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Posted (edited)


To save time for anyone looking for this script, I'm editing this first post so you don't have to read through everything here to find it.


Ultimate Form Mail Script






There are plenty of form mail scripts out there... many written in php.


But it seems that many of us are looking for a form mail script that

  • Has all the bells and whistels
  • Is easy to modify
  • Is easy to understand
  • Easy to implement

Oh yeah... and free.


So, with that in mind... I'll give us a starting point and then others can either contribute their ideas, mods, script or all of the above.


Personally, here is what I would like the script to be able to do:

  • Send post data to my email or any emails I specify
  • Be as secure as possible to prevent spam
  • Send the email to me in any format I desire
  • Send an automatic reply to the person posting the data
  • Have the reply appear to be a real live email sent by me
  • Handle errors gracefully
  • Require certain fields

I have heard from others at TCH that there are needs/wants for:

  • Adding an attachment or uploaded file
  • HTML email
  • Ability to reach all recipients (including hotmail, yahoo, etc)

Now, at this point, if you're thinking "But I want it to also do ___" then step up to the mic and let us know.


And if someone knows of a great, free script that already does all of the above... by all means, save us the development time.


I probably should have done another search for a php form mail script before posting this, but my recent searches for such a beast haven't turned up anything quite this powerful.


Next, I'll give us a starting point and some ideas about where we might take this...

Edited by TCH-Jack
Posted (edited)

One of many starting points is a script I saw under the GPL license (free) and modified to improve security and functionality.


I went an extra step for myself and others at TCH and posted a two step, easy as falling off a log, process here


(url removed... no longer needed)


A couple things to notice before going into the details of how to set up your form to make it work with this script.


First, this uses the mail() function which has been known to have problems reaching some free email accounts (Hotmail) and also is not designed to have attachments (correct me if I'm wrong).


So, one of the directions we might eventually take this project would be to incorporate the ease of use of this script with a more powerful mail class script (Object Oriented Programming) to get

  • Hotmail
  • HTML emails
  • Attachments (maybe)

Next, I will show various ways to use this script.


Note: as I write this, I have to leave for the rest of today and will include detailed instructions tomorrow.


In the meantime, DO NOT reply about how you tried to use the script and it didn't work. WAIT until the directions are posted.


You are welcome to go ahead and use the script if you think you know what you're doing... it really isn't hard. Works much like Matt's FormMail but you DO NOT use a hidden tag for recipient... that's already in the script.



Edited by surefire

The layout template that cgiemail uses has some advantages - doesn't require a lot of coding to accomplish formatting of the email. But it doesn't do HTML. phpFormMail allows more flexibility, but requires me to make a separate copy of the script for each format I want. Not to mention all the coding.


So, my wish list includes Plain Text and HTML layout templating.


Do not forget 'omit blank fields' option :D


[way to go Jack, actually with as many threads that have been started (and addressed) with 'formmail' in them... this might be a 'time' saver.] :D


I'm currently looking through various scripts available for free and there are one or two that look promising.


My hope is to either find one that does everything, or gets us 90% of the way home.


I'll update soon.


Okay... so far, an extensive search hasn't turned up anything that does all the things that I/we want this thing to do.


But in my search, I found several scripts that have features I like.


One of the features that will be included in this script will be modular design. This way, configuring the script to work on your site will be a snap and adding extra bells and whistles will be easy too.


I've successfully tested an email script that sends html email with a file attachment. Unfortunately, it was missing many of the other features found in the other scripts.


It shouldn't take too long to glue the scripts together and have a great working script in no time.


Since the final version will most likely have several files (modular design), there will be a need to host the download somewhere. Maybe I'll host it on one of my sites temporarily and ask permission to have TCH host the download page once it's developed.


Okay folks... we're so darn close.


After tinkering, testing, and tinkering some more... I think we've got an excellent script to use.


Folks can send you attachments, or not, whichever they choose. And you have the option of refusing certain doc types and sizes.


