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Invision Power Board Problem


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I run a message forum and I use Invision Power board. Never had any problems with it until yesterday.


The problem is:

Every single member is showing as unregistered. And I have no admin power on the board anymore. There is nothing else wrong. All posts are still there. And it's stuck on only 4 registered members.


Anyone every heard of that problem before?

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Unfortunately it sounds like it's possible (though I don't know on such limited information) that your forum has been hacked. Version 1.2 has several security exploits, and the only way to patch those is to upgrade to the latest version (which, as you mentioned, costs money).


An alternative is for you to install a free forum, such as phpBB or SimpleMachines Forum (SMF). Both of which are available through cpanel/fantastico as a one-click install. I know for sure that SMF has available a converter that will convert your existing IPB board to an SMF board (however it sounds like that may not be an option now, as your database is likely corrupt beyond repair, save for a backup).


Either way, I would highly recommend moving away from IPB 1.2, due to the numerous security exploits available.

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There actually are 'hackers' that do nothing very malicious. Just a friendly reminder that you are vulnerable.


It sounds like there is a possibilty that your database just got corrupted...but I would still follow the advice given and try to switch over to another forum software. I recommend SMF, as well.

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Thanks cajunman4life, I downloaded SMF and got it uploaded and installed without any problems whatsoever.


Now, the fun task is explaining to my forum posters that the problem I had with Invision is not the hosting company's fault.

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Dealing with forum users is often quite easy. If you explain that the move to a new forum software is done for security reasons, most often agree its best to be secure then have no forum at all. You will always have the odd poster who doesnt like change but you can't please everyone



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Due to the security concerns related to IPB 1.2, I'm kind of surprised that TCH continues to allow cPanel to install it....


I'm glad you moved away from it. You'll probably be much happier with SMF. It is very powerful and gives you a lot of control over the product. Plus, upgrades can be completed by clicking a few buttons in the SMF admin control panel. That's pretty darn cool.


Let this be another reminder to any remaining IPB 1.x forum administrators: use at your own risk, but you probably ought not use it at all!! There are better free options out there! :)

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I'm also running 1.2 and have considered upgrading to the new IPB but hate to shell out the bucks. I like free better!


Can someone provide links to SMF boards? I'd like to see what they look like.


Is it difficult to convert files from IPB to SMF? If you have followed my plight in getting my website moved you already know that I am NOT a 'puter guru. :) What are the chances of me being able to convert?

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I personally used the phpBB to SMF converter a long while back when I was moving to SMF. It was very easy, and except for an early-on bug (which I believe was fixed) that duplicated a few random posts, I experienced no issues. Can't speak for the IPB converter though. Has anyone converted IPB to SMF?

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I have used the IPB to SMF converter and it was slick. Not a single problem. The only one I had was finding the password for the MySQL user used to make the database. This was JimE's response:


Hello Lee,


If you access your cpanel, and then go to file manager. Use this to navigate to the folder containing SMF. I believe the file your looking for is settings.php


Open this and scroll down to database info, this is where it shall be contained.





And then the converter worked like a charm.


Link to my forum if you want to look. Lee's Fishing Page Forum



Edited by LeeGoldsmith
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Lee, if you don't mind me asking you this. That theme you use is real close to the pink one called Salava. How in the world did you get your banner up at the top there?


Because I changed the logo in the right place, but my banner won't show up on the Salava theme. And I have the banner I want uploaded in the images folder on the theme.

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Hi Betty


Go to the image directory in the theme directory you are using:




The file needs to be named "logo.gif". Not sure if there is a size issue here or not.


Hope this helps.



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