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Everything posted by BoxersRule
My board is here!! Many many thanks to Vivek and everyone else at the command center for having the patience & knowledge to help me.
I'm still struggling with getting my forum transfered and online but have managed to run out of room on the server. ROFL!! It's a L-O-N-G story but a HUGE file was uploaded by my old admin to TCH. I'd already moved some files which the TCH crew tried to work with but I was lacking an sql backup. THAT's what I asked my admin to do but he sends all the files except that file from the old server so now I'm over the limit and don't know what I should delete. I finally have the sql backup but can't upload it until I get rid of some of the stuff from the .tar file that was uploaded. SO... I have questions! Where'd the .tar file go and how can I find it? (TCH support moved it but it still must be in my webspace since my space is over the limit.) Can I open the .tar file in cPanel's file manager? If so, can I delete the stuff that I don't want? The files I transfered before are sitting in an "incoming" folder but should have duplicate files in the .tar file. Should they be deleted? Is there a way to tell when files were uploaded? I'd like to find enough to delete to allow the sql backup to be uploaded tonight so just MAYBE TCH support can do their magic and make it all work. I don't want to delete anything I need though but at this point, I'm not sure what I need! And for anyone considering TCH as a host, you won't find better support anywhere. They've gone the extra mile (or 2) for me and have done everything they can do to get site back online.
Tim, I'm so sorry poor Juneau was attacked but thankful you weren't hurt. You were both very lucky. I hope your pup recovers quickly and it sounds like physically, she will. You're right in that emotionally, it will probably take a lot longer and be something that may affect her all of her life. It will take some time & training to get her past this. The woman with the pits is responsible for the vet bills and should count her blessings that Juneau will recover and wasn't a 2 legged kid. I have boxers (surprise! ) and have also witnessed an attack on one of my furkids. It's horrifying. I'll be thinking of Juneau & sending her lots of good vibes.
IT WORKED!!! WOOHOOO!!! At least I see the server. Uploading might be whole 'nuther issue! Thanks guys! Edited to say: I'm UPLOADING!!! YEEHAAAA!!
I'm desperately trying to download the files from my old server via SSH to my computer with the thought of uploading them to TCH with FTP. I thought it was a pretty good plan since nothing else seems to work. I should have known better. I'm using SmartFTP. I have ftp.server ip - myusername in the address thingy, have entered my password, made sure the port is 21 and IT WON'T WORK. I get this msg: ARRGGHHHH! a suggestion... get more MAD emoticons. I really would like to smack all those happy faces grinning at me from the list. What am I doing wrong?
Don, TCH has tried several times to move my site but has been thwarted! Apparently, they've had trouble connecting too. I'm probably not giving the right info or incomplete info and don't know enough to get what's needed... Although, I just had a thought... is there some setting I can change? Permission mode for the forums is 755...does that make a difference?
TCH has already gone above & beyond for me and the efforts are very much appreciated! I need more advice though..... I'm still trying to transfer my old files including an IBP forum and a Photopost gallery to TCH. I connect to my current host via SSH. I have SmartFTP to connect to my website housed at my ISP. TCH uses cPanel. I can upload from my computer thru SSH & I can download to my computer via SSH but can't figure out how to move from SSH to TCH via anything! I did manage to move a file from my old server to TCH by downloading it to my 'puter & uploading it to TCH so I'm not quite as dense as a black hole (but close). I've tried to connect through SmartFTP to the current server by plugging in the server's name, my account info and the port info (remember I have NO idea what I'm doing and have never done anything like this before). It seems to be trying to connect but I get "Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)..." time after time. I see no way to tell SSH that I want to upload a file to TCH. The default setting is to my computer and I don't know enough to change it and if I did, wouldn't know what to change it to. SOOO... can I download the entire "forums' folder which I think is 385.2kb according to the info on the SSH panel to my computer and then upload it to TCH? Is that the same as a full backup and would it work if it's not? If I can do that, can the gurus at TCH make it work? Assuming I can do that, would the same work for the Photopost Gallery? another if.... Because I'm on a very slow dialup, could someone else with SSH access my current server and download both files, then upload them to TCH? I realize what a risk that would be but if I can't get the files moved, I'll lose them anyway. Please remember I am "technically challenged" ......... Thanks!
LOL! I'm already at that point. The person I hoped could transfer the site isn't able to do so for several weeks and I need to vacate the old server ASAP. I thought that if I could access the new forum installed on TCH, I could copy from the existing admin panel & paste into the new one and would have that much done. I realize there are some settings that would need to be changed to point to the new server and could do that when I change the info at GoDaddy. I did find the forum but can only see the "test forum" and can't log in or register.