I'll tell you, some of the scripts out there are hastily thrown together... not that I'm claiming this one is bug free.


Anyhow, I want to test this out a bit more, get some instructions going, and set up a place to download in some sort of .zip format.


By the way, if anyone reading this is wondering... "Why not use cgi form mail?"


Use it. Use whatever works best for you.


The whole purpose of this is to have a customizable script so we can very easily add on functionality in future releases.


From the way it's designed, it would be hard (but nothing's impossible) to exploit for spam.


Ideally, we'll be able to add on various bells and whistles.


This doesn't mean that coding for your site will be done free of charge... but it does mean that you'll be able to make suggestions and hopefully you'll see those suggestions implemented in future versions so you can just plug and chug.


I'll be cleaning up the script and adding an autoresponder to it before I post it here.


Off to dinner now.... see ya.


Looking forward to reviewing the script Jack... this is not taking any time away from mod_rewrite is it? :)


I hope all realize the time and value of this task... it will be a nice asset for the 'family'.


I know you're 'kidding on the square' but yes... it's taking away from mod_rewrite. Fortunately, it's basically done... first draft anyway.


Okay... it's here.


This is version 1.1 of what I call "Ultimate Form Mail Script". I know... pretty creative with the name :)


Anyhow, it's already got a lot of bells and whistles:

  • html mail
  • field validation
  • error handling
  • attachments
  • multiple recipients for form processing
  • security measures
  • automated checkbox formatting
  • adjustable cap on file upload size
  • filter out unwanted file types
  • filter out unwanted email types
  • Optional autoresponder to send an instantaneous response
  • Autoresponder puts visitor's name in email subject and content
  • Easy modifications and tweaking via a separate config file
  • Only three lines to modify for the script to work
  • Example form
  • Instructions

You can get it here




By the way... don't get thrown off by the page that says 'Free for TCH members only at the present moment'. That means it is only available to TCH members currently but I probably will put on SourceForge. It doesn't mean that I'll start charging for it in the future.


Just ignore it, download the file and play with it.


Please report any bugs and know that I welcome suggestions. Item number one is to clean up the code.


I have tested the script quite a bit turning the different options on and off to make sure everything worked. But the best way to test is for others to play with it and tell me what's wrong.


I hope you enjoy. I know I'm going to be using this!


Downloaded but did not unzip... too tired need sleep.


Will let you know (again.... thank you).

Posted (edited)

Oops. I forgot one very important thing in the instructions. You have to set the permissions for the folder (directory) where the scripts sit on your website to 777 writeable.


I'm adding this to the instructions now.


This is for the file upload. If you aren't going to have attachments sent to you... then ignore it.

Edited by surefire

Surefire...You are the man! Thank you for taking the time to produce this script. Its exactly what I was looking for. Thumbs Up


I do have one issue with the script. everything works fine but I get errors when I upload a file


If you go: HERE and upload a file you will see the errors. even though errors are produced the uploaded file still gets sent to my specified address.


* If you just fill out the form and DO NOT upload a file, NO errors are produced.


Any Ideas? I have reveiwed the code on the specific lines the errors state but since I am not the guru as you are I am Head Bash


agian...Thanks for the effort. I have learned allot just looking over the code.


Rock Sign


This looks really great!! Thanks so much for all the effort, I can't wait to start using it somewhere.


Even if I have to create a reason to use it :)

Posted (edited)

I will check the errors on your page, but I would be willing to bet that you haven't changed the permissions for the folder to 777.


Use your ftp client or Cpanel and change the permissions for your folder where you have mailit.php to 777.


(After checking your page)


Yep. That's why. Once you do that, everything should look fine.



PS - Thanks to both Boxturt and Karmacriminal... I was starting to wonder if anyone had used the script and liked it.

Edited by surefire

That did it? Thanks Surefire!


I have the scripts in my public_html folder so I changed that to 777. shjould I place these scripts in a folder and change my CHMOD back to 755 on public_html or does it really matter?


