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  1. ok i will think about it. the random login is really bugging me.
  2. i know its foolish. but can we have an easy login if we really want to?
  3. I've bothered the ticket help desk very very frequently the past week and all tickets were answered politely and concisely. I just think the least I could do is start this is say a big thank you to all staff (and continue my monthly subscription )
  4. sorry, this topic already exist but that's one year old already. this will definitely be better than me bothering support for just trivial questions ya? i'm currently on a starter plan and i'm gonna get a couple more domain names and i'm interested in upgrading to a reseller account. and i'm just wondering how will my payment be settled? i've already paid one full year for the starter plan. do i need to just 'top up' to the cost of the reseller account or something? (i'm interested in the simple resellers) please help. thank you. =D
  5. Actually i'm kinda regretting i registered a domain name with my real name (zhiyang.net). I'm using it as a blog and my site is getting quite an increase in the number of hits (as compared to when i just started that is). I actually hoped i registered a much more generic domain name in the past. oh well. too late. =/ there's this guy, Nick Pan. nickpan.com then his wife, Pearl got. pearlpan.com then their daughters, cleo.pearlpan.com clie.pearlpan.com obviously they felt they were too young to get a domain name for themselves =P
  6. i never used yahoo and aol. only msn =/ it's much more common and therefore logical to use in my country. i've submitted another ticket thro here https://ssl.totalchoicehosting.com/supportdesk hope it works this time round.
  7. so i submit another ticket?
  8. using gmail. and no hidden mail in spam folder. i got the pass. one would never have guessed...
  9. i've checked and i've indeed sent only one email to the support and lisa replied to have me re-submit my problem to support desk (reasoning that's it's more secure) and i did so. But come to think of it. I did not received a confirmation of my ticket. Perhaps it had not been submitted to you guys properly =/ so should i resubmit my ticket? and i apologize for the javascript on my site (it could be closed with alt+ctrl=delete). i've added a warning, and to be opened on anyone's discreet. sorry.
  10. I submitted a support ticket as i'm told to after emailing support. It's a very small problem therefore i chose lowest priority. But I've waited 2 days and nothing have been done. Do you guys get a lot of support tickets? If the answer is yes. Then i guess I can wait some time later until you guys are more free to deal with low priority issues. Just wondering. I have much faith in you guys. ps: i just realise there's this family forum. can someone pm me a pass? my site: http://www.click.sg (warning. not safe to open while doing real important stuff. open at your own discreet) thanks
  11. darn. i still cant get it to work. but never mind. i guess i must find some other way to get it to work. thanks anyway. =D
  12. i did exactly as you said and it's not working. i'm trying to allow a user to access my forum folder with phpbb installed. Are there any other implication i might have because of the phpbb??
  13. just what i'm looking for but one problem. now my limited user cant access his supposedly accessible folder. can you guys give some instructions and i can see where i go wrong? like how the limited user can access his account. i tried a billion times. nothing works.
  14. i already have my own domain. if i decided to move over to tch, for example, the starter plan which costs 44$ doesn't include the domain. correct me if i'm wrong. thanks for your time.
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