TCH-Dick Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 The Presidential election is just a month away and thought I would give us a place to discuss it. So please cast your vote above and feel free to post your thoughts. I just ask three things of you: 1. Try to be nice, if you can 2. Please, for all that is holy, no Ron Paul rants 3. Have fun Quote
Bunni Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 Alas, I have not taken the citizenship test yet. I had hoped to be able to vote in this election since my life is now here in the U.S. but I procrastinated. Little American hubban better make all the right decisions when he votes this year! No pressure, hubban. Quote
TCH-Bruce Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 When I vote it will be a well thought out decision. All we can do is get the facts and make an educated choice. Not voting means you have no reason to complain when who ever gets elected does something you don't agree with. You can't go off saying "I didn't vote for him" if you didn't vote at all. You only have the right to complain if you actually vote. Quote
Head Guru Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 I for one can not vote for a man that refuses to wear a USA lapel flag on his suit coat.,2933,299439,00.html Quote
MikeJ Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 A good reminder for us USA folks about our duty to vote (hopefully ok for this thread)... from The Late Late Show so contains some mature language: Quote
OJB Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 I am a Brit, with dual-nationality - my second nationality is American... I guess I am eligible to vote, but I have never done so in the past because I have lived most my life in Britain... But, if I am eligible I will be casting my vote for Barack I think. Quote
TCH-Dick Posted October 1, 2008 Author Posted October 1, 2008 But, if I am eligible I will be casting my vote for Barack I think. Well Obama lost me back in April with his comments on concealed weapons. After serving my country for several years and living in Texas most of my life, owning and carrying my handgun is a right I am accustomed to and don't care to lose. However, that's not my point here, I just wanted to say VOTE! Regardless of who its for just make sure your voice is heard and for any one that hasn't registered to vote, you need to do so asap. Quote
Prel Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 That some of them will solve the problem of crisis Financial in USA ? Quote
stevesh Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 I made a decision years ago that I would never vote for a presidential candidate who wasn't a military veteran, so it's McCain for me. I'm thinking that another election or two and I may have to retire my rule, as so few in politics now have served. Quote
mike Posted October 3, 2008 Posted October 3, 2008 I for one can not vote for a man that refuses to wear a USA lapel flag on his suit coat.,2933,299439,00.html 3 GIANT cheers for you, Bill; and there's more to it than that. I am amazed at how many people are falling for obama. It just boggles the mind. Obama pocketed the 2nd largest amt of money from the Frannie mae / freddie mac scam and has the nerve to blame republicans. Even Bill Clinton said he and the repubs tried to tell congress this would happen in 2004. I am amazed at the people that think he will do them good. Why doesn't he help his brother in Nairobi that makes $12.00 / year ???? Quote
mike Posted October 3, 2008 Posted October 3, 2008 (edited) That some of them will solve the problem of crisis Financial in USA ? Trust me........ I was born a democrat child and have since decided that the dems want nothing less than socialism. A vote for obama is a vote to rename our country the SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA. As a veteran I can't abide by that for one minute. If there was a republican to blame for this " financial mess" the dems would have had him in front of a senate committee months ago. But the dems all lined their pockets and want us to pay for it. It's a bad deal. If they vote it in...............get ready for more bail outs. California ALREADY has their hand out and how long do think it will take before the dems welfare states like Louisiana have their hand out?? vote McCain................ theres no way he can be worse; and he has SARAH PALIN! Biden can't seem to open his mouth without lying. Look it up! Obama says he warned of the current economic mess 2 years ago. ANOTHER LIE ! Obama was counting his free money 2 years ago. Edited October 3, 2008 by mike Quote
knate5000 Posted October 3, 2008 Posted October 3, 2008 I'm not voting for either. Right now both parties are selling us out. They're taking us to the same place, but under a different name. I'm voting 3rd party, Bob Barr - Libertarian! Before anyone starts in saying voting 3rd party is throwing your vote away or 'giving' the win to someone is completely wrong. I believe in the libertarian cause and ideals, so how can I help advance those if I vote for the 'lesser of two evils'? Sure I know my guy will not win, but I'm voting for something I believe and that's the whole point in voting. Quote
