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Everything posted by surefire
Numbers were way off for some homes on my street. My hunch... Rapid, rapid price appreciation throws off the numbers. Two homes sitting next to each other that should be more or less in the same price range... one valued at twice the other. The difference seems to be that the higher priced one is priced off actual home sale from a recent change of ownership. The other home hasn't changed hands in a long time and it seems a different formula is being used. So, I think that in an area where home prices are rising quickly that there is greater margin for error.
It appears so. If you look in the source code of Invision Power Board's html, you'll see js with functions like
Mambo and Nuke fall into the category of cms that force your hand in terms of design. You really have to know what you're doing in order to build a site with one of those systems and not have it look like every other Mambo and Nuke site out there. (I'm sure I just upset someone) Wordpress gives your more flexibility with design. You can usually still spot a Wordpress site... but it's more from the urls and the blog-like-look than a limitation of the system.
If you're not interested in javascript apps or web 2.0 (AJAX) type stuff, then this ain't for you... but if you are... you've just got to check out jQuery h*ttp://jquery.com/ I've built a few apps over the past six months and really had to teach myself some of the intricacies of DOM javascript methods. At the same time, I got interested in AJAX, and what all the fuss was about. When I ran across jQuery I really didn't give it much attention the first time because I had already seen Prototype, Scriptaculous, Rico, moo.fx, Sack, and other AJAX libraries. jQuery is really, really slick. It's the Swiss Army Knife of javascript. One you 'get it' you can do so much with it... and it's a very small snippet of code.
He really did. Wordpress is the canvass and the paint. What you do with it is up to you. If you're just getting into web design for the first time, that probably means either buying a template or paying someone to make one for you.
Perfect! That worked. Thank you very much.
I thought for certain that your suggestion, David, would do the trick. But still no love.
Jim, what you've described sounds like what I want to do. But I'm having trouble. I tried above in both httpd.conf and httpd-vhosts.conf Setting in httpd.conf for document root: DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs" Setting in hosts file of windows localhost local.cms.com Result: every time I go to local.cms.com I get the index.php file found in htdocs directory. Normally this would redirect to xampp directory but I changed the code so now it just tells me there's an error with my setup... which is the default error message. So it appears that Apache isn't picking up on my virtual hosts directive but the setting in the 'hosts' file of windows is working. Thanks for the help.
PayPal is one choice of many payment processors you can use with OSCommerce. OSC takes the place of PayPal's shopping cart or 'PayNow' buttons. It acts as the shopping cart, keeping track of the basket of goods and then sends the full payment amount to PayPal at the end when the client pays. You don't have to remove PayPal buttons from your site since an install of OSCommerce will be in a separate directory and your visitors will likely never see the other buttons unless you have links to the old pages.
If you use Flash, JAVA (not js), or other ActiveX controls in your sites, you need to see this. ht*p://www.baekdal.com/articles/Technology/microsoft-ie-activex-update/ ht*p://blog.deconcept.com/2005/12/15/internet-explorer-eolas-changes-and-the-flash-plugin/ Quick tip, if you use applet, object, or embed in your html, then this applies to you. [My apologies if this has been posted before... my quick search didn't turn anything up]
Borrow one of these: ht*p://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/index.htm
Just like lawyers do in preparation for a case, the secret to good coding is not knowing everything, but knowing where to look to get the pieces you need and then putting them together in new ways: ht*p://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/songmenu.html plus ht*p://www.sean.co.uk/a/webdesign/javascriptdelay.shtm Should get you on the right track.
Kjarrett, I'm helping you over in my forum. PS - 3.x doesn't use ioncube... I just don't want you going on a wild goose chase. TCH-Bruce was doing his best to help, but for this specific issue your best option is the help I'm giving you over at my support page.
As to your other question... why and when id versus class... Somewhat up to you, but you're only supposed to use id once. There are some other things to consider. I believe that id's take precedence over class... but you don't often see name conflicts (on purpose) between class and id. In other words, you rarely see id="tall" and class="tall" in the same document. Typically, you'll see id tags used for bigger layout instructions. The big blocks of code that determine the main structure of the document: >#header #footer #main #sidebar #navbar that kind of stuff Classes are generally used for fine tuning the site and applying styles to several elements across the page. Don't forget that you can also declare styles for the element tags themselves. >img { padding: 1em; } There are lots of great sites as examples that I could point you to, but a good starting point would be anything created by Jeffrey Zeldman. Google his name and you'll get quite a bit to look at.
I would translate the first to mean "apply this to unordered list with an id of navlist" The second would read "apply this to an unordered list that is within any other element with an id of navlist" Sound the same...? It's not. First example is more specific... much more ><ul id="navlist"> Whereas in the second example, you could have several ul's within a containing div or other element that has the id of navlist. ><div id="navlist"> <ul id="whatever"> ... </ul> </div> So, css gives you the ability to specify blocks of html depending on their order within the document, but these instructions also determine which instructions take precendence when there is a conflict... which is often done intentionally by advanced designers.
Please provide an example of what you're talking about. I would like to see a page where this isn't working.
I think one issue might be with this line: Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); My browser isn't reading the image tags because you told it that this is javascript.
I've been asked to support my project on my own website. Please see my sig line and contact me over there. I will help you immediately.
While version 2.x was available there was an option to not pay for a license but all the emails sent out to your visitors had a text link back to Ultimate Form Mail. When version 3.x was released in mid January with better licensing, more bells and whistles, etc, the free-with-advertising option was changed to free 15 day trial.
Jim, version 2.2.18 Also, I did test again, and there was no change in the memory resources available as Filezilla did its thing. Madmanmcp, I'm thinking the same thing.
I had not changed or upgraded Filezilla prior to noticing problems.... but I upgraded to see if it would fix the issue, which it did not. I have not seen it eat memory while task manager is open. I was thinking that maybe it was a cache file that was filling up, because as soon as I open FileZilla the first time, it works fine. But if I tell it to upload 50 files (big or small) then the problem appears as FileZilla starts transferring the files. In other words, the first ten or so, no problem, 11-20 starts to slow down cursor movements and other programs, 20-30 gets even worse... and so on. If I shut down FileZilla and bring it back up, everything is working fine... until I hit some imaginary limit. I looked in the docs and the admin but can't find anything referencing a cache file. The only other thing I can think of at the moment (and I'm grabbing at straws here) is that I downloaded xampp (local php, apache, mysql, phpmyadmin, and... filezilla server). I have turned off (but not uninstalled) FileZilla server, just in case that was the issue... but the problem persists. I have been very good about running sweeps for spyware. Plus, none of the other programs I use, including my recent heavy usage of smartftp, is causing similar issues.
I've got a gig of memory on my desktop, and within the past week or so I've noticed that using Filezilla (my go-to ftp client) will start to make my other apps slow down dramatically while files are in transit. This has never been the case even when I had half as much memory. The only recent change I made was updating drivers for my graphics card. I have verified that I have the correct driver. In addition, I downloaded and used SmartFtp without any of the issues mentioned above. AND, other memory intensive applications (Photoshop and similar) work just fine. I've tried to research this on my own but wondered if anyone else had seen or read about similar problems. I could switch to smartftp, but my first choice would be to keep FileZilla. Thank you much.
There are several ways to do what you want, but they're all basically the same: you have to have include instructions that are independent of where the file is in the site structure. Most common: @(include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/dir/to/file.php') or die('include file one not found');
I think Scott's saying "Meet the new boss... same as the old boss."
You can also email your pdf to a gmail account and view the attachment as html when you log into Gmail. Not very clean html... and images are missing... but the price is right.