I've been trying ....really trying to figure this out on my own but I can't find my hieroglyphic dictionary. taznumber1 gave a good try in this post and again in another post in the same thread and I'm sure most people could figure it out but not me. I have SmartFTP & SSH on my computer. Exactly what do I do to transfer data from the old server/host to TCH & my site? I need step by step instructions! What do I type where? LOL! I installed the freebie IBP here because it's the same version as what I'm using. My thought was that I could upgrade at a later date after everything is here & working. I can see the same filenames here as I do on the old server. Do I open a folder on the old server and assuming I can ftp & ssh, upload into the corresponding folder on TCH? If I transfer the files, do they acutally LEAVE the old server or is it a copy that is being transfered? Taz mentioned a .tar file and I see that on the old server but don't know what it is or what to do with it! Also once I installed the IBP here, there was a link give where I could view the forum but all I got was the dreaded "page unavailable". Can I actually SEE the forum and the admin controls so I can get it set up prior to moving the data?
I think I'm official! Maybe. I did order a hosting pkg last night and received an email saying that there would need to be a phone verification which is fine BUT... I gave my home phone number which is of course tied up with the 'puter since I'm on dialup. I did try to submit a ticket with my cell number but I'm not sure it made it. Ya'll are gonna ban me for being "technically challenged". Waiting for my "Welcome Email" is like waiting for Christmas morning. Is it time yet???
taznumber1, Thanks for the explanation and offer! Just how much time to you have? I might be contacting you.
I think I'm ready to make a purchase! In fact, I went to do so and got scared. LOL! If I submit my domain name, will that automatically make the current site unavailable? I realize that I will have to change the info at GoDaddy, where it's registered, but until then can members still find us on the old server? I'd like to get the space, figure out what I'm doing ( ) then attempt the move maybe on Saturday. I don't know what SMF or fantasico is. I keep telling you guys I need help.
Whew! That's a lot of info that I've got to translate. I access cPanel on the TCH servers via a webpage so I do NOT have to download anything!! RIGHT??? YIPPEEE! That makes life easier! I WISH I could do all of that but I lost you at "download it via FTP". I'll have to think about that. The IBP version that I use IS 1.2. Would it be better (since I don't know what I'm doing) to have it installed, transfer the forum, then update later? I noticed that phpBB is free but does it have the features and controls that IBP has? Are there ads that are added to the pages or that creates popups? Then I need to move the Photopost Gallery..... Thanks so much for the advice. I've posted similar questions to other forums and not gotten nearly the response and help.
I've got to say that I've been very impressed with the forum at TCH. I've been reading through a lot of posts and the friendly helpful responses are wonderful! Between the forums and what TCH offers in hosting for the price, I think that TCH will probably be my new host. I have explained my dilemma here but have a few more questions... Can/will TCH install a new IBP forum? Do I have to have cPanel in order to manage my website or can I do that through SSH (which I already have)? cPanel has 2 levels... do I need both levels if I have to have cPanel? Is it a free download & how big is it? I'm on dialup (no other choice) and big files are nearly impossible for me. This is more of an IBP question but you all are nicer than they are! Can my forum be transfered to the new version via a backup made through mySQL to a personal computer or does it have to be transfered server to server? I reserve the right to ask more questions but apologize for being so... ummm..... un-computerish. Thanks!
The more I read about hosts the more confusing it is! Overselling, bandwidth, downtime, all those letters that I don't have a clue about... UGH! I did manage to find some stats I didn't know I had which I think I've attached. It's also online here. I'm thinking the bottom graph is bandwidth but again, clueless as to what it means. Could someone translate for me and recommend the best plan? I also have questions about the new version of IBP... Would I have to purchase it and then have it installed here or is it already here & all I have to is have the license? How difficult would it be to convert my existing forum? Is this forum running on the new IBP version? Since I use SSH to access the server, my guess is that CPanel isn't available. Thanks for the help!
That's fine... I assume there are other programs that I can use. I thought it was a PAIN to use anyway.
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm checking on "cpanel". I use SSH to access the files... don't know if that makes a difference. A huge problem for me is that I'm on dialup <gasp> and am lucky to have that. I'm in a rural area and that's all that is available. I speed along at a max of 28.8Kbps! Downloading/uploading is quite the challenge. I will almost have to have someone else do the transfer if TCH can't.
I need to move my existing IPB forum (v1.2 © 2003 ) and a Photopost gallery (PHP 4.5.1) and have some questions! I will confess up front that I am NOT even close to being able to figure out 'puter talk so please type slowly & use big font. Can my existing forum be transfered to the IPB forum offered here without losing members & posts? Can Photopost be supported by TCH? Will TCH move the forum & gallery (and make it work LOL!) and what is the fee? Members "hotlink" pictures from the gallery into posts. Will that significantly increase the bandwidth usage? Can hotlinking to other sites be prevented? I don't want to move and then get surprised by additional fees! My site is strictly a personal site and I don't make any money from it. My entire site is appoximately 1.2 gig in size. I don't know the bandwidth usage but don't think it would be over the limit offered in the "starter plan". Here are the links to the forum & gallery: BoxersRule Gallery Thanks! Karen BoxersRule Admin