TCH-Dick Posted October 4, 2008 Author Posted October 4, 2008 Before anyone starts in saying voting 3rd party is throwing your vote away or 'giving' the win to someone is completely wrong. I believe in the libertarian cause and ideals, so how can I help advance those if I vote for the 'lesser of two evils'? Good luck with voting 3rd party, we tried that last time(see ad below) and it didn't work I didn't even get one write in from that, although Thomas said he would vote for me. Quote
TCH-Thomas Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 Yeah, I decided not to. The world is crazy enough as it is. Quote
stevesh Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 Good luck with voting 3rd party, we tried that last time(see ad below) and it didn't work I didn't even get one write in from that. No, we all voted for one of the other two Dicks. Quote
JTD Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) Well my write in for president died George Carlin. So I guess I will have to go with my alternate Gallagher.On a serious note I cannot see myself voting for either McCain or Obama!! Edited October 4, 2008 by JTD Quote
mike Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 Of course the BIG problem is that we need to wipe out congress and get some folks in there that truly care about the people and the constitution. Quote
knate5000 Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 I'm firing everyone in my district this year! Quote
Gabi ~ ClaytonWorks Posted October 10, 2008 Posted October 10, 2008 I'm voting for Barack Obama. He's not my first choice - that would have been Dennis Kucinich this time. Quote
mike Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 I'm voting for Barack Obama. He's not my first choice - that would have been Dennis Kucinich this time. If obama wins.............welcome to the SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA Quote
Mission Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Of course the BIG problem is that we need to wipe out congress and get some folks in there that truly care about the people and the constitution. I don't believe in Santa... Basically, it doesn't matter what Congress says about the Constitution -- judges all re- & misinterpret it and that's that... Quote
Head Guru Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 I don't believe in Santa... Basically, it doesn't matter what Congress says about the Constitution -- judges all re- & misinterpret it and that's that... That is why you must vote for a president that will nominate judges that will interpret and not legislate from the bench! Quote
Mission Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 That is why you must vote for a president that will nominate judges that will interpret and not legislate from the bench! It's not that cut-n-dried simple, I don't believe. They might do right by one standard, and totally wrong by another standard. Just like most politicians & judges, methinks. Quote
FarmerTodd Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 At the risk of my question not being answered in another topic... I don't understand the American Flag Pin argument. If you read the article it clearly articulates why he's not wearing the pin and it makes perfect sense to me. Wearing a lapel pin to prove you are American is like slapping a "support our troops" sticker on your car while you throttle it from your suburb to Walmart. The sticker isn't support, doing something is support and that's exactly what Barack has done and will do for our Flag... return it to it's pin required. And the gun thing, if you look into it ( you will see that he is only for common sense gun laws to keep ex-convicts from obtaining automatic assault rifles.. Legitimate citizens who want a mega-gun can get one if they fill out the paperwork and wait a few weeks. Reasonable in my mind .. expecially since I know some people who should never, ever , ever, get a gun in a hurry (until they are sober at least : ). Cheers, Quote
Head Guru Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 I will not vote for anyone that uses the words "I just want to spread the wealth". Screw that! If you son get's a A+ on his history test, and my son gets a D. Would you be willing to spread his grade over to my sons. So now your son gets a C and my son gets a C. yea thats really fair. Quote
Head Guru Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 The sticker isn't support, doing something is support and that's exactly what Barack has done and will do for our Flag... return it to it's pin required. Cheers, you say return it to its glory? My god man, this is the best country in the world. I for one am proud of my country. It is a GLORIOUS place to live. It is to bad "Barak" does not see it that way. It is just a shame! this is excatly what is wrong with the Democratic party. Quote
FarmerTodd Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 I will not vote for anyone that uses the words "I just want to spread the wealth". Screw that! If you son get's a A+ on his history test, and my son gets a D. Would you be willing to spread his grade over to my sons. So now your son gets a C and my son gets a C. yea thats really fair. You can't just latch onto every catch phrase the GOP puts out. .. but no, I am not a socialist ... and neither is Obama. I love my country and although didn't serve in the military, I am a regular volunteer in my community and have many friends and family who are war veterans (4). I take offense to the idea that to say our country's reputation has been tarnished by Bush and his administration is to say I am not proud to be an American. That's the problem with Republicans, it's there way or they'll do anything to make it their way (the ends justifies the means at all costs I guess). I am glad you have your opinion and uphold your right to have it... that's why we have elections and the people decide. . . but Palin insinuating that those who don't agree with her are not "Real Americans" is so anti-American I don't know how anyone can stomach it. No Democrat would ever say that because they believe in equity for all Americans... not just those who agree with them. Thank God we live in America where the election will trump everything said here ... and I expect that most people have seen the light. Your hosting service is good though... so we can agree on that. Quote
