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Posts posted by kingram

  1. Hi, I have the same problem. I intend to change my domain name and was wondering whether I should backup all the databases or they will be working with the new name. Might anything go wrong with the transfer?


    Thank you



    Thanks for the help.

    You would need to register the domain and set the nameservers to the same ones you are using with the domain currently used on the account. Once that is done you would need to open a Help Desk ticket using the link at the top of this page and request to have the domain changed.
  2. Hi,


    I have been using my account for almost two ears now and i wanted to delete all of the files and re install some of the software and blog I need. However, I am not sure which file (except those I know) I can clean. I know that some of them was regenerated because of the cgi bin script and ...


    Any help would be great!


  3. thanks! it solved that problem but I came to another one which I am trying to resolve.



    Sounds like your send_reminders.php script has an include hard coded into it which a web server will parse correctly when launched in a broswers. However when running from cron you no longer have the ability to use WGET which I believe would run the script the same as a web browser would.


    So you wil have to change your include in the script to have the full path to your config file. It would be something like this:



  4. I have mentioned this problem in another thread. the script runs from the browser but not in cron job and I am getting this error:


    Warning: main(../includes/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/*****/public_html/calendar/tools/send_reminders.php on line 61


    I know that this is a path problem but I could not figure out how to resolve it. I tried to change the path variables in the script but no success yet.



    Glad you sorted it out. ;)
  5. I could find the problem in source code and solved it but now I am facing a problem in cron job.


    I am runing the php file with adress bar http://*****.com/calendar/tools/send_reminders.php

    and it sends the reminders and I have set two cron jobs to verify whether it works or not but non works:


    first one: * * * * * #!/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/ID/public_html/calendar/tools/send_reminders.php > /dev/null

    second one: ***** /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/ID/public_html/calendar/tools/send_reminders.php > /dev/null


    I am just wondering whether I can put the adress in the cron tab or not.


    Please let me know if you know what the problem is.



    Happy Holidays

  6. Thanks. I will try and let you know if there is any problem.

    Happy Holidays



    cPanel provides 2 ways of entering a cron job. If you are unsure of how to build a cron job I suggest using the STANDARD method and not the ADVANCED.


    When you select the STANDARD method choose the following from the boxes provided.


    Every 10 minutes in the minutes box

    Nothing selected in the hours box

    Everyday in the days box

    Every Month in the months box

    Every Weekday in the weekday box


    For your job you can use this:

    >/usr/bin/php -q /home/your-cPanel-name/public_html/calendar/tools/send_reminders.php >/dev/null

  7. I just wanted to mention that I have added a cron job in the cpanel:


    php -q /home/username/public_html/calendar/tools/send_reminders.php > /dev/null


    I am not sure whether this will do the job or everything is in perfect order. Any suggestion would be great.

  8. :wallbash:

    I am new to this and I do not know how to handle it.

    I have installed webcalendar. and it is working however I am trying to make a reminder but the problem is that I can not understand the user manual.


    The manual mentions that it should be php CGI cron job, and if I can not make it I should a server base cron job. Is there anybody who can give me the lead how to fix this. I am adding the instructions below:


    To set this up in cron, add a line like the following in your crontab

    * to run it every 10 minutes:

    * 1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * php /some/path/here/send_reminders.php

    * Of course, change the path to where this script lives. If the

    * php binary is not in your $PATH, you may also need to provide

    * the full path to "php".

    * On Linux, just type crontab -e to edit your crontab.


    thanks for help, shahram

  9. Hope the topic will fit in this category.

    It might be odd but I was thinking to make the favicon.icon in the address bar to change. So hopefully I made a couple of icons and put them in the folder and used the images rotator to rotate the images and left the rotator.php in the header of the index.html

    Now the favicon rotates in the Firefox each time I restart the firefox and do not rotate in IE. Here is the question obviously: what should I do that each time everyone refreshes the page in Firefox can have a new favicon. The Answer might be very simple for some coder out there but I do not know how I should clear the cache.

    Thanks for help


  10. Just a quick note to clarify that I found it. I just removed the Badbehaviour plugin and everything works fine.



    I submitted a ticket and they checked the site and Rick told me that it works fine and he is right since I checked from some other PC in my office. Thus there should be in my side. eitehr my PC or routher or ISP. Just to clarify that I am running Word press and bad behavior plugin and a couple of other plug-ins. I will remian.

  11. I submitted a ticket and they checked the site and Rick told me that it works fine and he is right since I checked from some other PC in my office. Thus there should be in my side. eitehr my PC or routher or ISP. Just to clarify that I am running Word press and bad behavior plugin and a couple of other plug-ins. I will remian.


    Well, I am not too knowledgable on this one.  Seems it could be returning this because of Mod_Security but is tough to tell.  I will defer to the experts on this one, and opening a ticket was probable a good first step.


    Have you tried to view your site using a proxy?

  12. I am not sure whether anybody has faced this problem or not. I am receiving a Precondition Failed message when I point to my blog (mydomain.ws/blog). The rest of my addresses work (mydomain.ws/pblog) and I can check my site from some other computer in my office. This is happening at home, I have checked it with 2 pc's at home so far. I wondered whether this could be from my wireless router, and how I can solve it. Can I send a package to the router or something like that.



    Just to confrim that I have checked for viruses, I am using Firefox and have submitted a ticket.

  13. Hi ,

    Some part of the class in the funtion (plug in) was embded in " ". So I just removed it and it works fine now.



    Hi Kingram.


    I don't use WP in a long time, so I may be wrong but I think the only way you have to prevent that is to change the plugin's output code directly, so that it will produce compliant XHTML code.


    What was the solution you found?

  14. I ha d a tough time to validate my Wp blog after using a quote plug-in. I am sure there are couple of professionals out there who can hint on that. I have almost tried what I knew or there is a tiny trick there! Thanks

  15. Done, added the image type (type="image/x-icon" />) but no success! :( :tchrocks: :lol2:

    Try this:


    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="path-to-favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />


    You may still have to 'Add To Favorites" and reload to work in IE but it should work.

    Maybe.    :blink:

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