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Resetting cPanel password


1. If you know the current password;


* Log into your cPanel account using http://yourdomain:2082 or https://yourdomain:2083
* In the Preferences section, click Change Password.
* Enter your current password
* Enter your new password

[You can click the Password Generator link to have a strong password generated for you]
* Re-enter new password for verification
* Click the: Change your password now! button. Log out, and then log back in with the new password.


2. If you are not sure the current password;


You can reset the cPanel password from the login page itself, if you have already been added a contact email on cPanel.


* To to login into your cPanel account using http://yourdomain:2082 or https://yourdomain:2083

* Cancel login window and click on Reset Password

* Enter you cPanel user and click on Reset Password

* The server will send a confirmation code to the account’s registered email address

* Enter this code, or click the link in the email, to complete the password reset.


3. If you are not sure the password and automated password reset option is not working for some reason, you can reset the cPanel password from billing control panel


* Log in to the billing system at https://billing.totalchoicehosting.com
* Once logged in, click on Services then My Services.
* Then go to the right hand side and click View Details.
* Then select the Change Password tab, from here you can change your cPanel password


If you are not able to reset the password through any of the methods mentioned above, please submit a support ticket to the helpdesk



Resetting the password of email accounts


* Log into your cPanel account using http://yourdomain:2082 or https://yourdomain:2083

* Click the Email Accounts icon

* Click Change Password next to the appropriate email account.
* Type your new password into the Password box.
* Confirm your new password in the Password (again) box.
[You can click the Password Generator link to have a strong password generated for you]
* Click Change Password to store the new password.
* If you do not wish to change the password, click cancel.


Be sure to change the password of the email account on your mail program, once you reset the password of your email through cPanel.

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