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Google's Adsense Advertising


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I would like to throw out for discussion this question:


If I sign up and advertise Google's Ads on my site is that a good or bad thing?


Now, what I see is that it's an opportunity to lose someone which is a bad thing. If Google gets goofy then you may be serving ads for your competitors - even worse!

Here's an example: I threw the ads on my web design site and they came up with 4 hosting ads and none of them were TCH! Arrgh!


Maybe this can be used as a tool to see what Google thinks your page is about and then you take it back off? Hmmm.


Are there any "hidden" bonuses to this? Do the Google gods smile more favorably on you when you help them make money? They say no, but really?


What say ye?

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I just skimmed thru the FAQ page for Adsense. I don't think this is something I would use on a site that is offering a product or service. Google use the content of your site to determine the ads that it delivers. For example Jim, on your main page you have content about TCH and your Key West Church site. The combination of these two things might explain the "Christian Web Hosting" ad that Google has put on your site.


Ok just read a little more. You can filter the ads that appear on your site. I wonder how effective it is.

Edited by TCH-Dick
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Are there any "hidden" bonuses to this?

No, except for the cash in can generate.


My own personal feeling, I do not like advertisements on sites (or radio [yea xm], movies, etc). How many of these ‘commercial’ sites do you have in your favorites?


None in mine ;)


You know it is unfortunate that so much is driven by $, remember the days when Google had no paid advertisers… nothing but relevancy. Everywhere we turn from the commercialization of Christmas to the mass marketing directed to our young children in movies, TV, radio, etc., it is all about money. Too much!


[sorry, steps off soapbox and goes back to work to make more $ so I can buy my children ‘stuff’ for Christmas… only 20 days left! :blink: ]

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I'm not real fond of ads myself. I don't like the way they look mostly but...


I did put up the Adsense from Google on the lyrics site and although it looks a bit odd it has already paid for my hosting - in less than 3 weeks. So as long as the Google gods smile upon me i guess it's ok. :(

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I tried to sign up. They declined it with the following reason:


Difficult site navigation: During our review of your website, we found

your site difficult to navigate. Potential navigation issues include:

broken links, excessive pop-ups, dialers, dynamic content, website

pages under construction or not yet launched.

I just had to reply with:


Are you sure you visited the site? Over 400 other visitors havent had any problems.



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I think maybe they looked at the wrong site.


I have google adsense adds on my site, the only thing I dont like about how they pay out is they dont pay you until you go over $100 in one month, I average about $75 a month, but wont get paid for it until the end of the year when they pay out for all the months that didnt go over $100

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About payment - I read it differently :


Google will mail you a check within 30 days after the end of each calendar month that Google AdWords ads are running on your site if your earned balance is US $100 or more. If your account balance is less than $100, we'll send you a check at the end of the first month after your balance reaches $100. Additionally, we will pay out all accounts at the end of each year, regardless of account balance.


To me that says they always pay when $100.00 is reached. So if it takes 2 months to reach 100 they pay out at the end of that month.


Anything remaining at the end of the year is paid to you then for tax purposes.

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That's the way I read it to, but its wrong, so far I have about $300 built up, about $50 a month. They told me you have to have a total of $100 in any given month before they send a check...so if for 3 months you had $50 and on month 4 you had $100, you would be sent a check for $250 at the end of month 4.

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I tried restricting the web hosting companies and got an all new batch of hosting companies! :) I guess I need a page with a more narrow focus for advertising. I don't get much traffic on any of my sites since they are all regional but every little bit helps. I'll have to play more.

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  • 1 year later...

Google AdSense is a great program. Not as good as CJ is you are a reseller, but with AdSense and traffic to your site, you can pretty much cover the cost of your hosting (at least that is what I do). With TCH hosting plans which I have just signed up for, it should be about 4 days until my hosting for the year is covered because of AdSense.


With that said, it isn't for everyone. I have been using it for over a year and it took some time. You sign up with your main site and once approved, you can use the code on other pages that you webmaster.


I know of quite a few people that have been able to quit their jobs to focus on their web design careers because of AdSense. 2 I know make on average 7K US a month. Now, that is with the a lot of traffic and high paying keywords. High paying keywords do not necessarily last either as it is the AdWords subscribers who set the 'going rates'.


In a perfect world, your AdSense income should double what you pay in AdWords for traffic...


Just my two cents.

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I have been using Adsense for over a year now and it's great. I average $170 a month (Shame the dollar is so weak though as I only end up with about £90 but hey it's money for nothing). They do let you block adverts you do not want on your site, all you have to do is put the advert into your filter list. As stated above they only pay out if you made $100 that month, if you don't then it rolls over until you reach the end of a month where you have accumalated oevr $100 and then send the money.


Given that my current hosting only costs me $59 a year I can safely say it's paid for it. Just remember though that a lot of hosts files that people can download actually block the adsense adverts as do some ad stoppers and firewalls.

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I have been using Adsense for over a year now and it's great. I average $170 a month (Shame the dollar is so weak though as I only end up with about £90 but hey it's money for nothing). They do let you block adverts you do not want on your site, all you have to do is put the advert into your filter list. As stated above they only pay out if you made $100 that month, if you don't then it rolls over until you reach the end of a month where you have accumalated oevr $100 and then send the money.


Given that my current hosting only costs me $59 a year I can safely say it's paid for it. Just remember though that a lot of hosts files that people can download actually block the adsense adverts as do some ad stoppers and firewalls.


There are php based solutions for this that do not edit the code etc... You just have to look around. One problem though is how robust (and wonderful) FireFox is...


PS: Thanks for the welcome guys... I have not yet been 'activated' but the charge has been made. I may have mistakenly deleted the confirmation email with my junk email (filters), but I will have to wait and see...

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