURP in 7.9. The Left side of Fantastico does NOT show PHP NUKE nor Raven Nuke ( which I am using for another site). Does TCH have any selective input (e.g., the indication for the PHP Nuke site that a newer version is available) and also who determines the selection of the CMS that we find on the Left? Thank You.
  4. Thank you kindly to each of you who offered assistance. One of the chaps at the RavenNuke forum spotted 'the obvious' which I had missed in the config.php file. It was somewhat akin to those magazine pictures where you were asked to find the x number of faces in the picture. Never very good at that and in this case I missed the obvious. Albeit, made the correction and within a few minutes I had complete the installation. Now will try and modify to see my needs. BUT... I will look at Nuke Evolution in more detail. Finally, it's great to know there are folks out there happy to assist, kinda makes you feel at home!
  5. Yes I did add them to the db, i.e., the original user and pswd plus the attempt at the 'work-around' on the rnv220 msg. I might add here that there is one other piece of info that might assist someone in breaking this impasse I face and that is the error I now get on adding the "..did you remember to run the INSTALLATION/installSQL.php," is a 'Page Not Found 404 ". My Error log notes there is no such file, "[sun Mar 9 15:21:08 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/*******/public_html/INSTALLATION/installSQL.php." It would seem I cannot create the database because permission does not exist for the rnv220 at my localhost. Also PHPAdmin reveals there are no tables in the database! How to create them given the impasse I face is my quandary.
  6. I recently opened another web space on TCH and am presently attempting to install RavenNuke v.2.20.0, but it appears I have not been able to get much beyond reading the Docs, and a few other first steps. I've created a database, user and pswd and granted full access to same. I also changed the config.php file to reflect the info from the database. As an aside I note the config.php file in my unzipped version of RavenNuke_v2.20.0 shows e.g., SQL Database Hostname and NOT SQL "localhost"; So here I'm not sure if the quotes, etc are really necessary or ??? On completion of the u/l to my Server ( in folder public_html) of the items in the html folder, l pointer Firefox to the URL. With my best efforts I cannot get beyond these 2 Error messages; >There seems to be a problem connecting to the MySQL server. MySQL is Reporting Access denied for user 'rnv220'@'localhost' (using password: YES) SO, I then added the latter part of the route as noted below to the Address bar and then I get the second error msg / problem (cf. below). I attempted to work around this by accommodating that message by adding the User 'rnv220' with the pswd YES, but that just gives me a repeat of the results I've been getting. From my reading of the docs it would appear the User 'rnv220' would be something in an earlier 'fill in the Form' step provided to assist with installation. BTW I also changed the permission on the ultramode.txt, sample.htaccess and sample.staccess fm 644 to 777. This was suggested in the Doc's. Albeit, Ravennuke and I are at loggerheads on this and without some assistance I'm not sure I can make any further progress. Except for my role as a weekend admin on a PHPNuke site hosted by TCH, where I have some hands-on experience with cPanel and its many features I'm a blank slate with respect to scripts, etc. Appreciate ANY and ALL help those of you with the depth and span of knowledge of RavenNuke can offer. In advance, thank you. >There seems to be a problem with the System Configuration Table - it's missing. If you are the System Administrator and installing this for the first time, did you remember to run the INSTALLATION/installSQL.php file? 2nd Error Msg. MySQL Database Connectivity Test Results config.php file found! I was unable to reach your MySQL server using the MySQL connection settings in your nuke config.php file. The exact error that MySQL reported is: MySQL Error # 2 = Access denied for user 'rnv220'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  7. Finally ran out of areas to look, so having made the effort perhaps someone can assit me here via this forum. I note via cPanel that the latest version of PHP-Nuke is 7.9, and we are using 7.8. I assume that using Fantastico this upgrade would be carried out somewhat akin to when I upgrade to the latest System Version on my personal computer, i.e., it's 'done for me' in as much as I need only d/l the upgrade and 2xclick -- I do not need to have any techie knowledge. "Installation complete, Restart required!" Cpanel gives me the precautionary note that; "Click on Upgrade only if - no files, languages, themes have been modified - you haven't added mods to this installation of PHP-Nuke Info: Your current installation will be backed up." Eh.eh. Da.da.da... I decided I really did not have enough info on what is really asked of me here. We do run add-on, e.g. phpBB, NuCalendar, Picture Gallery. I will have a look at the PHP-Nuke site for help, but thought perhaps someone hereabouts might be able to offer some assistance. Thank You. George
  8. Thank you kindly for your assistance. I did d/l Xampp and installed it without any problems.It took me awhile to locate the Control Panel and test it out. I also followed through the various step oulined below the Test and Read Me. While in Terminal I entered various commans, e.g., ... ./Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/mampp security..... I changed pswds, etc but when I did the <http:localhost> to bring up the page on XAMPP for Mac OS X -> Status kept showing me that MySQL database as being <Deactivated>. I tinkered about with this but was NOT able to sort this out and I'm not up to where I can use the Terminal (Unix commands) to operate this as a Training / Educational Format for myself. As mentioned earlier my primary interest here is to test out / view my 'changes' before I move them to our Web Site. I still haven't been able to get PHP Nuke intalled and was hoping I would be able to do that through a process similar to my cPanel and the MySql (Fantastico) program therein hosted by TCH. I'm sure there is a way to create this on my Mac as this have given me a partial step towards a full installation. Thanks yet again and I'll keep reading and testing. As an aside, I did d/l the Lasarus Guestbook sometime last year for our Club's Website but was not every able to get it installed. The present one is/was a mess and swamped with ads and hacked by someone such that now I can't get any language but Spanish, ergo I've deactivated it.
