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A Google.... Waltz?


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It appears that today (Aug. 8) new backlinks are appearing ... however, it is not showing the typical movement that is associated with the infamous Google 'dance'.


As we have discussed in the past, Google algorithms have been changing significantly (i.e. fresh crawl and deep crawl vs. the flux crawl, non-existent Dance, etc.). It is very difficult to discuss any specifics until we truly 'see' what is going on (which will take time).


I will continue to offer any insight and/or opinion as I grasp clues.

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Me too and my home page has a PR of 3 and I had 0 a week ago. No wonder I have had as many visitors in the past 13 days as I have in the last month and last month was twice as much as I have ever had. I have had my website since March and already am starting to see success. Much of it I have gleaned from the writings from our brother Scott. :rolleyes:
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Cool Rob... but I just looked again at your site. We could do more with your site in obtaining 'real' traffic for the right search phrase. Your site is the type of site that would reap huge benefits form proper optimization (i.e. sell more).


We are considering the release of a new paid forum in which participants become the optimizers and we focus on each participant's specific site. You are a prime candidate for such a beast. We will keep you posted.

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Things at Google have been very different these last 2 months... nothing 'standard'. There is a lot of talk out there regarding why, but know one really knows.


I have always (as I have stated in numerous threads) believed that things have been a little broken (regression back to old indices, delayed updates, etc.). Others have postulated that there will no longer be a real 'dance' and that all updating will be on the fly.


I can not believe this, if you look at the PageRank (PR) equations you will see that PR is dependent on the entire Index. Therefore, how can you ever determine PR of one without 'seeing' the whole?


If I had to guess (which is pretty foolish), I would say that this 'dance' is looking more typical and maybe we will be back to a more consistent update (i.e. monthly).


I will keep you posted though when I gather 'real' information. :lol:

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