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Posts posted by TCH-Vivek

  1. We have finished with the backup re sync and has now pushed out the account restores. Once again, no services on the current server will be affected until the restore is complete which may take a few hours and we switch the dns. Watch this tread for updates. Currently, 1% complete.

  2. We have finished with the backup re sync and has now pushed out the account restores. Once again, no services on the current server will be affected until the restore is complete which may take a few hours and we switch the dns. Watch this tread for updates. Currently, 1% complete.

  3. Greetings TCH Family,


    This server is slated for migration to the TCH noc. Backups have been already transferred to the new box. Updates from Saturday's run of cpbackup will be synced over before we start with the account restores. Restore will be started at 9:30PM EDT on Saturday and regular posts here will keep you updated on the status. No services on the current server will be taken down during the restore. The only down time expected is at the end of the restore when we close down all standard ports on the current server and switch the dns.


    Watch out this thread for updates.

  4. Greetings TCH Family,


    This server is slated for migration to the TCH noc. Backups have been already transferred to the new box. Updates from Saturday's run of cpbackup will be synced over before we start with the account restores. Restore will be started at 9:30PM EDT on Saturday and regular posts here will keep you updated on the status. No services on the current server will be taken down during the restore. The only down time expected is at the end of the restore when we close down all standard ports on the current server and switch the dns.


    Watch out this thread for updates.

  5. FSCK is done and the server is back online. All services are up and responding to requests without any issues. Please raise a helpdesk ticket if you still have an issue.

  6. Welcome to the forums erawlins :)


    I am not good as a PHP programmer. But I guess the second slash is added by magiciquotes_gpc while reading back from the cookie file. FYI, gpc stands for get, post, cookie that's it works when any or all of the above methods is called. You can turn off magic quotes by using php_flag in .htaccess. Feel free to ping support if you need assistance in turnig it off for your account.

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