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Webform And Sendmail


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I am new to TCH and scripting and want to send a webform to a single email address. I found out that CGIemail is not supported but that I can use Sendmail. So, I have read the forums and tried some segments of code but I can't seem to get anything to work. I searched the documentation in TCH and don't see any basic instructions or templates as examples. Would someone please provide:

1. Basic instructions

2. Sample CGI form (e.g myform.cgi)


Is it something like:


  $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t';

  $recip = 'myname\@mywebsite.com';


3. Sample of HTML form action


Is it something like:

<form action="http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/myform.cgi" method="POST">


4. Are there any special services that need activation? (I see how to make the permssions 755; not sure if the upload is in ASCII but it looks OK when viewing under CODE/EDIT)

5. Does the cgi form go in the CGI folder under Public_html? I presume that you can make a cgi form using wordpad and then change the file type.


Any tips would be appreciated. Some basic instructions for how to use Sendmail on TCH would be most helpful for a newcomer...nothing fancy...just sending a single webform to an email address.

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OK Thanks. I will check it out. At first glance, it looks like there are too many options for someone who has not worked with scripts. Yesterday, I found samples out on the web but they did not seem to apply to TCH's paths and syntax and I couldn't get it to work. It would be helpful to be able to cut and paste someone elses code who uses TCH (for processing a single web form to an email recipient) so the paths and syntax would work. I thought someone may have a template somewhere with instructions so I wouldn't spend days of research to get this working but I will explore hotscripts tomorrow and see if anything pops out. I was unable to find anything along these lines in the CPanel documentation.

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Welcome to the forums gmwade :)


Here is a sample script that I use. You will need a copy of cgi-lib.pl which you can find using Google. Place the scripts in your "cgi-bin" folder and change the permissions to 755. Hope that helps.


$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' ;

require ('cgi-lib.pl');


$First_Name = $field{'First_Name'} ;	 
$Last_Name = $field{'Last_Name'} ;	 
$E_mail = $field{'E_mail'} ;	 
$Phone = $field{'Phone'};
$Comments = $field{'Comments'} ;	 

$message = "" ;
$found_err = "" ;

#get current date and time

$errmsg = "<p>Field 'First Name' must be filled in.</p>\n" ;

if ($First_Name eq "") {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }

$errmsg = "<p>Field 'Last Name' must be filled in.</p>\n" ;

if ($Last_Name eq "") {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }

$errmsg = "<p>Please enter a valid email address</p>\n" ;

if ($E_mail !~ /.+\@.+\..+/) {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }

$errmsg = "<p>You must enter a 'Phone' number.</p>\n" ;

if ($Phone eq "") {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }

$errmsg = "<p>Field 'Comments' must be filled in.</p>\n" ;

if ($Comments eq "") {
$message = $message.$errmsg ;
$found_err = 1 ; }

if ($found_err) {
&PrintError; }

$recip = "you\@yourwebsite.com" ;

open (MAIL, "|$mailprog");
print MAIL "Reply-to: $E_mail\n";
print MAIL "From: $E_mail\n";
print MAIL "To: $recip\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Webform request\n";
print MAIL "\n\n";
print MAIL "On: ".$long_date."\n" ;
print MAIL "--------------------------------------\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "Name:          ".$First_Name." ".$Last_Name."\n" ;
print MAIL "E-mail:        ".$E_mail."\n" ;
print MAIL "Phone:         ".$Phone."\n" ;
print MAIL "--------------------------------------\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "Comments:      ".$Comments."\n" ;
print MAIL "--------------------------------------\n" ;
print MAIL "\n\n";
close (MAIL);

$recip = $E_mail ;

