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Semi Dedicated Hosting ?


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I am in the market for a new hosting company and I just have a few questions regarding the semi dedicated hosting package you are offering.


1) Will this form of hosting allow for me to have command prompt access via ssh/telnet etc ?

2) Will i be able to setup things such as phpmailer or swift mailer rather than use the internal php smtp mail handler (as im planning to deploy a php based website) ?

3) I read a few posts regarding shoutcast and the response was you need a dedicated server. As this package is listed on the dedicated servers page will i be able to run a shoutcast server ?

4) I guess this is linked to the 1st question but if i have prompt access am i able to deploy software modules onto the server for example via the apt-cache mechanism ? i am also assuming these are linux based machines ?




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The Semi-Dedicated accounts are still on shared servers. You would need a dedicated server for the requirements you mention.


Hi All,


Thanks for the welcome.


So bascially if i want to do all 4 then totally dedicated is the only way ?


So if i wanted to deploy CMS Made Simple (http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/) is there anyway for me to do this without going fully dedicated ? Its an off the shelf content management system written in php with a mysql backend. But to do the install i must untar files on the server.


So for the price of $220 per month this will get me a dedicated fully managed linux server ?




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ok that takes care of the putting the files on the server .... according to the install documentation i would need to do the following: Is all this possible via the CPanel ?


Also within the CPanel are you able to edit the contents of files ? e.g. if i wanted to change a setting in the config files of this application.


I have been mucking around with the demo cpanel and it wouldnt allow me to untar files im guess this is a restriction of the demo ?




PHP 4.2+


Apache webserver (or another php enabled webserver)



1. Untar the source package to document root dir or your webserver


- tar zxvf cms-VERSION.tar.gz


check out the latest version from subversion

- svn co http://svn.cmsmadesimple.org/cms/trunk


----- If your webserver has write access to your new CMS directory you can skip step 2 ------

2. create an empty config.php file and make it writable by your webserver's user:

- touch config.php

- chmod 666 config.php


3. Create the cms database and grant a user rights to use it:

- login to mysql: mysql -u root -p

create database cms;

grant all privileges on cms.* to cms_user@localhost identified by 'cms_pass';



4. Fix the permissions on the cache and template compilation directories so the web server has access to them.

- chmod 777 tmp/templates_c

- chmod 777 tmp/cache

- chmod 777 uploads

- chmod 777 uploads/images


optionally, if you would like to be able to install modules via the admin panel:

- chmod 777 modules


5. Open up your new CMS site in your webbrowser and you will be guided through a short install.


6. After install, for security sake, you should set your config.php back to a read-only state.

- chmod 444 config.php


7. To reach the admin of your site, point your browser to: http://yoursiteurl/admin/

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