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Which Payment Gateway Do You Use With Oscommerce?

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Hello all,


Which payment gateway do you use or perfer? So far I found Payflow Link/Pro, Authorize.net and BluePay.


Here is my experience with Payflow Link. After using OSCommerce and VeriSign PayFlow Link for a while, I begin to encouter a MAJOR problem: whatever the total amount on OSComerce is multiplied by 100 :blink: when process in PayFlow Link. This is weird since I haven't touch the code for months.


Anyway, another years has gone by, it's time to move on. $219 to renew Payflow Link is too much!


From the various merchant services, I found Authorize.net $10/mo and BluePay $15/mo.


Authorize.net seems to be popular, and have a latest contribution available. Some have raise the Curl problem and item not registering after charge, etc.


The BluePay has a 2003 contribution but now the "MBC" must be hidden to process the order. And it doesn't automatically "end day" by itself each night.


Other than service like PayPal et al. Any suggestions?


Thank you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

we currently use paysystems as well. howeve we are looking at different alternatives. currently they charge a 10% holdback fee (holding 10% of each sale for 6 months). we are in negotiations and they say they might drop the holdback charge to 5%. we are still looking for different alternatives.


from other posts and recommendations i started checking out cdgcommerce.com and their fees and responses have been great. discount fees <3% and no holdback charge. they also have their own payment gateway or can use authorize.net (considering authorize.net because we are using oscommerce).


anyone have any thoughts on cdgcommerce.com?




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  • 3 months later...


Any new input on this?

I'm looking into process CC w/ OS commerce, (what a gereat little shopping cart system)


I see that only modules installed are:







despite the others listed here. (are their modules to install to use others?)






TCH-greatest thing eva. (or atleast close)

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