At the risk of fixing something that ain't broke...


I would put mailit.php and config.php in a folder by themselves and change the permissions to 777. Then I'd change two lines in your form


the line that includes config.php has to now point to the folder.


the action line for your form needs to point to mailit.php in the folder


Surefire, I'm using this script for a couple of days now. It is just what I've been looking for. Everything works fine except when I try to redirect to a Thank You page on my site.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/curtismg/public_html/upload/config.php:63) in /home/curtismg/public_html/upload/mailit.php on line 465

I still receive the auto response and the file is uploaded.It just doesn't redirect.

I did add the URL for the page where it said in the config.php file. I'm really new to php.

Any suggestions.




Curtis, I installed the form mail script and the thank you page came up ok, a little pause but ok.


I used the whole url

$redirect = "http://thepetscorner.com/foldername/thankyou.html";


A very nice script,

I wonder if it would be possible to add a config file to format the email that is sent.

I would like to add some text to the resulting email.


Turtle, I tried the full URL and get the same error. I tried just a blank page thinking maybe something in the code on the Thank You page was causing the error but still got the same warning. I made a page in a sub-directory with same results. I named the page .htm and .php,same warning both times with those changes. Everything I put in the redirect gets that warning.




Curtis, you shouldn't be getting that error. I'm not sure what has happened to cause that error... so send me the url of the page with the form.


I wanted to say Thank You Jack. After a couple of PMs Jack had the code fixed and my page working. Just another instance showing why TCH is the best by going above and beyond. I've been here long enough to not be all that surprised at the lengths the users and support staff will go to in fixing a problem but it amazes me none the less.

Again Thanks Jack.




Any insight into the problem/fix? All can learn from head scratching (or in my case hair pulling).


The latest release of this script is available with fixes of the bugs and pseudo-bugs.


Version 1.2 avail here:


Ultimate Form Mail




header_file and footer_file variables are now global... so if you use this option it will now work



As reported in this post, some problems experienced when script edited in certain text editors. Reason: commented fields wrapped to the next line and when saved in this format, the text editor accidentally creates lines of code the server was never meant to see. Fixed by changing //comment to /*comment*/


Please report any errors you find.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Surefire...The Script is working out great. Could you possibly give instruction on how to format the email that it sends out? give it some color? make it 'pretty' if you will. Dance something better than the drab fields only email.

Hi Surefire...The Script is working out great. Could you possibly give instruction on how to format the email that it sends out? give it some color? make it 'pretty' if you will.  something better than the drab fields only email.


Are you referring to the email that sends out the contents of the form to you, the webmaster? If so, then you'll want to change the mailit.php script. That's the part that compiles all of the POST data and formats it, emails it to you.


First, I'm not quite clear as to why you are concerned about the formatting and prettiness of the info that gets sent to you. This is just the info filled out by the visitor.


What would seem to make more sense (unless I misunderstand) would be to create a prettier email that is automatically sent out to your visitor upon completing your form.


If that's the case, then you'll want to modify the config.php file. This procedure would be much easier to do. Just fiddle with the last set of variables named $auto_content


You can basically put anything you want in there... just try to follow the pattern and structure I've already given you in the script. But it is really easy to put your own personal message in there.


If you do indeed want to prettify the email that gets sent to you... then you'll need to give me some idea of what you're looking for. The modifications on the mailit.php script will not be as straightforward. That's why I tried to pull out all of the modifications into the config script.


Hi, Jack.


My header and footer files still aren't working for the mailit.php page. Mailit.php and config.php are in "mailscripts" folder. They work on "contact.php". I did download the latest version yesterday, and uploaded the new mailit.php like you said.


I'll be out all day, but will look into it some more tonight. Just wanted to let you know. Maybe it's something screwy on my end.





Tracy, since you downloaded the latest version, you should be able to set the file locations for the header and footer files in the config.php


When you say it doesn't work... can you tell me what the error is... or does it just not work.


