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http://www.tommyemmanuel.com/tommy.htm - considered the world’s best fingerstyle guitarist – plays a festival in September in the middle of Kansas that attracts over 100,00 visitors worldwide

http://www.trapt.com/news.htm had #1 Active Rock single in April

http://www.3doorsdown.com/new3doors/content/news.asp had #1 Active Rock single in March

http://www.tonic-online.com/news.asp Grammy nominee in February.

www.mcarecords.com/artistMain.asp?artistid=328 link on major label website

somethingcorporate.mcarecords.com band official site

http://www.theheavils.com/heavils.htm scroll to the 4/29 entry in the window



I've got the above pages linked in to me. Google has stopped by and noticed the page linked to, in some cases even indexing it, but not the subsequent pages, next idea?




Do me a favor (maybe you already did) but give me the link to the pages that actually links to your site (will save me some time; if these are just let me know).


The first one I looked at (http://www.tommyemmanuel.com/tommy.htm ) is not a 'real' link.


><a href=# onclick="javascript:window.open('http://www.musicfrisk.com/picture/interview/tommy.emmanuel.fingerstyle.02.14.2003.php','News',
rs,resizable=yes');" style="text-decoration: none">


B) no credit given (i.e. a spider does not pursue a javascript link).


I did not look at the rest, but I will if you give me the exact pages.



Having said that, you still are not in the Google Index. You are not being penalized, you are just in that waiting period before you actually get indexed. I know you do not want to hear this... but you need to be patient. During this time, collect as many receprical links as possible.


A side note (which is actually important relative to the spiders; they do not like broken links): you have a couple of bad image links on your home page:


<img src="/picture/photo.pix/tommy.emmanuel.02.13.2003/images/te4.jpg" width="180" height="144">




<img src="/picture/images/3-Doors---Chris-Henderson.jpg" width="180" height="144">

<img src="/picture/photo.pix/tommy.emmanuel.02.13.2003/images/te4.jpg" width="180" height="144">




<img src="/picture/images/3-Doors---Chris-Henderson.jpg" width="180" height="144">

Thank you!!!


I had no idea that one was javascript, why it is javascript or such. I'm confused as to why this is.


I'm uncertain as to what you mean on the home page - it works fine I and don't see anything in the error logs about it.

Are you saying those pictures aren't viewable on you viewer? This is the first time I've heard of a problem, not saying it doesn't exist, just saying, if there is one, I have no idea what it is!


The googlebot came by and hit every link on the left nav last night, but did not dig deeper.


I am not seeing the issue with no images myself, with or without the trailing "/"


In IE 6.0 I have the issue '/' = graphics, without '/' none. It did serve graphics both ways in NS 7. Why, I'm not sure. Anything to do with your img calls all begining with the forward slash?


BTW - Tommy Emmanuel is amaaaaaaaazing!

BTW - Tommy Emmanuel is amaaaaaaaazing!

Yeah he is - too bad 99% of the world don't know who he is it's like tragic.


btw...if you search yahoogroups - the is a mailing list you can sign up for that the manager sends out news to people - please sign up if you already haven't!




I do not get that on your site at all... both work appropriately.


Not sure but... if you are using hotlink protection, under 'Urls to Allow Access:'


try listing both and see if it helps.

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