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Which Forum Software?


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Just signed up with TCH yesterday. So far so good. Looks like you've got great support here from both TCH folks and users alike.


Quick question: I need to set up a forum and I'm undecided about which one to use, phpbb or Invision. Invision looks like it has all the features I need already built in: calendar and attachments, whereas phpbb requires separate mods. phpbb does look like it has a stronger network of users and a lot more mods, styles, etc. I want to pick the right forum to start out with, so I'd appreciate any insights you might have. Also, it appears that I can't install Invision via the control panel... what gives?


Thanks for any help.



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Hi and welcome to the forum earache :clapping:


Both phpbb and invision are available through cpanel.

Im not sure which version numbers that are available, but I believe it is invsion 1.3 and for phpbb 2.0.11 (which for both are older versions).

Although you can easily install them through cpanel it would be recommended that you install them manually though so you have the latest versions.

Invision have released their 2.x version of their forum software some time ago, with both a trial and full version. From version 2.x they decided you will need to purchase a license to use the full version. Read more...


phpbb on the other hand is a open source I believe which as I understand will always be free. Read more here...


So basically, which forum to use is depending on, do you want to spend money on always have the latest version or have a free to use but with less "extra stuff".

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It appears that this board is running Invision 2.0, correct? I'll have to see what the differences are between 1.3 and 2.0. I really like this forum. Do you think that there's a chance TCH will ever make 2.0 available for its clients or will we just need to purchase it ourselves?


I checked again and Invision is NOT available to me via my control panel... maybe it's not installed on my server. Who should I contact to fix that?

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Welcome to the forums, Eric! :clapping:


Do you think that there's a chance TCH will ever make 2.0 available for its clients or will we just need to purchase it ourselves?

Unless IPB 2.0 is released under a free license, I doubt TCH would provide it free to users. If you want IPB 2.0, I'd say purchase it yourself. :D


I checked again and Invision is NOT available to me via my control panel... maybe it's not installed on my server.  Who should I contact to fix that?

You would need to contact the Help Desk and ask them to add it to your CPanel. Note that the CPanel installer won't install IPB 2.0 on your account - it will install an older version.

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Welcome to the forums and family! Each software program has it's pluses and minuses. It's kinda like asking which car is the best. You'll get many different answers! So it depends on your own personal needs and resources (money). But no matter which one you pick, there are many other family members who are running these programs, so if you run into any problems, there's always a help line here.

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I've been an active phpBB user and supporter for years and I prefer it over the rest not because it is free but because the dedication and support the phpBB Group show. Many people tend to discredit phpBB because you hear about there being a new exploit or whatever but what they do not realize is phpBB is one of if not the most popular messageboard software available and is therefore always gonna have some script kiddies trying to find more and more ways to exploit it. Contrary to to what some say it is very secure as long as you the forum owner keep your forum up to date.

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If you are running a site that is mainly forum based then I recommend Invision as it has a lot of whistles and bells (far to many if you ask me).

phpBB is smaller with less options but has a lot of modifications available to add things you want and is less database intensive. Having said that I downloaded a snapshot of phpBB Olympus (phpBB 3) and it is a major update compared to phpBB 2 but no release date as yet).

Phorum is a very basic board but is apparently very fast.

Edited by carbonize
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