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Everything posted by dropjes

  1. Thanks for the tip, Carbonize. I was struggling to get a grip on PHP list, but after your post I tried DADA. It was very easy to set up and now I'm looking for a cool minimalist template. Can you recommend any sites to find decently looking newsletter templates? Thanks in advance.
  2. FYI I've had the same problem with the Netscape Mail program, so it's not the Bat's fault at all. I solved it by deleting the certificates every time it happened, but if it's a TCH backend problem I'll open a ticket. I love the Bat! It's the only PC thing I miss after going Mac.
  3. I don't know what you guys are congratulating each other for. Right at this moment server 65 and 64 (my server) have been down for a few hours now. I am expecting an email with a huge project from a client today and I haven't been able to pick up my mail. I filed a ticket and I'm sure TCH will take care of my problem, just like they always have, but right now I am not happy. If server 64 is migrating right now, a cautionary email from TCH for all server users would have been in order. But congratulating them with a migration while the servers are down is a bit premature.
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