mike Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 (edited) You can't just latch onto every catch phrase the GOP puts out. .. but no, I am not a socialist ... and neither is Obama. I love my country and although didn't serve in the military, I am a regular volunteer in my community and have many friends and family who are war veterans (4). I take offense to the idea that to say our country's reputation has been tarnished by Bush and his administration is to say I am not proud to be an American. That's the problem with Republicans, it's there way or they'll do anything to make it their way (the ends justifies the means at all costs I guess). I am glad you have your opinion and uphold your right to have it... that's why we have elections and the people decide. . . but Palin insinuating that those who don't agree with her are not "Real Americans" is so anti-American I don't know how anyone can stomach it. No Democrat would ever say that because they believe in equity for all Americans... not just those who agree with them. Thank God we live in America where the election will trump everything said here ... and I expect that most people have seen the light. Your hosting service is good though... so we can agree on that. If Clinton would have took a stand against osama then Bush wouldn't have had to. If we left it up to the democrats to defend us, we better HOPE you have your own gun. No matter how you cut it obama is not the man. If he wins, you will soon see the error of your vote. Obama is a radical socialist and it's hard for me to believe that people can't see that. Let's say it again................. SPREAD THE WEALTH???? SOCIALISM. Edited October 23, 2008 by mike Quote
Head Guru Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 Right on Brother Mike! I say put a N in front of Obama's last name. NOBAMA! and yes im glad we can agree that my hosting company rocks, would you have it any other way? Quote
Head Guru Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 I have yet to see one person have a good comeback for the your son gets a A+ my son gets a ... discussion. If it doesn't make sense there, how can it make sense any where else? I am just latching on your catch phrases Todd. In every reply you have spoken like a true Obama supporter. Hey, maybe your guy will win. Maybe he wont. I just cant stand hearing Michele Obama saying things like "This is the first time I have been proud of my country". Quote
Head Guru Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 I quote "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am proud of my country" Well let me think. I am 40 years old. She is older than I. I was proud of my country when we overcome the 9/11 incident. I was proud of my country when Regan told the Russians to tear down the wall. I was proud of my country at the Olympics when the swimmer won 8 gold medals. Come to think of Mrs. Obama, I am proud of my country every day of my life. Quote
Head Guru Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 O K I will shut up for now. Proud to be a right winger! oh and GO PHILLIES!!!!! Quote
mike Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 It's amazing to me that people can't see the REAL obama. He is all about control, just like all the democrats have become. Big govt. Rely on us. We will take care of you. Who do you think is responsible for Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae? Start with the peanut man.....Carter. Further assisted by Clinton. Then in around '96 clinton got scared, jumped on board with the republicans that said they needed to put a stop to SUB-PRIME lending. But the democrats wouldn't allow it. And don't blame everything on Bush and his admin for the last 8 years, because the dems have had all the say for the last 2. They could have passed the bail out with NO REPUB VOTES. Why didn't theY? was THEIR screw-up but they wanted to be able to push some of the blame to repubs.......hence, needed to get a few of them to go along. Now you have biden's GUARANTEE that we will see disaster because the bad boys of the globe will test the new kid. Vote for obama? The ISSUES don't even matter. The only thing that matters is that he dislikes America, and he's a socialist. But, I must calm down now, for he will not win anyway. Unless, of course, the 200,000 illegal votes from ACORN make it through. Quote
Head Guru Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 If he does win. He will be MY president. I will support him as best as I can. I love my country. this very forum post is why i love this country. Let's not even talk about the mess that W has put us in. That's for an entire different day. Quote
