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Posts posted by DWD

  1. You have access to your quarantine with the click of a button and if your using outlook there is a plugin that you can use along side it.


    Signed up, now wife isn't getting email relating to kid's school, scouts, PTA, etc. Went to nospam.totalchoicehosting.com and did the lost password option but neither of us ever received a password reset email. Tried a gmail address associated with TCH and at least it recognized this was not an email address associated with the spam filter.


    Where is the "button" you speak of and all the quarantined emails? In the nospam.TCH site? I'm sure its all no-brainer simply, but right now the wife and I just can't figure it out...and I'm catching flack from my better half.


    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

  2. A note to add to this: Movable Type by default likes to create folders that are 0777. So when I rolled over to a new month...suddenly I had a problem again. Blurg.


    Solution was found here:


    with mt-config directive which should be set for 0022


    DirUmak 0644


    Carry on!


    I hate to disagree with you since I barely understand this stuff, but after much more trial and error and additional research, I think the following is what is needed to clear up the new archive folder error:


    DirUmask 0022


    First note spelling of "DirUmask" and, second, note that the perms command works differently than the mask command, in short, it works backwards.


    Anyway, the above code is what worked for me.

  3. And or those of you coming to this thread with Movable Type problems, I just posted the below in the MT forum:


    When the upgrade hit my server, my Movable Type blog developed multiple problems namely a lot of "Error 500 Internal server error." The following is what I learned the hard way as to how to fix the problems. Maybe it will save someone the hours I spend figuring it out.


    First, you need to change the file permissions on all of your Movable Type files that end in ".cgi" to 755. For me, most of the .cgi files were found in public_html/cgi-bin/mt4 folder and I found one straggler elsewhere.


    Second, long...oh, so very long...story short, the MT default, at least for version 4.x, is to assign permission 666 to all files it creates. This causes problems with the new PHP upgrades. Additionally, manually tweaking the permissions will only provide a temporary fix as MT will change the permission back the next time it creates the file.


    I was able fix the errors by making MT assign permission 644 to all files it creates. I accomplished this by adding the following at the very end of my mt-config.cgi file:


    HTMLPerms 0644


    Since making these changes, everything has worked fine.

  4. Recently TCH began upgrading PHP on their many servers as discussed here. When the upgrade hit my server, my Movable Type blog developed multiple problems namely a lot of "Error 500 Internal server error." The following is what I learned the hard way as to how to fix the problems. Maybe it will save someone the hours I spend figuring it out.


    First, you need to change the file permissions on all of your Movable Type files that end in ".cgi" to 755. For me, most of the .cgi files were found in public_html/cgi-bin/mt4 folder and I found one straggler elsewhere.


    Second, long...oh, so very long...story short, the MT default, at least for version 4.x, is to assign permission 666 to all files it creates. This causes problems with the new PHP upgrades. Additionally, manually tweaking the permissions will only provide a temporary fix as MT will change the permission back the next time it creates the file.


    I was able fix the errors by making MT assign permission 644 to all files it creates. I accomplished this by adding the following at the very end of my mt-config.cgi file:


    HTMLPerms 0644


    Since making these changes, everything has worked fine.

  5. It's not just an illusion. Each year becomes a smaller fraction of our lives, so with the measuring stick by which we compare each year constantly changing, each year does indeed become shorter as we grow older.


    In grade school, summers lasted an eternity. By high school they were shorter and by college shorter yet. In my forties, last year I bought a bunch of mulch in the spring to spread around in my flower gardens during the summer. Summer came and went before I realized I hadn't opened a bag. Kids growing up so fast. The realization that we are only on this earth a short time.


    Make today count, there aren't enough tomorrows.

  6. I would like to chip in and recommend that you use the squirrelmail installation at http://felucia.tchmachines.com/webmail as the "/sqmail" installation is a cpanel independent one that we used to maintain so that clients can access webmail on the go, say while travelling and when port 2095 is blocked. Since cpanel is now supporting proxy domains, which routes port 2095 to port 80 (refer dick's post above) for webmail as well as other standard cpanel ports, we will be removing this particular installation as we progress.



    Yes, I want to do the correct, official, recommended, approved, proper, not-a-work-around, way to access SquirrelMail both securely and insecurely (two links). Surprisingly, this is not a simple question.


    1) Can I access Squirrelmail in the recommend manner which won't go away soon directly, without first going through WebMail and then Selecting SquirrelMail?


    2) Does your comment refer to both links I posted in bold or only to the secure link?


    3) I can't access WHM (WebHostManagement) to alter ports such as 465 and 995 and proxy settings because I don't have a reseller account, correct?




    In other words, for evryone's benefit, what are the six official direct links that TCH customers should use to access Horde/SquirrelMail/RoundQube both securely and insecurely???

  7. Try it this way.




    Log in with your domain email address and password. Except that doesn't work either. Please open a ticket with the help desk.


    I submitted a ticket and the awesome TCH folks fixed it right up for me. All is working well, and for anyone who come across this later, here are the secure and insecure links for SquirrelMail:


    E-mail (Secure)



    E-mail (Insecure)


  8. Try it this way.




    Log in with your domain email address and password. Except that doesn't work either. Please open a ticket with the help desk.

    I tried the link and got the following error message:


    404 Not Found


    The server can not find the requested page:


    felucia.tchmachines.com/sqmail (port 443)


    Please forward this error screen to felucia.tchmachines.com's WebMaster.

    Apache/1.3.41 Server at felucia.tchmachines.com Port 443

    I'll submit a help ticket and report back. Thanks.

  9. Sorry, I forgot to say that the outgoing secure port needs to be set to 465 and secure incoming 995.

    And...we just stepped outside my area of understanding. Where and how do I make these settings?


