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  1. That did the trick. Thank you!
  2. Hi...I just bought another domain and am attempting to set up Drupal on it. I followed your (wonderfully!) easy directions and I got this: Fatal error: Table 'scratch_drupal.users' doesn't exist query: SELECT u.*, s.* FROM users u INNER JOIN sessions s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE s.sid = '78bb72f351913b609ec5b3a9d36d13ef' AND u.status < 3 LIMIT 0, 1 in /home/scratch/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 125 Wow. LOL. Any suggestions?
  3. I have found, from personal experience (and I have installed MT many times) that it's usually less of a headache (especially with big version changes) to do a fresh install of the new version and then import your entries.
  4. Heh. I read Toxic Parents and am now currently hacking my way through Angels and Demons.
  5. Hey you! I read that book! Totally loved it. She wrote another one called "Lucky", which was about an event in her own life. That one is even better.
  6. Don't feel bad, DWD. Spammers hit the Expression Engine blogs yesterday. I deleted 100+ trackback spams from my domain alone and many people got more than that. It's a sad situation this week.
  7. Right back at ya. That's pretty funny...I'm gonna have to remember that.
  8. It seems to be fine since an adjustment was made on the server yesterday. I *did* try the non-persistent connection thing prior to that and it did not seem to make any difference. But all is well now.
  9. Apology accepted. I'll close the post with the comments. I would like to say I don't feel I was screaming and yelling. I was frustrated, as well, and after this thread was closed, it just added to it. I apologize to anyone I may have offended, though. TCH *is* a good host. You guys have great uptime and you're very affordable and quite honestly, I don't want to move somewhere else. Let's put this behind us and move on.
  10. I did make one small tweak that was suggested over at pMachine, on the Knowledge blog, but it didn't help. My site is just one big SQL error now and is completely crippled. I am NOT happy.
  11. I have sent numerous tickets about this issue and have also posted this question on the board over at pMachine and have yet to get any helpful response. The last 24 hours, I have been seeing the following error off and on on my domain: Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/wxzgjty/public_html/system/db/db.mysql.php on line 252 MySQL ERROR: Query: SELECT exp_members.weblog_id, exp_members.tmpl_group_id, exp_members.username, exp_members.screen_name, exp_members.member_id, exp_members.email, exp_members.url, exp_members.location, exp_members.last_visit, exp_members.total_entries, exp_members.total_comments, exp_members.language, exp_members.timezone, exp_members.daylight_savings, exp_members.time_format, exp_members.last_email_date, exp_members.notify_by_default, exp_members.upload_id, exp_members.theme, exp_members.quick_links, exp_members.template_size,exp_member_groups.* FROM exp_members, exp_member_groups WHERE unique_id = '148214c01fdd078a0542f5e3db5281b260d04302' AND password = '4e07e2fc3d7cc6240a28193ddca33e70d286ad83' AND exp_members.group_id = exp_member_groups.group_id I sent two tickets last night...the first one, I was told the problem was resolved, the second one, I got this: Hi, as far as I can tell from a little research - this is an error with ExpressionEngine, and the configuration. It appears that the PHP timeout figures for your site are causing the problems. I am not familiar enough with the configuration parameters for Expression Engine. I have absolutely NO idea what that means and when I asked for further explanation, I received no answer. I would also like to add that the server I am hosted on suffers from painful slowness (at times) and has had weird issues like the time being 15 minutes off, which also messes with blog functioning. And yes, I sent tickets on those issues, which were resolved (although the time problem had to be corrected twice). The current issue would have to be a server problem, as I configured my blog seven months ago and although I am no server expert, I have a hard time believing the configuration would suddenly be an issue to the point where it stands now. If someone could look into this problem or advise me as to how to resolve it, I would be most grateful. Thank you. *Update*-Got a response over at pMachine: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource Generally, there are two possibile causes for this error. MySQL is down or it has run out of database connections. If it is the former, there is little you can do about it apart from contact your Host/server admin. There was also a suggestion to change something in the config, which i am going to try now. But you might want to look into the SQL on server 74.
  12. That's good, if it works for you. Personally, I found MT to be more trouble than it was worth, so that's why I ditched it, but to each their own.
  13. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MT has always been vulnerable to spam attacks and the reason it has gotten worse lately is because the support for MT Blacklist has gone by the wayside. It's great there are plug ins available, but it might be better to spend a few bucks and move up to Expression Engine, and never have to deal with this nonesense at all. I did just that a few months ago and I have not once had to deal with any spam. To the first poster in this thread: Renaming the comment script doesn't work. I know numerous people who have tried this and it has always failed within a short period of time. Not being argumentive, just adding my 2 cents, for whatever it's worth, LOL.
  14. Hi...I am having problems with phpBB. I had one board installed and for some reason, member accounts became invalid and no one could sign in. I decided to create a new board and deleted the old one completely. However, I am unable to install a new board. I am NOT using the directory name of the old board...I have tried three times with three new directory names and I get this message: There was a problem with the installation! Any ideas?
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