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    Portsmouth, VA

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  1. what? I didnt win the contest? I bet its another one of those chad issues
  2. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, he may have just been a stubborn monkey. Of course I'm not speaking from experience, we have none here, but as soon as i see a monkey......
  3. Considering how great and wonderful I am, would it be terribly presumptuous to just go ahead and change my username to TCH-Dave?
  4. and now since I won, is it too late to upgrade my account for that free month?
  5. YAY, I WON, thanks guys, thats why I picked tch
  6. just my two cents, but please, dear god, do not use frontpage, you could cage a wild monkey and give him a sharpened stick, he would probably write cleaner code in the dirt
  7. hunter, not sure what you are using to make the image, photoshop is quite simple to do, there is an effect called stroke which outlines your text, but I guess you arent using that so you can always use the jerry rigged way of outlining text. Create a layer using the same font face and words, but all 1 color (the color you want the outline to be) but make the font size slightly larger so that way it will show from behind your original text. It works ok with small text, but the larger it is, the more distorted it will look because the center will not have the same width outline as the left and right sides. Another possible solution may be to use a drop shadow, again, if you have to do it manually, just create a layer of the text in black with everything else the same, and position it slightly lower and to the side.
  8. that pic is way too small for anything, i opened it up and but its too small and too blurry to do anything like wsj, if you have a MUCH larger copy, post it and ill see what i can do
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