With the new PHP upgrade, TCH has turned off some of the error reporting. This will make some errors just show a blank page, rather than give an error message.


Can you send me the page for your form so I can see it?


All fixed, Jack. Links and images are working. Now I just have to make little tweaks to the appearance of the error page! Thanks again for all the help.

Rock Sign




sorry it has taken so long for me to respond....What I am looking for is to turn a application into a on-line form. So when it gets emailed to the client it is organized and reader friendly.


The 'pretty' confirmation email would also be great.


What you are asking for would be a custom modification. I would have to know what you wanted the end result to look like... and quite honestly, this isn't the type of thing that's going to get done anytime soon.


I say that because this doesn't sound (at least on the surface) like the type of thing that others would want... but maybe I'm wrong.


I'm just really busy right now and this is a tall order so I don't want to promise anything. You're welcome to send me an email or pm with more details on your specific project and I'll give you a better idea of when and if I can help.


Hi Jack,


I was looking for something to put a feedback form on my new site and this worked out great.

Thumbs Up Thanks!


I'm still working with my site and don't have much traffic so I had a bit of time to play and found one minor glitch. The check for a valid email only allows for a 2 or 3 character extension, I changed the {2,3} in lines 272 and 314 in mailit.php to {2,4} since there are 4 character extensions. They may not me commonly used yet, but I figured someday someone’s going to hit it.


Thanks again, and if you get any time to look at my site, send me some feedback on what you think.

  • 2 weeks later...

This form is working great. Thankf you for taking the time and energy to put it together.


Was hoping to get some quick help on one issue I am having. I cannot seem to correctly modify the code to send the form email to multiple addresses. Regardless of what I do, I keep getting an error message.



After placing both email addresses in the $allowed_email_recipients_array, I tried changing the code in config.php from:


$recipient = "user@mywebsite.com";




$recipient = "user@mywebsite.com", "user2@mywebsite.com";




$recipient = array('user@mywebsite.com', 'user2@mywebsite.com');




$recipient = "user@mywebsite.com, user2@mywebsite.com";


but none of these seems to work. I get the following error message in all cases:


"The form was not submitted for the following reasons:


Please use your browser's back button to return to the form and try again."


Would love to know what I am doing wrong.


Thanks in advance for the help.

Posted (edited)

What I did is to send the form to an email address like contact@

and in cpanel set up forwards

to dept1@ dept2@ dept3@

note contact@ is just made up, not a seperate created account.

It works just fine.

Edited by turtle

After getting the script to work on my base page, I tried to run a second instance in another location on my site (a protected subweb). I am getting the following error and I don't know why:


"Method Not Allowed

The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /...





Apache/1.3.28 Server at www.-----.org Port 80"


Any thoughts?


Sorry I didn't see these posts earlier... been very busy.


Anyhow, it shouldn't be necessary to set up all that stuff in Cpanel... although it will work just as well.


You should be able to use


$recipient = "mail@yoursite.com, info@yoursite.com";


I've used this on almost every site I author... no probs yet.


Glad you are getting good use out of the script.


I'm having problems getting it to work as well. I keep getting this error message.


"The form was not submitted for the following reasons:


Please use your browser's back button to return to the form and try again."


Anybody know what i'm doing wrong? :D


it is located Here


Does this script work in sending emails to Hotmail, Yahoo, MSN, AOL? I've been trying to get PHP's mail() to work (adding all the headers and such I saw suggested in another thread), but to no avail. It works fine for most addresses, but with those it gets sent back with a fatal error (unrouteable mail domain "hotmail.com")?


Maybe I'll just test it out and see...

  • 2 weeks later...

I need help please. I've tried to follow the directions for the script. When I test the form I get this error:


You are coming from an unauthorized domain..



I've tried everything I know.






Can you give us a link to your page, and we will have a look.


My first guess is that you need to change the variables at the top of the config.php file.




