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  1. Congrats Alex! It's a reward for your hardwork and I have no doubt you will pick up thing and glow well in the designation. And what happens to my beer.. Nah, you know my brand. LOL
  2. I can't believe this.. am I so good!!?? How evil are you? LOL @ TCH-Dick - "You are the definition of evil, and probably work for an Evil company like AOL. " :lol2:
  3. Nice one! I really liked it a lot. Keep up the good work and we do expect more in the future.
  4. Welcome to the forums erawlins I am not good as a PHP programmer. But I guess the second slash is added by magiciquotes_gpc while reading back from the cookie file. FYI, gpc stands for get, post, cookie that's it works when any or all of the above methods is called. You can turn off magic quotes by using php_flag in .htaccess. Feel free to ping support if you need assistance in turnig it off for your account.
  5. This is now complete. All servers are back online and responding to service requests. Down time was not noticeable for most of them. Thank you for being patient while we were on it.
  6. We have applied some updates on servers that should be followed by a reboot. Servers will be now rebooted one by one and should be back online within a few minutes. The whole team is closely monitoring. Will update here once it is complete.
  7. This had been taken care of as soon as cpanel released the patch. Sorry for the delay in updating you. You can see the original thread here
  8. Sorry for the delay in updating you guys. An arbitrary file inclusion vulnerability has been discovered in the Horde webmail application. We have applied the patch on all TCH servers within an hour of cpanel releasing it. So no worries, we are safe.
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