mike Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 I love my country too. 14 1/2 months in Vietnam. I will support America forever. If nobama wins...................... we will just have to see how it goes. Quote
FarmerTodd Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 I have yet to see one person have a good comeback for the your son gets a A+ my son gets a ... discussion. In the case you are trying to illustrate, your son would have to achieve the A+ by taking advantage of the many loop holes that he can afford to pay others to investigate and implement for him. He would also need to be one of the 2% elite who have 85% of all the A's in the world, and then not be willing to part with just the "-" part of the A+.. so that my son, who because his parents are public servants (like teachers or police officers) doesn't have the freedoms and opportunities your son has despite working just as hard .. can have a grade that he can get by with to get a job working for your son. If he won't help my son in trying times, my son can't be there to shoulder the heavy lifting, and then your son can't make A+s anymore.... I know you are going to say that it's the lazy bums who don't work that get the money (social services etc) .. but that's a small percentage and you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater I say. Again, I am no socialist, but there is a point at which the money gets so concentrated at the top that the whole thing will tumble ... and the trickle down theory smells like pee to me : ) I am going to speak with my friend who did 2 tours in Iraq and see why he's not worried about the ultra rich... oh yea, he made diddly in the Army for putting his life on the line and now sprays lawns for a living (barely making it)... I guess he should wait in line at the VA for a couple hours to ask them why they don't have any funding... Because we keep cutting taxes for big corporations and racking up debt ... leaving us completely unable to make the right choices. McCain talks a big talk, but he's been on duty way to long to pretend he's a change agent. Get out and vote ! Quote
Head Guru Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 So you think people that make more than $250K a year are ultra rich? Quote
FarmerTodd Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 So you think people that make more than $250K a year are ultra rich? Well, they are a lot richer than me... but no, not ultra rich. I am just illustrating that it can't be the same for all income levels... which apparently goes against your overall principals. Someone making 2 million a year would see a larger increase in taxes than someone making 250k, who would only see a small increase (offset by designating their McMansion property "Agricultural" so as to pay almost no property taxes ... which happens a lot out here). I am starting to lean right though... once I start getting paid for my time working for the PTA I will probably make over $250k and will want to keep as much as I can... Damn, I keep forgetting they don't pay... Okay, still Obama. Quote
knate5000 Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 (edited) I know you are going to say that it's the lazy bums who don't work that get the money (social services etc) .. but that's a small percentage and you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater I say. According to Congressional Budget Office records, federal outlays for mandatory spending were 33.8% in 1965 vs. 59.9% in 2005. They were highest in the Clinton years: 60% in 1995 and up to 62.6% by 2000. Source: CF&P Foundation article "Prosperitas", April 2007. From a Washington Post article in 1997 called "Americans Oppose Cutting Entitlements to Fix Budget", the authors state that "...many [Americans] are unaware that entitlement programs consume more than 60 percent of the overall budget..." Socialism = Spread the wealth around. From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. -- K. Marx Obama wants to raise taxes on corporations. Corporations don't pay taxes. Sure on paper they do, but that is built into the cost of the products, goods and services they provide. He wants to do this so he can give a 'tax break' to the working class. The corporations will simply raise the prices of their goods and services. Who buys these goods and services? The working class, thus they pay higher taxes. It is proven EVERY TIME you LOWER taxes revenues to the government go up! Edited October 25, 2008 by knate5000 Quote
knate5000 Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 I am going to speak with my friend who did 2 tours in Iraq and see why he's not worried about the ultra rich... oh yea, he made diddly in the Army for putting his life on the line and now sprays lawns for a living (barely making it)... I guess he should wait in line at the VA for a couple hours to ask them why they don't have any funding First I RESPECT your friend for putting his life on the line to defend our rights, freedoms and liberty itself. The last time I check the military is ALL volunteer. He knew ahead of time what he was signing up to do. ... Because we keep cutting taxes for big corporations and racking up debt ... leaving us completely unable to make the right choices. Who got us into this whole mess with the $700B bail out, oh wait its close to 1.5 TRILLION (they've added a few billion more!) Who was the CEO of Fannie Mae? Franklin Raines, who by the way cooked the books over 6 years for over a billion dollars! (Enron was only $500 million for comparison). Raines made over $90 million while driving that company into the ground. Who received the second highest amount of contributions from F. Mae? Barry Obama. Who does F. Raines advise for? Barry Obama. McCain talks a big talk, but he's been on duty way to long to pretend he's a change agent. McCain has been a senator for over 20 years. Biden? Over 32 years! Who is an agent of change? I don't want to go in to Barry Obama's qualifications to be prez, but if you would like to we can. I will say this. He's been active in congress for ~140 days. How long has he been running for prez? 19 months. Which equals ~570 days. Hmmm.... Quote