HERE is the form. I've just been trying to get it to work, so it's not personalized yet.


and here is a copy of the variables at the top of my config.php file


$allowed_email_recipients_array = array('www.lightshines.net');


$referers = array('','www.lightshines.net');

/* is IP for TCH... helps new sites work

Should not be required after propogation

But doesn't hurt*/


$recipient = "lightshines@lightshines.net";






this is interesting, I just tried the form from my computer at work and it is working fine here. Do you think there is something set on my home computer which is keeping it from recognizing the domain?????





I verified that the script is functional. No error message.


The only thing that I can think is that your home computer is using the mailit and config scripts that it saved in the cache. If it stored a copy of these files in cache and you then updated the referers array with the correct info, then that would explain why your personal computer is giving you fits, while all other computers seem to be working. This is just a guess. Try clearing your cache and see if that works.


I'll save someone the time of pointing out that PHP scripts are server side and so cached files probably shouldn't be an issue... I just can't think of what else it could be.


No one has reported this as a problem. And these types of problems usually don't fix themselves on their own.


There are lots of mail scripts out there and I never take it personally when someone decides not to use the one I helped create... but having said that, I run this script on all my sites and on dozens of client sites... I've never seen this problem if I've configured the config.php file correctly.


First off, I'd like to thank those who worked on the script for making such a thorough one. :huh:


I am having one problem though -- File attachments do not get sent in the email even though all the other content does. It doesn't look like anyone else has had a problem with this, so I must have screwed something up.


The form is here.


Working with lightsh brought about two important points that I want to make about this script.


And in future editions I'll include this info in the docs. I'll be posting a new edition soon that is really the same script but is more in depth in terms of faq and info on the workings of the program.


Point One:

Be VERY careful when you are editing and uploading the file that (a) your editing software doesn't chop any of the lines of code where it shouldn't be chopped and most of all (:o that your ftp program doesn't do the same.


lightsh and I discovered that CPanel ftp upload does tend to chop lines in bad places.


Lesson: Use an FTP client (program) whenever possible.


I have designed the code so that Word Pad and Notepad shouldn't hurt the contents of the program.


Point Two:

Some of the security measures are redundant. The thing about this script that makes it relatively safe (nothing's 100%) is that the recipient email address (your email address where the form info is sent) is hardwired into the script when you write it in the config.php file. This means that the script should only send email to that email address.


A popular pearl script, FormMail.pl, has an achilles heel in that the recipient is determine in the html that has the form. Spammers have found ways to fool the script into sending email to other (hundreds and thousands) recipients.


So... if you are getting Unauthorized Domain error messages. Then you probably have an issue outlined in point One... but you can also remove the line. There is still a danger, although a small one. The danger is that someone uses the script to send you a TON of email. The unauthorized domain is a safety switch, which when configured the right way, only accepts input from a form that resides on YOUR SITE. So I highly encourage you to keep it in place and use it... but the script can still run without it.

Posted (edited)
First off, I'd like to thank those who worked on the script for making such a thorough one.  :o


I am having one problem though -- File attachments do not get sent in the email even though all the other content does.  It doesn't look like anyone else has had a problem with this, so I must have screwed something up.


The form is here.

For my part of the script, you're welcome.


Make sure that you change the permissions for the folder to 777


What I want you to do is to PM me the contents of your config.php script. I'll take a look and see.


Please read my long comment I added to this thread to make sure that you are uploading everything with an FTP client.




PS - Your page looks good... but you really should use a table (with some cellpadding) to line up your form nicely. It will make it look SOOOO much more professional... and it looks like your site is for generating business.

Edited by surefire
  • 2 weeks later...

I have been using the form for some time now and love it. However, I have realized that I keep getting incomplete forms, so I wanted to add the required fields functionality to the form. In the original mailit file it indicated that:


"Anything in your form that you want the user to be forced to fill out

Put a hidden tag in your form that is a comma separated list of items

You want your visitor to have to fill out

Email definitely should be required"


As I am basically just winging it here, can anyone explain how I would do this?


