The code reads
>$db->query("INSERT INTO $table_members (uid, username, password, regdate, postnum, email, site, aim, status, location, bio, sig, showemail, timeoffset, icq, avatar, yahoo, customstatus, theme, bday, langfile, tpp, ppp, newsletter, regip, timeformat, msn, ban, dateformat, ignoreu2u, lastvisit, mood, pwdate, invisible, u2ufolders, saveogu2u, emailonu2u, useoldu2u, webcam, moodicon, gender, zodiac, readrules, lastcodedate, awards, card ) VALUES ('', '$username', '$password', ".$db->time(time(, '$card')).", '0', '$email', '$site', '$aim', '$self[status]', '$locationnew', '$bio', '$sig', '$showemail', '$timeoffset1', '$icq', '$avatar', '$yahoo', '', '$thememem', '$bday', '$newlangfile', '$tpp', '$ppp', '$newsletter', '$onlineip', '$timeformatnew', '$msn', '', '$dateformatnew', '', '', '$newmood', '', '0', '', '$saveogu2u', '$emailonu2u', '$useoldu2u', '$webcam', '$posticon', '$gender', '$zodiac', 'no','', '$awards')");
Error page (HERE) says
I know its something to do with the Card string command, im using a card mod for xmb forum software, i cant seem to find problem though