knate5000 Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 The Dems have taken over Halloween! Scary!!! Quote
mike Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 It amazes me the amount of people that are too blind to see through obama. Between ACORN, ayers, raines, the mad radical preacher, and the continued list of "like" losers, I see no reason to look further into obama. He doesn't care about anybody. Check out his half brother living on a buck a month. Quote
FarmerTodd Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 Both sides of the debate seem "amazed" at the other side. ... Which is kind-of amazing in and of itself. How can 50% of Americans think Obama is great ... and the other 50% think that McCain and Palin are great? And more to the real situation... how can 50% HATE Obama/Biden, and 50% HATE McCain/Palin? That is something that I can't understand because I'm sitting around talking with McCain supporters and I am dumbfounded. We are on completely different planets. What was it like before the Civil War? Was it even more divided? Hard to imagine... Thanks for your perspectives. Quote
mike Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 Simply a matter of the wisest choice. even biden says that obama doesn't have the experience. ( primaries ) Quote
ace Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I am a McCain supporter! Obama is just to shady! I just have a gut feeling that we are NOT seeing the real Obama. Quote
Gabi ~ ClaytonWorks Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Obama is just to shady! By "to(o) shady" are you referring to the color of his skin, or something ethical? If so, based on what?I just have a gut feeling that we are NOT seeing the real Obama. And I have a gut feeling that I AM seeing the real McCain, and I'm glad to say I already voted for Obama. Quote
Mission Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 By "to(o) shady" are you referring to the color of his skin, or something ethical? If so, based on what? And I have a gut feeling that I AM seeing the real McCain, and I'm glad to say I already voted for Obama. LOL I was just going to say the same thing about McCain -- I am seeing the real McCain and he's the one who's scary. Having lived on the same side of the street for over 40 years, I can't say that I've always been proud of my country. Having our heroes threatened with assassination for trying to do something noble & honorable is scary. I voted by absentee ballot for concern that I could be anonymously mowed down for simply exercising my right to vote. Now that's probably something no one on here is proud of, I would hope. And it's probably not a concern for many who have posted, but guess what -- it's a real concern for some of us. To see John McCain and Sarah Palin feed the fears and craziness of people w/o the slightest concern or apology of what a great portion of this country's citizens have lived through and continue to face is really scary, my friends. Really scary. To have people oblivious to it is really scary, too. I'm not saying who I voted for, for concern of reprisals from either side. (And I bet many of you don't have that concern at all but it is real for some). But I will say that I have been a registered Republican for close to 20 years. It was not easy to make my decision, but I did. It's nobody's business who I voted for. That's one of the many things I can say I'm proud of in this country. I can tell you many things about my American experiences, however my friends, that I'm not proud of, starting with my segregated childhood; starting with actual grade manipulations, Bill, to keep me from being the first African American valedictiorian of my highschool. A classmate's grade had to be manupulated to give her an "A" in a class (Trig) where I aced a test and she utterly failed it (yes, the teacher discussed our grades in the class). We both wound up being co-valedictorians, with straight A averages. Oh God, talk about a riot in the city if I had attained that podium by myself. Starting, my friends, with my first job in the 80's, where I was paid a starting salary $3000 less than a counterpart who happened not to be the same ethnicity as myself. We worked for a nationally-recognized and respected company, and I had a specific degree in the field needed for the job, whereas she had a related degree. Yet I was not considered worthy of $3000 more -- I wonder why. I graduated no. 1 from my college. Both of us were straight out of college. I was only trained 2 weeks then put on night shift. She got put on day shift where our supervisor could constantly assist her. Oh well. Just another check in the "not proud of" column. I can tell you many things, my friends. MANY things, that do not make me proud. But I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I believe America is the greatest country on earth. Does the fact that the experiences I endured which do not make me proud make me less patriotic than anyone else? I think I'm MORE patriotic because I endured them and still can say I love this country. But I can't say that I've been proud of every single thing about this country. And if you can say that, then you should try on someone else's shoes for a single day, who has had to fight for every ounce of consideration or simple respect as an "average American" that they could get. Try having to fight an uphill battle just about every single time for things that are considered inaleinable rights and general privileges for most Americans, but are a real battle for some Americans for no valid reason. Quote