    I'm really ignorant about everything "ports" related. Does some have a good reference source on the topic?

  10. If you set it to allow that exception it should work, providing that you feel safe with using the shared SSL, which in my opinion would not be a problem.

    I successfully allowed the exception but I get the following error message when I go to address:

    404 Not Found


    The server can not find the requested page:


    danzfamily.com/sqmail (port 443)


    Please forward this error screen to danzfamily.com's WebMaster.

    Apache/1.3.41 Server at danzfamily.com Port 443

  11. https://example.net/sqmail works for me.

    I tried that and I get the following error message:


    Secure Connection Failed


    danzfamily.com uses an invalid security certificate.


    The certificate is only valid for the following names:

    *.tchmachines.com , tchmachines.com


    (Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)


    * This could be a problem with the server's configuration, or it could be someone trying to impersonate the server.


    * If you have connected to this server successfully in the past, the error may be temporary, and you can try again later.


    Or you can add an exception…

  12. I know this has been covered elsewhere, but it has been covered different ways under different circumstances that I'm not sure what now applies since I just got the server update.


    For my non-secure SquirrelMail, I now use:



    What do I use for secure https SquirrelMail access (directly without going through webmail first)? Or can I not do that without my own SSL (?) certificate?



  13. Yep, that would be me updating felucia yesterday. The proxy service got added as part of the upgrade.

    Holy coincidence Batman! Thanks for the info, now I won't worry about there being a bunch of other hidden problems that I haven't yet discovered.


    TCH Rocks!

  14. Correction: too little sleep, I kept looking for the php.ini file I uploaded only to remember I decided against doing that and instead put the following into an .htaccess file in the Gallery directory which worked to get rid of the upload restrictions:

    php_value post_max_size 10M

    php_value upload_max_filesize 10M

  15. The redirect you are seeing is a new feature released last summer. This feataure is a proxy service for users that have the starndard ports blocked. Once enabled it allows you to access your cPanel via port 80 using a subsomain(http://cpanel.danzfamily.com).

    I actually found a post referring to that in my search to find a solution to my problem. However, it does not explain why all my symptoms suddenly appeard this morning after I messed around with stuff last night. Unless they just finally pushed the update to Felusia overnight and my installing Gallery was just a coincidence. Otherwise, this does not explain the source of my problem.

  16. After I've check my squirrel mail and logged out, I go about my business surfing the internet. On Windows XP using Explorer several websites away from my email, I will frequently get a login popup:


    Connect to domain-name.com


    The server domain-name.com at WebMail requires a username and password.


    Warning: This server is requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a secure connection).


    User name: [box]


    Password: [box]


    Does anyone know why this is???

  17. Short Version: I contacted tech support with my symptoms and they very quickly gave me a solution to avoid they symptoms. But, I'm still concerned about the actual problem that caused the symptoms in the first place and so I came here.


    Long Version:I must have screwed up something last night.


    What I did: installed Gallery via fantastico and customized it. In order to get around upload limits, I uploaded a php.ini file to the danzfamily.com/gallery directory. I also "looked" at some of my .htaccess files (I thought I only looked at them).


    Symptoms: this morning, my website (danzfamily.com) was defaulting to index.htm rather than index.php. (I added "DirectoryIndex index.php" to my public_html folder and it fixed this one symptom.)


    http://danzfamily.com/sqmail no longer pulls up my email.


    http://danzfamily.com/cpanel, although cpanel pulls up fine, it now has some sort of redirect before it gets there that I'd never seen before


    I don't know if I deleted a higher root .htaccess file or what I changed to cause the problem.


    Tech Support gave me new links that I had not been using for cpanel and email


    For cpanel ---> http://danzfamily.com:2082/

    For e-mail ---> http://danzfamily.com:2095/


    As for the latter I now use http://danzfamily.com:2095/3rdparty/squirrelmail/index.php to get directly to squirrel mail instead of just webmail.


    Concern: These two new links fix the symptom, but the problem still exists and I'm concerned about other manifestations of the problem that I don't know about. Any one have any ideas about what the cause of all this was? Thanks!

  18. I have a Movable Type blog, an unused phpBB forum, and a small static backend website and I am approaching 3000MB!. I downloaded and deleted 3 months worth of logs which have been growing to where they just crossed over 100MB for a one-month log, freeing up nearly 300MB of space three days ago. Since then, in three days, with just one short blog post, my disk usage has creeped up to 3000MB again.


    Any idea what's going on or why I'm using up so much disk space despite doing relatively nothing?

  19. No opening in the bottom which would allow air to circulate to the mouth, but you are on to something with the hanging suggestion. I received this response elsewhere on the interweb:


    I have seen a similar piece before, and it was a stand to hold a hanging piece for display....a carved stone piece hung by a short fancy cord. Hope this helps.
  20. While cleaning out our parents home, my sister came across the item below. We have no idea what it is, nor do we even remember it. Since, we've never seen it, it's probably 30-40 years old and maybe older. It likely came from overseas, but your guess as to exactly where is as good as ours. China?




    It's about 2 1/2 feet tall and made entirely of wood. It is far too fragile to be any kind of cane-like steadying device.




    It has a two inch deep hole, which would fit a dowel rod or cigarette (but probably not a cigar), in the back of its throat. Given the shape of the top of the mouth, my best guess is that it was designed to hold incense. However, the ashes would not drop into the base, which would make it a very large, poorly designed, incense holder. I don't really think it's an incense holder, but that's all I can think of.




    The off-center base. There are no tell-tale markings or anything anywhere which would give an obvious clue as to its origin or function. Does anyone have any ideas, or even wild speculation?

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