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Everything posted by DWD
I tried to upload a pic (110k, 800x533) here using "File Attachments" and got this message: Isn't that how GvilleRick and youneverknow uploaded their images? Is there a problem, or am I doing something wrong?
I trust a service as big as Google to provide sufficient notice before they go out of business, and that they won't loose thousands of my pictures since they seem to do pretty good with my email and I'm not worried about turning my pics and vids over to anyone (it's all boring stuff). Google would be in addition to my CD/DVD backups but, in the long run, I'll bet the pics will last longer on Google's servers than on my off-site plastic disk collection.
Forget backing up your entire hard drive for all the security reasons you can imagine. However, there is no cost effective and guaranteed method for archiving for the very-long-term, such has how do I save hundreds of gigs of photos and videos for my grandkids and their grandkids. Hard drives fail and, if you research the issue, you cannot rely on CD/DVDs. However, giving your photos/videos to Google to archive for free or nearly free and let them worry about replacing and updating redundant hard drives is the answer to very-long-term data storage. Count me in!!!
And for those early adopters out there (thank you all for always making my life easier) who were able to download, note there was an error in the code change file used for heavily MODded installs: See phpBB thread for more info.
You might want to do your members a favor and install "Redirect Anonymous Users to Login" which protects personal information from spambots and people who are not memembers. It redirects people to login when clicking on the memberlist, groups or profiles. As of right now, I or a spambot can go to your memberlist, get some member emails and spam the heck out of them.
Late to the thread but I just noticed it on my cPanel and all I can say is...WOW! After just spending almost an hour looking at all the sites for the things that can be installed (my employer hates you), I'm amazed. My prior host let me have a hit counter with different fonts and in different colors. Thanks TCH.
First, IE is itself a hole. Second, this is not news. If a month went by without finding a critical flaw in IE, that would be news. If they are smart, tech news writers have a macro, ctrl+e, which types out: "Microsoft Confirms 'Highly Critical' IE Hole." Seriously, does a Microsoft meeting go something like this: Programmer: "Hey, I got a great new feature we can add to [fill in the blank]." Decision Maker: "Great, put it in." New Guy: "We don't really know how it will interact with all the other code." Decision Maker: "So...what's your point?" New Guy: "Well...you know...security and stuff." Decision Maker: "Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot pie!"
The manual upgrade from 2.0.18 to 2.0.19 is very easy to do yourself. How do I know? Because I was able to do it with no problems...therefore, only a passing familiarity with ftp and replacing files is necessary. No knowledge of php or anything else is needed.
Paul, I love your design, very clean with a nice attention to detail.
Please add my site: 1. http://www.danzfamily.com 2. Danz Family 3. Danz family blog, website, photos, videos and a whole lot more. 4. Blog, I suppose. It is a blog front end to a personal website with "a whole lot more." 5. I have two links back to TCH using logos on my blog and , along with text links back to TCH and the TCH forums on my Links Page.
All if fixed and I'm CERTAIN it has something to do with a new page starting or about to start. As I have had this happen before and just thought it was a glitch and didn't follow up on it. But now two times when at the end of a page/start of a new page of posts is too coincidental. Has anyone else ever seen this before???
OK, HeadGuru reports he doesn't have the post viewing problem I do. Just for the record I'm stumped. I don't see anything below the Quote/Reply for my last post at 3:11. I'm not seeing the Enter Keyword, FastReply AddReply, Network, # of Users reading, etc. (writing this while looking at another thread, as I thought the bottom of this problem thread looked funny). I'm using IE for what it's worth. I'm just wondering if another post might cure the problem for me. Head Guru, Bill, or moderators, feel free to delete this if you want (and if you're not having the same problem) since it's clearly off topic.
Yep, working now. Unrelated, strange forum glitch: I couldn't see your post until I now (when I go to add a reply). I saw from outside the thread that you had posted but, inside the thread, my post was the last post. I tried reloading and even deleted everything from my internet cache and still had the problem. I think I've seen this before, as I anticipate the post I'm writing will be the first up on the second page of posts...just a guess at this point.
Hmmm...seems to be down again.
Response time by the Head Guru...3 minutes. Problem resolution...12 minutes. Hosting with TCH...priceless!
From what I can gather on my site and from the red-x's in this post, this (much appreciated) service is down. Any word on when it will be back up?
That was fast. It now says:
I'm not too much of a tech guy and no formal affiliation with TCH other than I think they are a great host...soooo, I'm at the end of my usefulness to you as will be revealed by my response: I'm guessing that the process goes something like this: 1) Everything is still running off of the old server. 2) Copy all the files and settings to the new server. 3) Flip a switch to direct everything to the new server. The problem then develops with the inherent lag between steps 2 and 3. Any file that is transferred to the new server and then updated before the switch is made will have that update lost. I would think that this can only be remedied on a case by case basis requested by the customer since doing it automatically as a step 4 would result in writing over any updates made to the file between steps 3 and 4. Sorry TCH, I know it is actually a million times more complex than my three easy step outline...no offense intended.
As I suspected, it was due to the server migration that took place Friday night and all day Saturday for Server 85. I similar thing happened on my blog. Some new content which got posted Saturday didn't get transferred over. If you can't duplicate it and it's important, I suggest submitting a support ticket as suggested in this thread: http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/i...showtopic=24694 As for me, I was lucky in that stuff which got posted on Saturday to my blog which I didn't have copies of got transferred over OK but some stuff that I do have copies of did not. As soon as I get back home in a couple of hours (at work now), I can reload, and everything will be back to normal. Good luck.
What server are you on?
I've heard good things about IconArt.
I'm with Rob, IE almost never displays favicons correctly for me unlike FF which consistently does a good job.