Mission Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 (edited) Sorry for misspelling inalienable. I wanted to add that my experiences are unfortunately not unique but pretty much identifiable by millions of Americans who love this country just as much as any other American, but cannot say that there isn't one time they've not been proud. And if any of us think we are getting the whole story on any of the candidates from our favorite news networks or the rhetoric of our chosen candidates, we took the blue pill. No pun intended. (Reference "The Matrix" movie.) Edited October 30, 2008 by Mission Quote
ace Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 (edited) By "to(o) shady" are you referring to the color of his skin, or something ethical? If so, based on what? And I have a gut feeling that I AM seeing the real McCain, and I'm glad to say I already voted for Obama. In NO way does "shady" refer to the color of Obama's skin. In my terms "shady" refers to the individuals that Obama has associated with. (Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, ACORN) I think it is time that people of all colors get along, and are treated equally despite the color of their skin. That means no special perks, special treatment or affirmative action. It is time for us as a nation to rise above racism and start seeing people for who they really are. Edited October 30, 2008 by ace Quote
TCH-Dick Posted October 30, 2008 Author Posted October 30, 2008 What does any of the candidates race, ethnicity, or sex have to do with their ability to run our country? I can only hope that no one takes race, ethnicity, or sex into consideration when voting, although I'm not naive enough to believe won't occur. As Oboma said this week, “What I’ve found is that people here, they don’t care what colour you are. What they’re trying to figure out is who can deliver”. I doubt he believes that any more than I do about voters for both parties, buts its a nice thought none the less. In the end the only thing that counts is that you vote. Quote
TCH-Bruce Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 In the end the only thing that counts is that you vote. Amen brother! Get out and vote! Quote
Gabi ~ ClaytonWorks Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 In NO way does "shady" refer to the color of Obama's skin.Thank you for clarifying that. In my terms "shady" refers to the individuals that Obama has associated with. (Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, ACORN) Jeremiah Wright? John McCain is associated with Reverend John Hagee, who I think is pretty scary. See: William Ayers? "So let's get the record straight. Bill Ayers is a professor of education in Chicago. Forty years ago, when I was 8 years old, he engaged in despicable acts with a radical domestic group. I have roundly condemned those acts. "Ten years ago he served and I served on a school reform board that was funded by one of Ronald Reagan's former ambassadors and close friends, Mr. Annenberg. Other members on that board were the presidents of the University of Illinois, the president of Northwestern University, who happens to be a Republican, the president of The Chicago Tribune, a Republican- leaning newspaper. Mr. Ayers is not involved in my campaign. He has never been involved in this campaign. And he will not advise me in the White House.'' See the whole article: Bill Ayers: 'Washed-up' campaign tactic? by Mark Silva, Chicago Tribune's Washington Bureau. ACORN? McCain associated with ACORN when it suited him. See and watch the video here: Also, "Voter registration program is one thing they do, and they did admit that faulty registration cards, including those brought forward by ACORN's own quality control staff, DO NOT result in improper voters or votes." See: ACORN is being demonized right now. They are an organization that does a lot of good work. See: Yes everybody, please vote! Quote
