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Here at TotalChoice Web Hosting you are given the option to install Invision Power Board

right from your cPanel! All you need to do is login to your cPanel,

go to "Addon Scripts" under CGI-Scripts.

From there you should see the Invision Power Board logo.

Click the link, set your defaults and you're set!


One of our board moderators, TCH-Don, has been kind enough to give us a few pointers

on how to modify your new web hosting boards!


We Will Cover Here:

  • Modify your Invision Power Board Logo
  • Change Forum Logo to a Text Link in Invision Power Board
  • Add to the Upper-Right Forum Menu after 'Help'
  • Check List for Allowing Fourm Uploads for Invision Power Board
  • To Allow Users to Use More Avatars, in Invision Power Board
  • Change the background color of your Invision Power Board
  • To access your forum by IP address, including admin before domain propagation

Modify your Invision Power Board Logo


right click your board logo, select properties to see the path to the 'logo.jpg'

replace it with yours, keeping it the same height.

connect to your site with ftp or cpanels filemanager

navagate to the folder you see when right clicking the logo.

Copy your logo from your computer to that folder

to replace the original logo using the same name 'logo.jpg' or logo.gif.




to change the logo to a link,


first change permissions for


CHMOD to 0777 via FTP or filemanager.

IBF cannot do this for you.


log into your admin CP

goto skins and templates

manage HTML templates

manage HTML

global HTML elements

select Board Header (logo, links, etc) > edit

about 14 lines down you will find the place to modify.

look for

img src='{ibf.vars.img_url}/logo.jpg'


this is what you can change it to.


<td align='left'>

<a href='http://mysite.com/' target="_top" title='Back To My Site'>

<img src='{ibf.vars.img_url}/logo.jpg' border='0'></a>



then select update in your admin CP

at the bottom of the window


then with ftp again,



back to 644


Change Forum Logo to a Text Link in Invision Power Board


To change the forum logo to a large text link in Invision Power Board:


first change permissions for

/Skin/s1/skin_global.php on your site.

CHMOD to 0777 via FTP.

IBF cannot do this for you.


Then log into your admin control panel

goto skins and templates

manage html templates

manage html

global html elements

select Board Header (logo, links, etc) > edit

look for

<a href='{ibf.script_url}' title='Board Home'>

<img src='{ibf.vars.img_url}/logo.jpg' alt='Home' border='0'></a>

down a few lines.


make your changes like below,

then update in your admin control panel

at the bottom of the window




<!-- global html -->

<script language='JavaScript'>


function buddy_pop()







<table width='<{tbl_width}>' border='0' align='center'

cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='<{tbl_border}>'>


<td align='left'>


<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' background='{ibf.vars.img_url}/header_tile.gif'>




<td align='left'>


<!-- new board header -->


<A HREF='{ibf.script_url}'>

<FONT FACE="Times New Roman, Times, Serif" SIZE="+3" COLOR="#000000">

<B>My Forum</B></FONT></A>


<!-- end new board header -->


<!-- original board header you may delete this part if you wish or comment it out -->



<a href='{ibf.script_url}' title='Board Home'>

<img src='{ibf.vars.img_url}/logo.jpg' alt='Home' border='0'></a>



<!-- end original board header -->





Add to the Upper-Right Forum Menu after 'Help'


To add your own menu item to the upper right forum menu before 'help'


first change permissions for

/Skin/s1/skin_global.php on your site,

CHMOD to 0777 via FTP.

IBF cannot do this for you.



log into your admin CP

goto skins and templates

manage html templates

manage html

global html elements



Board Header (logo, links, etc) ver 1.1


+--Navigation End (ver 1.1.2)


then edit



find the area for the navagation for

help |search | members ......

to add a menu item




<td align='right' valign='middle' nowrap>

<table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0' style='border:1px solid <{tbl_border}>' class='row2'>


<td nowrap>


<!-- new section -->

<A HREF="http://mysite.com/" TARGET="_self">home</A>

<span style='color:<{tbl_border}>'>|</span>

<!-- end new section -->


<a href='{ibf.script_url}&act=Help'>{ibf.lang.tb_help}</a>

<span style='color:<{tbl_border}>'>|</span> <a href='{ibf.script_url}&act=Search&f={$ibforums->input['f']}'>{ibf.lang.tb_search}</a>

<span style='color:<{tbl_border}>'>|</span> <a href='{ibf.script_url}&act=Members'>{ibf.lang.tb_mlist}</a>

<span style='color:<{tbl_border}>'>|</span> <a href='{ibf.script_url}&act=calendar'>{ibf.lang.tb_calendar}</a>








then update in your admin control panel

at the bottom of the window


then with ftp again,



back to 644


Check List for Allowing Fourm Uploads for Invision Power Board


if you have trouble uploading users avatars or posting images:


in your admin control panel, check:


Board settings > Security and Privacy > Allow images to be posted? YES



forum control, edit permissions for each forum, allow upload checked.



users and groups > manage user groups >

edit group, Max upload file size (in KB)= reasonable size

(disable this groups upload by entering 0 into this field.

This will turn off the multi-part form the uploads use. )

(default is 0, I use 100 )



users and groups > manage user groups >

edit forum access, allow upload for each forum.


with ftp, Folder Uploads permissions set to 777


To Allow Users to Use More Avatars, in Invision Power Board


Older forum 1.1

goto your forum/images/avatars folder

and create a folder gallery/

inside of gallery create a folder for each type of avatar

such as smiles/ or animals/

change permissions of each folder you create to 755


newer forum 1.1.2

goto forum/html/avatars/

change permissions of folder to 755


now upload your avatars to the folder.

now when your user selects edit avatar settings in their CP

and selects Pre-installed avatars,

they will see all the uploaded avatars in all the folders you created.


Change the background color of your Invision Power Board


In your admin control panel,

goto skins, select Manage Board Wrappers,

and you will see


<html> <head> <title> <% TITLE %> </title> <% GENERATOR %> <% CSS %> <% JAVASCRIPT %> </head>

<body bgcolor='#FFFFFF' leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" alink='#000000' vlink='#000000'>

<% BOARD HEADER %><% NAVIGATION %><% BOARD %><% STATS %><% COPYRIGHT %></body></html>



change bgcolor='#FFFFFF' to your color value


and update by selecting edit wrapper at the bottom of the page.




To access your forum by IP address, including admin before domain propagation


copy conf_global.php from your forum folder to your computer.

save on your computer twice

once as conf_global.php

and the second as conf_global.php_original


in the conf_global.php

replace http://www.domain.com/

with http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/~user/ get the ip from your welcome e-mail






// line 27

// original version $INFO['board_url'] = 'http://www.domain.com/forum';

$INFO['board_url'] = 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/~user/forum';


// line 68

// original version $INFO['html_url'] = 'http://www.domain.com/forum/html';

$INFO['html_url'] = 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/~user/forum/html';


// line 130

// original version $INFO['upload_url'] = 'http://www.domain.com/forum/uploads';

$INFO['upload_url'] = 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/~user/forum/uploads';


After propagation

copy the conf_global.php_original back to your forum folder as conf_global.php

Edited by TCH-Don
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