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Everything posted by annie

  1. Set up Bulletproof or GuildFTP on your local machine (if it's on broadband), and let them have access to that instead...
  2. Not really sure what you're asking. I got several counters (for different pages on the site) by appending a number for each page after my user name in the code for the main counter on TCH.
  3. He's most likely trying to use the built in controls in Frontpage. They will only work if they're installed on your site. Not only that, but they're not always compatible across versions of Frontpage. All in all... maybe you should use cgi or php instead?
  4. I have one that does that. It's a modified Majordomo script. The trick is having a script that only sends you an e-mail. Send that to a specific address. Then set up an autoresponder for that address in cpanel. PM me for a copy of the script. Mine is set up with TWO recipients, but that's easy enough to remove.
  5. Mine works on non-shtml pages. Maybe it's HOW he's pasted the code? What if it's pasted in such a way that the code is written out visibly? Could happen...
  6. How about having two addresses for him? One that's his real address that he'll read first, and then the second for listings. I've got one for Yahoo groups. Thought that one would catch a lot of spam, but found out it didn't. As far as I can tell, my own site is the worst for attracting spam. Which is why I've gotten so tough on it. But notice that I've got a form for those who are really clueless. BTW, I will probably need to change to that PHP form script. Got lots of attempts at misusing the script today. And get this: They were ALL from different IP numbers, and had tried using different subject lines. But the addresses were going down the alphabet.... Because of the way the script is configured, their attempt didn't work, but it's still irritating me.
  7. I've got a camera phone. Rarely use it, and have in fact relegated it to second phone - rarely take it with me. I've got a rugged phone as the number one these days.
  8. I'd love to have a digital SLR. As for phones, I've come to the realization I absolutely need WAP and GPRS! Camera is optional. And UMTS hasn't even started over here. And we don't miss it! We're waiting for EDGE and Wireless Village.
  9. I've got numerous retired addresses on my domain that I use forwarders on to bounce: :fail: 550 5.1.1 ... User unknown. But something happens when an e-mail is sent to several addresses. I had one address that I had two forwarders on. One to fail, and another to an outside e-mail address. That worked occasionally only. But what's interesting is that I would get a bounce if I sent an e-mail to one of these addresses, but not if I send an e-mail to one failed address and CC to another. Is that intended behavior? My spam suddenly dropped so dramatically, I've been trying to figure out why. These tests is the closest I've come to an answer. Many spammers have used several retired addresses in each spam. My old host didn't have a real 550 server response, so the spammers probably thought they were still active. So, anyone with an answer?
  10. Firefox uncompresses the gzipped raw files on the fly, for some reason.
  11. This e-mail has two attachments. One small image, and a big vbs file.
  12. Mail has significantly dropped recently, especially spam. Don't know where it went, but I certainly don't receive even half of what I did before I came here. But here's one I did receive. It's the same type of mail as this, including the type of attachment. I thought this one was blocked on TCH?: http://www.offspring.art.pl/arch/msg17606.html
  13. Thanks, that looks promising. I know just enough perl to see that we're heading in the right direction here! But I probably would need a template file to get me started.
  14. Jailshell is something another webhost is using for SSH access. And now that I think about it, I haven't tried Firefox with it, just remember that Mozilla didn't do it. And that MIGHT be because I've blocked pop-ups. And I said OUT OF THE BOX. I prefer to not have everything enabled in Firefox, but it's entirely possible to get more stuff working.
  15. I use Firefox also. It doesn't do jailshell, flash and certain games and java out of the box, but it's easy enough to open IE when there is a need. I also recommend Pegasus Mail. One of the safest mail programs on the planet.
  16. There are all kinds of weird things happening. Once I got an IM, I think from Yahoo. This guy told me I'd added him to my buddies, which I hadn't done. I had no interest in talking to him, so we didn't go past explaining how come he IM'd me.
  17. It's also possible to grep a log file, or create downloadable files for each day. That's useful if you've got a lot of traffic. One day alone could account for lots of megabytes of uncompressed log file. I'm sure there's an easier way to do this, but I've found a way that's possible without being too accomplished: grep '13/May' /usr/local/apache/domlogs/domain.com | gzip -9 >> /home/username/logs/may13.gz Substitute domain.com for your domain name and ending. And username for your user name. Then you'd have to make a new cron job for EACH day you want to extract, or each grep job you want to make. Remember to delete those cron jobs after they've run.
  18. I think I solved my own problem again, thanks to doing a search on the cpanel forums. Here's how to do it: gzip -c /usr/local/apache/domlogs/domain.com > /home/username/logs/log01monday.gz Then just make as many differently named ones as you need. Just make sure you have the disk space. Those files can get huge, depending on how large your log files are. And I'd delete them on a regular basis, just downloading what I need. This is meant as a backup, if the server suddenly barfs and starts from zero again (plenty of experience on another host that this does happen frequently towards the end of the month. Guess I'm not that trusting of servers right now). Um, and I also created the logs directory, so don't forget to do that, or choose another path.
  19. I've sort of figured out this one. I tried it, and it almost worked... I created a cron job that went like this: gzip -c /home/username/getaccesslog > /home/username/logs/log01monday.gz Theory is that I could create a cron job to run each day, naming the output files differently. That would create files for each day of the week, overwriting the one week old files? The cron job made the file, but I don't think I have the right path for the log file. So, any ideas on making this one actually work?
  20. Hmmm, I'm starting to wonder if I can do this... Let's see, gzip the contents of http://www.domain.com:2082/getaccesslog/ And leave them somewhere in my area. Now the question is when the logs roll over here. And also a question of whether or not I can make the cron job name the files different names each day or week?
  21. Like I said, I'd like to do this. But without knowing where the log files reside, I don't see how I could get it done. I would also be interested in a weekly cron job as an alternative. Also, it's a question of permissions. Maybe I'd need to run grep to separate out hits from my domain? Lots of questions.
  22. Here's what I did when i got fed up waiting for my ISP to get the new DNS data: I installed a host file on my own computer with the new IP number for my site. Worked immediately!
  23. Understatement of the year! Very nice to have the run of the machine for learning purposes (loove linux shell access). Very few places off limits. But I guess it's time to upgrade... It's still at zero, but I think there's some sort of spillover to hda3. Log systems are on hda4 which still has plenty of space. Home area on hda3 which as about 100 megabytes free space. Total space on the server seems to be 20 gigabytes.
  24. Down to zero and still ticking. Expect my counters to break any second now, if they're located on that partition.
  25. I'm monitoring a webserver right now that's seriously low on disk space in system areas. Could be because of not rotating logs. But anyway, how low can you go before a Linux server stalls or crashes? It's down to 298k right now! Still got my site hosted there, though not for more than a few more hours, thankfully!
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