I have fields named Date, Start_Time, End_Time, Name, etc.




This is exact code that I've been needing for a quite some time, though I do have a question about installation.


At first I used my own table, it was processed and returned the message your form has been submitted. The only problem is that the email never reached me.


I then tried to use the sample form included with the download. Now when submitting I receive the warning CGI ERROR - The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:



I'm assuming this is a server issue, and other ideas?

Posted (edited)

Webnovice, you will want to make a hidden tag that is called "required" and then list your fields that are to be required.


Like this:


<input name="required" type="hidden" id="required" value="from, email, to, message">


For this form, the fields from, email, to, message are all required fields and will not send your email until the fields are filled.


Hope this helps. If not, reply back.

Edited by surefire

Sidmel, I have never seen that type of error.


I don't have time right now to test it, but I will and get back to you.




Thanks for the help. I added the hidden tag, modified to include the many names from my form. When I tested it out, however, the browser simply went to a blank page with the following address:




In the config file, I did modify the $missing_fields_redirect from "" to = ".../Mentors/missing.php"


Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?






Thanks for taking the time to look into this. I think I figured out the real source of error: my modfication of the config.php file was somehow incorrect.


As I certainly *don't* consider myself well-versed in php (just lucky that there are resources like these out on the web!), I followed your advice and have never touched the mailit.php file. I changed the following config.php line:


$missing_fields_redirect = "";//optional error page for missing fields.  Leave blank if unsure




$missing_fields_redirect = "www.mysite.org/Mentors/missing.php";//optional error page for missing fields. Leave blank if unsure"


where i thought all I had to do was create a page /missing.php and insert the name in between the quotes. This, I guess, is where I went wrong.


I just went back and replaced the www.mysite.org/Mentors/missing.php with the "" and the default redirect page works again.


Not certain if there is an easy way to create my own redirect page. If not, I'll just keep the default as it is certainly good enough for my basic uses.


Thanks again.


Sidmel, I'm sorry, but I couldn't replicate your error. Can you give me some more information about what you may have changed or how you installed the file?


Well, I've tried a few other php email attachment applications, and have been getting the exact same error or something similiar. Since I've already setup a php guest book that works fine, it leads me to believe there is probably an issue with the servers php .ini file that may limiting this sort of transaction. I do have a regular contact page that doesn't require an attachment field, so maybe I'll learn more when I go to set it up. Though I can't promise the ultimate form will be up since I'm circulating through a few differnt ones.


If you get bored, you can take a quick look at http://www.handyblues.org.






When all else fails, start from scratch! You can disregard my previous email, started from the beginning and the form now says it's submitting. The only problem is I haven't received any of the submissions to either my work account or my hotmail account, so I wonder if the spam filters are picking them up for some odd ball reason. Will keep trying.




Sidmel, I think your final hurdle will evaporate if you set the permissions to the folder conainting the Ultimate Form Mail Script to 777


That was one of the first things I checked. I think it's most likely the server settings. The server it's bouncing off of is a Linux Redhat 7.3 with probably a 3.x php version. I know the server uses qmail instead of sendmail; since it's not using the sendmail, that service may be turned off. I have access to a newer Windows server I may try to use.


Thanks for all the ideas and help, though.



Posted (edited)

Great News...


Version 1.4 is realeased and there are a TON of improvements.


Basically, all you have to do is upload the two files and change one line... the email you want message sent to.


That's it!


It's just as secure as previous versions and keeps all the bells and whistles.


Here is the change log for version 1.4


>Simplified script so only one change needed. Removed $referers array from config.php and hardwired into mailit.php

>Removed $allowed_recipients array from config.php

>Just as secure as previous versions (extremely secure)

>Simplified script so autoresponder works fine by just turning it on

>Script automatically tailors the reply email based on the host name

>Simplified script so that notification email tailored to the host name

>Improved the layout of the autoresponder reply email

>Added a Frequently Asked Questions file

>Added a Help Forum


Plus there's a FAQ file.