  9. In an attempt to understand what for some would be basic / elementary 'stuff', I'm wanting to use my Mac (Intel Core Duo Proc.] to act as a Server for my hands on experience. The foundation of these Mac's is bases on Darwin, Unix and Apache. I would like to take advantage of this by installing MySQL, and PHP Nuke 7.9/8.0 in order that I get a first hand look at what happens when I perform a certain task, e.g., upgrade from PHP Nuke 7.8 to 7.9. This would be applicable to our Club's Web Site hosted at TCH. I'm reasonably familiar with using FTP, and have been doing some basic Admin work with the cPanel. However the site needs some tidying-up, e.g., modules duplicated, Security Code module not working on home page, etc. I've downloaded and unpacked MySql, but looking at Terminal (the Unix view on the Mac) I cannot see how I can get MySql installed so that I could then proceed with installing PHP Nuke. Sorry for long post . . . anyone out there who has experience on their Mac with this process ???? Thanks in advance. George
  10. Hi Andy, Thank you for your reply. I note while using FTP that the Backup I did earlier this AM has been saved at the rdir level of our Club's files. I assume this to be the Server you note above and accordingly will now place the ticket. Best regards. George.
  11. The Situation: Our web site has a number of its modules missing (reason unknown) resulting in part in the inability of members to sign into site. Using cPanel and Backups option I have completed a - Full Backup...aka Generate/Download a Full Backup - of the site as of today 11.18.2006. The previous Backup and the one I wish to use via Restore option is in tar.gz compressed mode dated , backup-8.16.2006.... The Question: Using cPanel Backup as my route to Restoration, which do I select on the Backups 'page'; <Restore a Home Directory Backup...Choose file Option> OR <Restore a MySQL Database....Choose File option>? I'm not sure what it is that a FULL BACKUP implies when doing a restoration of a previously created Backup. Also, I assume that it is the tar.gz that one would select and not a decompressed version of a Backup. I note from a Forum comment that in some cases you can or you have to open a ticket to have Tech. Support to do the Restore. Appreciate your assistance on this, especially so as this problem occurred with our site while I've been away in India for the past 2 months and I would now like to make our site accessible to members asap.
  12. Thank you Bruce. Now why couldn't I think of that approach, especially so when I had see the Karakas name before, re PHPnuke - How to. The links are quite helpful.
  13. I'm going to remember your userid for future reference. You obviously have PHPNuke archiceture / structure totally incorporated into your 'database' -- wish I could say the same! The solution was just as you suggested! I must have changed the permission on the Your Account, to be visible ONLY to Registered Users, thinking that they would still be able to login at the Front Page, which of course was NOT possible. However, when I loggged in to admin.php, then clicked Your Account & did a login, as a Regular User it was OK. That made me think the problem was at the Front Page, but I was not understanding the structure of PHPNuke such that I could connect the permission on the Your Account Module as needing to be at the All Visitors level. After all everyone is a Visitor to the site until such time as they login to change that status. I had created a Catch 22 script ... no pun intended. Thank you SO VERY MUCH for that solution, and 'making my day.' You have a Great Day.
