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Has anyone at TCH addressed the problem with the FALSE uptime reports from Alertra? I ask this because yesterday server 26 went down for a significant amount of time. This also happened I believe on a different server a few weeks ago. Both times now TCH's Alertra stats has shown 100% uptime when we all know this not to be true.

I feel that if these tools are installed and to be used by the customers, then they should be 100% reliable. This topic was brought up some weeks ago and got sort of the brush off (we are looking into it) from the TCH staff.


Don't get me wrong...I think TCH is THE BEST Thumbs Up in customer service, but what is going on?


Alertra Serever 26 link: http://uptime.alertra.com/uptime2?pin=760571&abrv=26


It's unfortunate that you feel you were brushed off. I can assure you that the Head Guru and all of the staff take user requests and complaints very seriously.


As with any tool that TCH uses from a 3rd party, that company can do as they wish and TCH must react. If they change things then TCH can, as a client, make inquiries and request changes or answers but it is up to that provider to respond to the problem.


It's like your local cable company showing you the NBC network. If the NBC source shorts out and they stop sending the feed then it's not your cable company's fault, nor is it in their ability to do anything about it but put up a "technical difficulty" sign.


I am sure Alertra has been contacted about the reports and that we are waiting on a response to the situation but since I was not the one to contact them I will leave it at that.


Hopefully they will have a response soon.


I was thinking of posting a similar question yesterday but decided after the second server went down in a day to let the Staff have a rest :)


I didn't feel brushed-off the last time the question was raised because the note was given an answer. What I felt was that "we" were ignored or forgotten because the "problem" was not fixed and no other reply was given as to the status.


I understand that this is a 3rd party program but that is not an excuse. These servers have been down for a lengthy period and there has been plenty of time for the "reports" to be updated with these times.


Now I do appreciate all the hard work and the excellent status that is supplied the customers here in the forum. TCH truly goes above and beyond to keep us informed and happy.


But you need to light a fire under someones butt over there at Alertra. I assume you are paying for their "service" and if its not working, get a refund or get rid of it and find one that works.


My other concern here would be the page that has the "99.9% Uptime" advertised on the homepage. Sorry but that will need to be corrected, with these lastest servers going down hard you took a big hit on that percentage and only time will bring it back up again.


I dunno, with 50-ish servers in total the percentage of downtime is pretty small. Besides, a famous person once said there are 2 kinds of statistics, lies and d**n lies. If you only considered that one day and one server the uptime may be 20-something percent. If you consider the past year and all 50-ish servers it is likely 99.99 and if you consider only server 30 that I've been on since the start of my relationship with TCH it is probably statistically 100% Not that TCH plays those games, but it's all in the interpretation.

My other concern here would be the page that has the "99.9% Uptime" advertised on the homepage. Sorry but that will need to be corrected, with these lastest servers going down hard you took a big hit on that percentage and only time will bring it back up again.


Slight correction needs to be asserted on your assumption that we took a big hit.

There is no need for you to be sorry as you are incorrect.


99.9% uptime is averaged over all TCH servers. This is averaged over a 12 month period. Let's do some math, shall we?


55 Virtual Servers


99.9% = 43 minutes down time per month. 2365 minutes per month is our allowable down time based on 55 servers to achieve a 99.9% uptime. (40 hours per month.)


We are WELL within our advertised 99.9% uptime.


Server8 is a perfect example.


That server had seen 99.9+% uptime over the past 12 months until yesterday. Then it melted down yesterday. Average yesterdays outage over 12 months and what do you get?


365 days x 1440 Minutes (24hours=1440 minutes) = 535600 minutes.


We had a 9hour outage yesterday that equates to 540 minutes.


99.9% = 43 minutes per month or 516 hours per year.


So the users on Server8 have has a 99.89% uptime ratio over the past 12 months.


Secondly, we do not promise or guarantee any percentage of uptime. If you look close you will see the graphic says "99.9% uptime". It does not say "99.9% uptime guarantee".


Not bad for a host that charges $4.00 per month for hosting.


I am open to discuss our bad uptimes numbers with anyone, until then I regress.


Ahhh, playing with statistics...I love it.


Actually I know better than to argue about them because they are always twisted to meet the individuals view of them :).


And what about server26?