This script has to be one of the easiest to install.

Edited by surefire
  • 2 weeks later...


You're awesome. I haven't had a chance to install yet, but I've got it downloaded and looked over some of the code to see how it all works. I've been looking for a new form script and it looks like you have saved me the trouble to creating my own. You've even allowed me to use my own stylesheet instead of having to edit the code. :dance: Thanks again, you own.


- Vendlus

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the kudos. You're welcome.


I'm creating version 1.5 now.

  • Debugging feature
  • Multiple file uploads
  • Improved email validation

Version 1.6 will likely

  • Have cleaner code
  • Have more sample forms to use

Edited by surefire



Like to add my thanks also. The script is working perfectly and the installation for the latest version was a breeze. Looking forward to the updates.


Next time my job takes me to JAX, I owe you a beverage of your choice! :)


Jack, I have run into a small problem. Up until yesterday everything worked fine now when the form is submitted I've had several people inform me they get the error*unauthorized domain*. It seems to be about 1 in 5 get it. The forms that do get submitted are no longer redirected to my Thank You page but get a blank page with the url of mail.php in the address bar.

Thanks for any help.




Can you post the link to your form?


And have you upgraded to the latest version of the script? Don't do it yet if you haven't already... I want to see what you've got now.

Posted (edited)

I suggested upgrading to the latest version... best I can do without debugging the whole script.


If it persists, then you need to change line 40 (version 1.5)


>$referers[0] = $website;




>$referers[0] = "www.yoursite.com";


where www.yoursite.com is your actual domain.


If that doesn't do it... then just eliminate line 40 altogether. That should remove the security check.

Edited by surefire

Thanks Jack.

I'm not getting the *unauthorized domain* error myself. As I said in the PM I did upgrade to the latest version so all I can do is wait and see if anymore emails come in about the error. If so I will edit.


Thanks again.




Thanks Richard,

I did get another email about the error so I edited out line 40 as Jack suggested.

I never got the redirect to the custom thanks page,it worked this morning when I tested it and when Sam submitted, but not after. For now I'm not going to use the custom page, just use the success page supplied with the code. I did check to be sure you were added so your link is there.





  • 5 months later...

Okay, so it's been a while since the previous posting, but I just wanted to say that I needed help with web forms, I found this thread and in less than 2 hours I was able to produce a funcitoning form on my web site. Incredible, considering I just learned how to spell PHP today.


Kudos to Surefire, TCH Forum members, and TCH for making life a little easier.

  • 2 years later...

While version 2.x was available there was an option to not pay for a license but all the emails sent out to your visitors had a text link back to Ultimate Form Mail. When version 3.x was released in mid January with better licensing, more bells and whistles, etc, the free-with-advertising option was changed to free 15 day trial.


Thanks for the fast reply. I am currently browsing your forums and I have the install PDF file open. I need some quick help. I have a working form designed to use FORMMAIL (was working great right up through last week, but as requested by TCH I've deleted the script). I have installed UFM and recieved my temporary license. I need to know how to change my existing HTML to make my form use your engine. I can figure it out myself if given time, but, we're in a minor emergency given that our technology equipment reservation system is now borked. Can you or anyone help? I'm reasonably good with HTML and PHP (I'm our district webmaster and we run PostNuke). Thanks...


I've been asked to support my project on my own website. Please see my sig line and contact me over there. I will help you immediately.

  • 4 years later...

Is Ultimate Form Mail still worth the cost of the license or are there other resources someone can point me to that are FREE?


I've tried a couple online form generators but they never seem to work for one reason or the other (because they are free maybe).


I've used UFM before, and I know Jack is/was associated with TCH, but not sure if UFM is still supported (the site hasn't been updated in a couple years it looks like) and if it's worth paying the fee or if anyone knows one of the free online form generators that work...



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