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Written by our very own TCH-Thomas


How to install the Coppermine Photo Gallery

Coppermine is a multi-purpose fully-featured and integrated web picture gallery script


Before we begin

This tutorial assumes you know how to set permissions in ftp (chmod) and how to set up databases in cpanel.

If you don´t know how to do this, please see these instructions:

Flash tutorial on how to set up databases

How to set permissions

We use Coppermine Photo Gallery version 1.3.2 in this tutorial.

Coppermine Photo Gallery can also handle videos, but we will concentrate on photos in this tutorial.



Step 1 - Download and unzip

- Download cpg1.3.2.zip (or the latest version) at http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/.

- Unzip the archive preserving the directory structure on your own computer.



Step 2 - Mysql setup

- Log in to your cpanel.

- Find "Manage Mysql" and click it.

- Create a new database (name it gallery) and either create a new user or add an existing user to this database.

If you don´t know how to setup a new database & user, please see the Before we begin section above.

- Log out from cpanel.



Step 3 - Upload and install

- With your favorite ftp program, log in to your ftp-account and create a folder named "gallery" inside your public_html folder.

- Open the newly created folder "gallery".

- Upload all folders and files (albums, bridge and so on) from the coppermine folder to gallery (Do not rename any of these subfolders or files).

- When everything is uploaded, chmod the following folders to 777:





- Now you are done with the ftp so open your webbroweser and run the installationscript (http://******/gallery/install.php).



Step 4 - Running the installscript

When you have loaded the installationscript, it will tell you if there are any errors with your permission settings. If there are any, you must correct them before continuing.

Assuming there are no permission errors, you will see a page saying

"Welcome to Coppermine installation".

This page have 3 areas:


1) Your admin account

Here you will need to create your first user.

Enter the desired username and password in to the fields.


2) Your MySQL configuration

Here you enter the information you entered in Step 2 - Mysql setup.

MySQL Host: localhost

MySQL Database Name: cpanelname_gallery

MySQL Username: cpanelname_username

MySQL Password: MySQL password

MySQL table prefix: cpg132_


3) ImageMagick

ImageMagick path: Leave this field BLANK for now.


Save it and log in.



Step 4 - Settings & Customization


If not already logged in, please log in to your gallery using the following url: ******/gallery/index.php and when logged in, click the "Config" button.


On the configuration page you will se alot of settings, which most can be left as they are, but you should atleast enter the information for these 4 fields:

Gallery name

Gallery description

Gallery administrator email

It is also time to enter the Imagemagick path: /usr/local/bin/ (Near the end of the page)


Coppermine Photo Gallery already includes 10 themes but there is nothing that says you can not create your own theme or modify an existing one. There is also several other ones available for download at the Coppermine website.



Step 5 - Uploading photos

To upload you photos, please do as following:

- Click on "Categories".

- In field "Category title" enter the desired name for the category (Required).

- In field " Category description" enter a desired description (Optional).

- Click Update/Create category.

- Click Albums.

- Scroll down until you see "New" and click it.

- In the empty field just above "Apply...", please enter your desired "Album name".

- Click "Apply modifications".

- Please click "Upload file" near the top of page.

- You will now see a page with 2 upload areas. The first one is for uploading photos from your own computer and the other is for uploading from the web. In this tutorial we upload from the computer.

- Click add files (or what it says in your language).

- Find your photo on your computer and then click "Continue".

- If the upload was successfull, you will see a page saying "Successful Uploads # uploads were successful.".

- Click "Continue" to have the photos placed in to the albums you created before.

- Choose which album to place the photos in.

- Enter File title, File description and Keywords if you want..

- Click "Continue" until you are taken back to your gallery index.


This is just a brief tutorial to get you started. For more tutorials please see http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/tutorial/index.php and don´t forget that the zip-file itself contains alot of documentation.


Have fun.

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