What about server26? Server26 had two bouts of down time. Each time we had the server back up from full restore within a respectable amount of time.


These are computers afterall, things happen that are not within our control.


We are in the process of inking a deal with a new 3rd party monitoring company.


I will make announcement later today.




Ahhh, playing with statistics...I love it.


Actually I know better than to argue about them because they are always twisted to meet the individuals view of them


Having been in research for many years I have an appreciation for your sentiment. I always used to roll my eyes when my population biologist colleagues would begin a tirade on 'proof' of relationships through the 'numbers'. I agree that they can certainly be twisted.


However, inappropriate in this instance.


540 down minutes in one year does truly represent 99.998973 uptime (twisted any which way, I still get 99.998973)


Personally for me, the numbers don't matter.


What matters to me is that IF the server(s) I am on go down I know that I can come here and find out why almost immediately, that TCH seems to employ an all-hands-on-deck approach to any problems and they work their hardest to get everything working again as fast as possible and that they give me a step by step update on the progress.


I have been with a host that GUARANTEED 99% uptime and it was a joke. When I called that into question and tried to get my money back, I was given excuse after excuse until they finally beat me down enough that I finally just left. I think that must be their strategy, wear people out until they leave. They were overseas, so trying to pursue action to recover some of my money wasn't worth it, and I am sure they count on that.


I guess for a person looking for a host, the numbers matter, but after you are here, it's the service, the people and their dedication...


Rock Sign

Besides, a famous person once said there are 2 kinds of statistics, lies and d**n lies.


The actual quote attributed to Mark Twain (probably apocryphally): "There are lies, damn lies and statistics." :)


Throwing out the uptime 99.9% here, in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter.


In my opinion, the uptime isn't what makes the host great. It is a combination of things, many things, that makes a webhost truly great.


Near the top of my list however, is problem response. Sure, I'd be annoyed if my uptime was 75%, but I think more important than uptime is the webhost's work to get a machine back up.


This is how I see it. I would gladly put up with some downtime if every single time my machine went down, my webhost tried hard to get it back up as quickly as possible.


This is what TCH does. When there is downtime, TCH comes in here and works 100% to get it back up as soon as possible. Not only that, TCH keeps its customers up-to-date about what is currently going on with the machine, and I've seen Head Guru apologize repeatedly over things like that.


The uptime is important, but something at least equally important is the webhost's effort to get a dead machine back online. This is one of the many areas that TCH excels in.


Hi Scott, I worked for a Research company for 29.96346132 years (at least thats what it said on my severance papers, I loved all those numbers behind the decimal point) and so I've seen how numbers can be used. And you are right and I stand corrected.


Averaged out across a year a server needs to be "down" for 1000 minutes before it slips below the 99.9 percentage.

Oh I forgot to mention. No where that I can see does that 99.9% uptime mention a timeframe of one year. If you use a month instead its not as high.

Ahh, this is true. Nor would looking at a week, hour, minute or second... see the flaw? ;)


Of course it is all relative. From a hosting perspective, the defined time unit should represent a logical duration (i.e. a year).

Posted (edited)



If you are not happy here move but stop your stupid bitching man complaining!


Your argument is baseless and your rambling is not impressive at all.


If you want to pick a fight you best be ready to come up with guns smoking.

Your guns are well not loaded.


Head Guru busts his I AM A SPAMMER works hard and it shows, man you just do not get it pal!


The uptime here is the best I have ever had from any hosting company I have ever used. I mean your paying pennies a day. Give me a break.


Put up or shut the hell up Please let this go.


Your posts bore me!



Rock Sign


[This post has been edited (sort of) by D. Scott Demmin, remember this is a family forum and we should not be to harsh on any of our members.]

Edited by TCH-Scott

Please try to contain ill feelings on these Forums. We're all a family here, and while some families have problems, we shouldn't be having any.


Please refrain from cursing or demeaning language in posts. This Forum is accessible by ages younger than 18, so please try to respect that some parents do not want their children to read certain words and phrases.


Hi John, sorry if I bore you but thats the way it goes sometimes. You have the option of just ignoring my posts if you wish. As a customer here on TCH I have every right to post my comments as long as they follow the guidelines and I believe all my posts have.


Take care John and have a nice day.

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