open (MAIL, "|$mailprog");
print MAIL "Reply-to: you\@yourwebsite.com\n";
print MAIL "From: you\@yourwebsite.com\n";
print MAIL "To: $recip\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Your message has been received\n";
print MAIL "\n\n";
print MAIL "Thank you ".$First_Name." for using our on-line message form.\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "We will respond to your query as quickly as possible.\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "You submitted the following:\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "Name:          ".$First_Name." ".$Last_Name."\n" ;
print MAIL "E-mail:        ".$E_mail."\n" ;
print MAIL "Phone:         ".$Phone."\n" ;
print MAIL "------------------------------------\n" ;
print MAIL "Comments:      ".$Comments."\n" ;
print MAIL "------------------------------------\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "If you require a response you should receive one within 48 hours, if not please \n";
print MAIL "submit this information again by replying to this message.\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "Thank you,\n" ;
print MAIL "\n" ;
print MAIL "Your Name\n" ;
print MAIL "http://www.yourwebsite.com\n" ;
print MAIL "\n\n";
close (MAIL);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML>\n" ;
print "<HEAD>\n" ;
print "<TITLE>Thank You!</TITLE>\n" ;
print "<style>\n" ;
print "body {\n" ;
print 'color: "#000000";'."\n" ;
print 'font-family: "arial";'."\n" ;
print "font-size: 10pt;\n" ;
print "}\n" ;
print "a:link { color: blue; text-decoration: none }\n" ;
print "a:visited { color: darkred; text-decoration: none }\n" ;
print "a:active { color: cyan; text-decoration: none }\n" ;
print "a:hover { color: red; text-decoration: underline }\n" ;
print "</style>\n" ;
print "</HEAD>\n" ;
print '<BODY bgcolor="white">'."\n" ;
print "<center>\n" ;
print '<table border="0" width="90%">'."\n" ;
print "<tr><td>\n" ;
print '<H2><font color="red">Thank you '.$First_Name.'!</font></H2>'."\n" ;
print "We appreciate your taking the time to write.\n" ;
print "<P>\n" ;
print "We\'ve mailed off your query to be processed as soon as possible.  We\'ve sent you an e-mail \n" ;
print "confirmation with the information you entered on the form.\n" ;
print "<P>\n" ;
print "Information submitted:<br>\n" ;
print "Comments: ".$Comments."\n" ;
print "<P>\n" ;
print "We will reply to you as quickly as possible if necessary.\n" ;
print "Your request is important to us.\n" ;
print "<HR>\n" ;
print '<H3>Back to the <A HREF="http://www.yourwebsite.com">Home Page</A></H3>'."\n" ;
print "</td></tr></table></center>\n" ;
print "</BODY></HTML>\n" ;

sub PrintError { 
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML>\n" ;
print "<HEAD>\n" ;
print "<TITLE>Validation Errors!</TITLE>\n" ;
print "</HEAD>\n" ;
print '<BODY bgcolor="white">'."\n" ;
print "<center>\n" ;
print '<table border="0" width="90%">'."\n" ;
print "<tr><td>\n" ;
print '<p align="center"><font color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><big><strong>Webmail Form'."\n" ;
print "Processing Error</strong></big></font></p>\n" ;
print "\n" ;
print '<p align="left"><font face="Arial" color="#000080"><strong>You forgot to enter one or more'."\n" ;
print "values:</strong></font></p>\n" ;
print "\n" ;
print '<p align="left"><font color="#000000" face="Arial"><strong>'.$message.'</strong></font></p>'."\n" ;
print "\n" ;
print '<p align="left"><font face="Arial" color="#000080"><strong>Please click your browser\'s'."\n" ;
print "Back button and try again.</strong></font></p>\n" ;
print "</td></tr></table></center>\n" ;
print "</BODY></HTML>\n" ;

exit 0 ;
return 1 ; 

sub get_date {

  ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);

  if ($sec < 10) {
     $sec = "0$sec";
  if ($min < 10) {
     $min = "0$min";
  if ($hour < 10) {
     $hour = "0$hour";
  if ($mon < 10) {
     $mon = "0$mon";
  if ($mday < 10) {
     $mday = "0$mday";

  $month = ($mon + 1);
  $year = ($year + 1900);

  @months = ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");

  $date = "$hour\:$min\:$sec $month/$mday/$year";

  chop($date) if ($date =~ /\n$/);

  $long_date = "$months[$mon] $mday, $year at $hour\:$min\:$sec";


In your web page to use this script you build your form using this:


><form action="http://www.yourwebsite.com/cgi-bin/yourscript.pl" method="post">

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Thanks for your feedback. I have been swamped with work and am only getting to start on this now. This may sound a bit off but is the script file saved as "myscript.pl" or "myscript.cgi"? I am presuming it is "myscript.pl" since that is what is called in the html piece but wanted to be sure. I was able to find and download "cgi-lib.pl" and put it in the cgi-bin folder and will put the other script file there as well but was unclear as to the exact file name. Please clarify if you can. Then I will worry about tweeking the template to hopefully get things working.


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