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Hi Folks!


I am new to form creation so bear with me but what would be the best way to create forms to get info?


I haven't learned css well yet. Will it work with tch if I create them with html code in my html editor?


What would the "action" be if so, or "where directed"??



Otherwise I will learn the best method.


thanks :)

Posted (edited)

I create my forms using HTML. Then I call an action to a CGI script using the "POST" method.


Example using a Perl script:


Edited by TCH-Bruce



I tried one from my html editor and when I click submit, it gives me a warning window from Internet Explorer about sending an email and revealing users email address to recipient and email not encrypted.


Who wants that?




So, Bruce I would have to have my cgi setup on server?


Mike, you don't have to have (and I don't think Bruce implied either) CGI setup to run forms. The action of forms can call a plethora of things from CGI to PHP to itself. As far as your warning message, you might wanna post your code for us to take a look at to see what the problem is.


Ok, here's the "mess" or "misunderstanding I've got:



<form name="PCClients" action="http://www.michaelstreeter.com/" method="post">



<table border="0">


<td><input type="text" name="firstname" size="40" maxlength="256" value="Enter First Name">




<td><input type="text" name="lastname" size="40" maxlength="256" value="Enter Last Name">




<td><input type="text" name="emailaddr" size="40" maxlength="256" value="Enter Email Address">




<td><input type="text" name="city" size="40" maxlength="256" value="Enter Your City">




<td><input type="text" name="state" size="40" maxlength="256" value="Enter State">






Check the Service(s) You Are Interested In:


<table border="0">


<td><input type="checkbox" name="services" value="Web Site Design"> Web Site Design<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="services" value="Web Hosting , Domain Name, etc"> Web Hosting , Domain Name, etc<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="services" value="Computer Training"> Computer Training<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="services" value="Software Training"> Software Training<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="services" value="Custom Programming ( MSaccess)"> Custom Programming ( MSaccess)<br>






If You Are Interested In Web Design:<br><br>


<table summary="" border="0">


<td><input type="checkbox" name="typeofsite" value="Small Personal Site"> Small Personal Site<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="typeofsite" value="Hobby Site"> Hobby Site<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="typeofsite" value="Small Business"> Small Business<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="typeofsite" value="Intermediate Size Business"> Intermediate Size Business<br>




<td><input type="checkbox" name="typeofsite" value="Large Business"> Large Business<br>






Leave Any Additional Comments:


<table border="10">


<td><textarea name="comments" cols="30" rows="10">





</table><br><br><input TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form">


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="email_to" VALUE="mic@michaelstreeter.com">

<input type="submit" value="Submit">




thanks for the help Rock Sign


It's safe to say that this needs fixing


<form name="PCClients" action="http://www.michaelstreeter.com/" method="post">


Your form should point to a specific file that isn't the front page of your site. The page it should point to needs to be able to do the following

  • Parse the data
  • Check it for validity
  • Email you the data

There are plenty of cgi/perl or php scripts that can do that.


But right now, your form is sending all the data to your index page... actually just your public_html directory... and that's incorrect.


:goof: ooops!


better fix that.



Posted (edited)

Mike...TCH Jack has an awesome Form Mail script that he's been working on and upgrading frequently for quite some time. You can read more about it here: SureFire Web Design Ultimate Form Mail. You'll have to learn some new things...but he makes it pretty easy and provides a support forum just for that script!

Edited by natimage

:whip: Sounds like a great idea to me.


thanks Rock Sign




( all caps do to massive elation )


Rock Sign

thanks to all of you tch folks for the help.


For me? Jacks script was the way to go.


It just works great !!!!


Glad you like it. Thank you Natimage for recommending.


There are lots of form processors out there. I'm glad you find mine worthwhile.

There are lots of form processors out there.  I'm glad you find mine worthwhile.


That may be, Jack, but I tried A LOT of them, and they don't cut the mustard like yours does. I put a link on my site for you and voted at hotscripts.

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