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I fussed around with setting up a "Contact Us" page in my site and came up with this PHP script, with the help of Essential PHP Tools (D. Sklar, apress books) and the PEAR Mail Extension from the PEAR Website. I used a form in the final version, but the basic mechanics are here:



require 'Mail.php'; \\ From the PEAR mail package

$mailer =& Mail::factory('sendmail'); \\ Create object using the sendmail driver

$to = 'addressee@wherever.com'; \\ Where to send it

$headers = array('From' => 'sendermailname@senderaddress.com',

'Subject' => 'Hungry?',

'Cc' => 'sendheretoo@anotheraddress.com');

/* The cc: does not work right ... yet */


/* Create a body of text */


Are you hungry? Wouldn't you like a cold,

sweet ice cream cone?

Why not stop by your local

ice cream parlor today for a few

scoops of Guava Mint




Your local ice cream booster



$res = $mailer->send($to, $headers, $body); \\ the send() method does the work


// If the message can't be sent, send() returns a

// PEAR::Error object

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {

print "Couldn't send message: " . $res->getMessage();




By using the normal PHP mail command and some variables, you can easily send emails:



$to = "yourplace@******";

$subject = "My email.";

$message = "message text goes here";


$headers = "From: myplace@here.com\r\n";

$headers .= "Reply-To: myplace2@here.com\r\n";

$headers .= "Return-Path: myplace@here.com\r\n";

$headers .= "CC: sombodyelse@noplace.com\r\n";

$headers .= "BCC: hidden@special.com\r\n";


if ( mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers) ) {

echo "The email has been sent!";

} else {

echo "The email has failed!";





htmlite has a pretty clear and complete thing about using the mail command (i find it usefull):


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