knate5000 Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Thank you for clarifying that. Jeremiah Wright? John McCain is associated with Reverend John Hagee, who I think is pretty scary. See: Hagee endorsed, McCain did not attend his church for 20yr, have his children baptized by him. Rev. Wright preaches Black Liberation Theology. Which is Christianity & Marxism combined. G-D America? US of KKK A?? Oprah went to this church and left because of his preaching. William Ayers? "So let's get the record straight. Bill Ayers is a professor of education in Chicago. Forty years ago, when I was 8 years old, he engaged in despicable acts with a radical domestic group. I have roundly condemned those acts. "Ten years ago he served and I served on a school reform board that was funded by one of Ronald Reagan's former ambassadors and close friends, Mr. Annenberg. Other members on that board were the presidents of the University of Illinois, the president of Northwestern University, who happens to be a Republican, the president of The Chicago Tribune, a Republican- leaning newspaper. Mr. Ayers is not involved in my campaign. He has never been involved in this campaign. And he will not advise me in the White House.'' See the whole article: Bill Ayers: 'Washed-up' campaign tactic? by Mark Silva, Chicago Tribune's Washington Bureau. Ayers said for children to rise up and murder their parents. He has never said he was sorry for bombing the Pentagon, Police headquarters, even civilian homes! In fact he HAS said he wished they did MORE. Annenberg project? To open UN Focused schools. They gave Obama $160 Million to help schools. Results, no improvement! <--- Bill Ayers' own words. ACORN?McCain associated with ACORN when it suited him. See and watch the video here: Also, "Voter registration program is one thing they do, and they did admit that faulty registration cards, including those brought forward by ACORN's own quality control staff, DO NOT result in improper voters or votes." See: ACORN is being demonized right now. They are an organization that does a lot of good work. See: Yes everybody, please vote! ACORN is promoting WIDE SPREAD voter fraud. They have over 100 sub companies that when caught just blame one of the other compaines. Just yesterday there was a former employee that testified about ACRON's practices. They are paying people to forge signature cards. Obama's campaign has given them $800K for stage lighting!?!? They don't even do lighting! Then when it was brought up they said it was an accounting error. Hmmm.... All of this goes to questioning his JUDGMENT! How can one person have SO many questionable associates? His father is a communist, his mentor Frank Marshall Davis is a member of the old Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA, William Ayers, Rev. Wright, ACRON, Rashid Khalidi, Franklin Raines, Farrakhan, etc..., etc... Just a thought: If Obama applied for a security detail to protect the president he would be denied due to his questionable associations, yet he can be the president? Quote
BluegrassGardener Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 I'm like others regarding the fact: Get out and vote!. Quote
TCH-Dick Posted October 31, 2008 Author Posted October 31, 2008 Just wanted to share an email a friend sent me today. I doubt this really occured but it sure drives home the point. “Today on my way to the Waffle House for breakfast I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read ‘Vote Obama, I need the money.’ I laughed. Once in the restaurant my server had on an ‘Obama 08’ pin; again I laughed as she had given away her political preference--just imagine the coincidence. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to her that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. She stood there in disbelief while I told her that I was going to redistribute her tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I’d decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful. At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waitress was very angry that I gave away the money she did earn even though the actual recipient [apparently needed] the money more. I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.” Quote
knate5000 Posted November 1, 2008 Posted November 1, 2008 Great story! Probably didn't happen but illustrates the concept pretty good! I am a restaurant manager and when my servers bring it up this is how I explain it to them: Why don't we just 'pool' all the servers tips together, then equally distribute it amongst them? Most servers say that's not fair, why should I have to work hard just to share my money with some one else (less skilled server)? The point is it only hits home when it's your money. Obama and Biden are multi-millionaires, how much have they willingly contributed to charities? Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings. In 2005, however, that total jumped to $77,315 (4.7 percent of annual earnings), and to $60,307 in 2006 (6.1 percent). --The Huffington Post This link contains links to the ACTUAL 1040 forms! I guess it's okay to distribute money when it's not yours! Quote
ace Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 (edited) I voted yes I did, I voted how about You??????????????????????? It is a great day to be an Americain Edited November 4, 2008 by ace Quote
TCH-Bruce Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 Looks like it will be record turnouts. I have voted at the same time at the same place for 10 years. This morning there were at least 100 people in line when I got there at 6:30. In the past I have always been voter 3 or 4 today I was 102. Quote
Head Guru Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 I also voted. I mean after all, I had to cancel out my neighbors Obama vote. Quote
Head Guru Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 Better watch out Mike, good looking guru like you, all the tch chicks will be pinging you now. Quote
TCH-Bruce Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 Better watch out Mike, good looking guru like you, all the tch chicks will be pinging you now. And maybe some of the guys! Quote
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