  14. Bruce you need to help me here. If the only ban I have is on IPs beginning with 85. ( somewhere in Turkey, Ankara I think), how would that affect someone in a downtown office with an IP that definately does NOT begin with 85.? I checked the Raw Access Log as part of my attempt to discover what the problem was with this happening, and no 85.xx.x.xxx...... ! I believe my comment about the change in the login block from the slightly changed 6.5 upgraded to 7.8 and NOW today the Standard Login block minus ANY Security number block, has something to do with this. Why would it work yesterday (flawless) and now today the visable change in the Login Block, suggest to me that.... If I were to ban the IP Ban Module, where would I do this? It does not show up as part of the Module lsitings in Admin.php. Can this be done using FTP or cpanel? I can't step into the same river twice but you chaps at TCH have an unusual ability to do just that so . . . . who am I to question your suggestion. Make another nice day
  15. I will send that to you via PM. Until a couple of weeks ago we were using PHPNuke 6.5 which was ug'ed to 7.8. Having tinkered around with the problem I now have, I believe it has to do with the Login Module (script) at the front/homepage. For your information, following the installation of 7.8, I now had the original( 25 modules +1 new that being IP BAN) in the admin.php page, plus below it there were an additional Admin. Modules section, 13 of which only News and User were new additions. The remaining 11 were repeats, BUT a number of the 'older' modules were now only partially operative, e.g. NU_Calendar, and such modules as Edit User & User Configuration, now presented me with a <Access Denied>. The New 'Users' modules was ok, just not as good in my view. To the problem at the Front Page, the Security Block which had been present on the Login and required completion, was not not operational and all but missing. However, there were NO problems with logins -- needing only userid and pswd MINUS the Sec. Numbers. Today, when the login problem was presented to me, I noticed that the 'standard' login block was now present, with NO partial Security Block present. Also, I noticed in attempting to sort through the problem, that when I created a new user or EVEN inserted a NEW admin 'person' at the database level, neither were being recognized when I attempted to login. So something from the relevant section of the MYsql database is not being 'connected' to the Login module. A final comment to give you some of the picture/problem; While none of the 2 new admin users will operate, I can login to admin module via my regular userid/pswd. This is NOT browser related as I've tried both. From the admin module, I can click Your Account, presented with a 2nd/3rd level login window, and I can login as a Regular User from this position, OR click Discussion Forum and login at bottom from there. However, to access YOUR ACCOUNT from here I have to again login as a Reg. User. This works. Phew...... Now the fix to this mess? And sorry for the brevity
  16. A member of our web site just advise me he could not login to the site (he uses a Windows Browser ). When I attempted to do this. I too encountered the same problem. All attemps resulted in a redirect to the standard msg, " You are attempting to access a restricted area....." This was so whether I chose to login to Admin or as a Regular User. When I attempted to Register as a New User, the same redirect occured. I checked the nuke_config file for an inserted redirector but nothing was present. I checked all the known places, with exception of 'Your Account' where the contents was available only in script format and that is another language which I do not 'speak.' Thinking perhaps this was not a Hack to the site, I decided to Empty the Cache on the Firefox and re-try the Login. NO SUCCESS. I then decided to use the Safari Browers which is part of the G5 OS X system. BINGO. Success! I was able to login in both as a Registered User, and also as Admin. Any Suggestions as to whether this might simply be a Script kiddie at work, or is it a Browser issue of some sort? IF the Latter, how do I reconcile that a Windows and a Firefox browser worked earlier today, but not recently. If the Former, where would that redirector be placed that creates this loop? BAFFLED !
  17. Presently our Web Site has two images[ (logo.gif (left) & logo-graphic.gif (right)] on the front page(index.html). I am wanting to change to another theme (NUKENEWS) which has the PHP Nuke Web Portal System logo in the UL corner. When you mouse-over that logo or the one on our web site, it shows as being a call to reload the index.php file. In a HTML index page, I would need to only change the specific gig/jpg to the one I wanted then save the changes. Alas, a 'brave new world' has opened for me to walk in PHP-Nuke. I attempted to accomplish my wishes by uploading our Clubs logo in the Images directory assigned to NukeNews, and deleting the item being replaced. The image title is the same, i.e., logo.gif. However, even if I deleted the logo.gif before I uploaded our Clubs logo.gif, when I ask to view the contents of the file, the phpNuke logo is still present. Does this have something to do with "...calling the header of the site, and the left blocks to be shown", and if so where do I modify this? I thought perhaps the index.html file would reveal something to me but it's empty, as are many of the others I've lookied at.... Why is that? What am I NOT DOING, that I SHOULD BE DOING to insert our 'logo.gif' in NukeNews? If you can assist me here I would like to FIRST, achieve this on "MY ACCOUNT" page before giving it universal application on our Clubs Front Page. How would I do this in both cases? In attempting to understand the architecture of PHP-Nuke and not make too many 'footprints' in TCH Forums, I noted the following which is related to my above question; "PHP-Nuke task are carried out in 3 pages; 1. index.php : In order to display the main page then the following; header.php: manages the variables that are related to the header (inclusion of metatags, Javascript...)". Yet when I view the contents of header.php, I don't see any reference to a command understandable by me that calls for any <logo.gif> to be placed in the UL. Walking ever so softly I look forward to any assistance. WKR George
  18. Having 'inherited' our Clubs Web Site with very minimal knowledge of phpNuke, I cannot express my appreciation enough for the technical support that TCH staff has provided me with this difficult transition. I want to single out Andy for going that extra kilometer with his assistance. If could NEVER be said of you guys, that you were not representative of the TOTAL in Choice Hosting. Kudos to all of you!
