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Everything posted by JustWade

  1. Zen Cart has just announced that they will be requireing PHP 5.2 next year for upgrades. http://www.zen-cart.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72869 What might be TCH's plans for a PHP upgrade? (we may need to prep a live cart for this)
  2. I checked my mail today only to find that much of my email had been duplicated and as unread for the last year or so. Also way too much spam that was thrown away many moons ago. I manage several email accounts and it was daunting to go in and edit 100's of what needed to stay and what needed tossed. I use Mac mail on a mac to check all my email accounts. After just doing all of this work, it just downed on me to search this forum. I learn here that mail for my server was just worked on this last Sat. night. I believe I received no email notice. And I made sure not too long ago to have a non TCH server email address in C panel. I will check with help desk to follow up on contact ability. But is this new Cpanel update going to be something we should prepare for somehow besides a backup? And what could we have done to keep all that email from showing up as new? Thanks JW
  3. Duh----, I figured it out on my own................ thanks anyway. Justwade Ok, I will tell those who may have same question. Click on your browser's lock when you are on your secured url.
  4. Hello again, It has taken awhile for Google Checkout to be usable, but looks near and I am interested in digging in. Google requires certain SSL certificates to quilify. http://checkout.google.com/support/sell/bi...py?answer=57856 I have searched and can not find info if a shared cert will be a problem. The TCH cert is not any problem for the Paypal Checkout. I know I could maybe get one off thier list, but what does TCH use for their shared certicate? Thanks,
  5. Thank you for your replies. Actually it was the thread you reccomended that got me to ask my question. That is the following- Its a bit of a strain on my mind to set up new mods and I wanted to make sure Google Checkout will work at TCH before I dig in.
  6. Hello, I have a zen cart store at TCH that I want to add the choice of Google checkout to someday, that is when all the bugs are worked out. But does TCH provide the Google requirements below? PHP3/PHP4/PHP5 with cURL(libcurl) installed and enabled By the way, this forum would not accept my password "or" user name anymore. Had to register again with a new email.
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