  19. Bruce would you please provide a little more detail on the "TLD name: domain.ext"? Where would one locate that.... Raw Log Access file??
  20. Is is possible to ban any specific IPs that occur within a range of IPs, for example; What if I wanted to ban any attempts to access our web site from this range of numbers, -, would this be possible? I've attempted inserting a comma between these numbers but that does not seem to work. When I've viewed my Raw Access Log, I've found evidence of script kiddies attemtping to access our site. When I ban the specific IP, they return with a slightly different IP number and I'm starting to develop a rather LONG list of BannedIPs originating from / via this route which is in Turkey; A portion of the WHOIS for the IP returns the following; This is the RIPE Whois query server #2. % Information related to ' -' inetnum netname: TurkTelekom role: TT Administrative Contact Role address: Turk Telekom address: Bilisim Aglari Dairesi address: Aydinlikevler I'm using phpNuke ver - 7.8
  21. Quite agree! Of course with another platform the 'Drag & Drop' has been a common GUI feature with FPT, et cetera for quite a few year, thus avoiding much of the details used and necessity for explanation of 'how-to-do' we see so often with the predominate platform. In time all things give way to simplicity.
  22. Bruce, Is it possible to save these various Q&A's on such important topics as Backup in your Control Section, so that you can d/l them to your computer for printing. Or, must I resort to Copy and Paste into a text software? Thank you. GM
  23. Agree. Not understanding which backup served which purpose, I did not take any chances so I did a Backup where ever I saw a Backup 'button'. Albeit, whether full or home dir. the time involved was insignificant. I just assume folks use a high speed Internet connection.
  24. EUREKA ! Ain't it nice when that dang blasted Light finally goes ON! Now if only I knew how to frame my question in the first post I might have avoided all those bits and bytes I've consumed on this Serveer. And, I'm going to assume that the process of a Full Backup would be the preparatory step to a 'full restoration'. Thank You and Kudos to you Bruce -
  25. Thank you Bruce, but I'm still attempting to sort through the terms being used (i.e. full, site, database) and apply them to the specific task. Would site backup be synonymous with 'site restoration' to a TCH tech? In light of the various Backups I noted above in my earlier post, I can appreciate they would be 'database backups' as some of them are 'out front' as it were. However, when I click the Backup Module in my cpanel, I'm presented with a window which starts with , " Full Backup" consisting of Home Directory ,MySQL Database Backup, & Download Aliases or Filters Backup, and the option opposite each to <Restore> via Browse or Upload. The caveat below the Full Backup title states; "Note: You cannot restore these backups, they can only be restored by your administrator." As I have Administrative status ( aka admin priviledges yes??? ) on the site, is the reference caveat to TCH administrator, if not then why could I not restore the backups? It's just that I can't fathom someone with 'non-administrative status' having access to the many components of cpanel less 'Full Backup' ..... well other than an illegal introusion to a site. May I say, 'yes' and 'no' in that I did once use phpMyAdmin to remove a redirector from the Nuke_config sql table. In addition that person had inserted himself into the nuke_authors with God Status. I also deleted that from the 'nuke_database', and applied necessary patches. If that person could add himself, then I believe I too would have been able to add to the nuke_authors, ergo backup of that database would not be necessary to 'restore'. Or, am I 'apple and oranges' again? AND, I am very appreciative of the help I've been receiving in these forums from yourself and others. Perhaps TCH might add some detail in their Tutorial Sections with respect to Backups. I've gone through most of them and found the sections quite useful. Thank you and make a nice day.
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