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Everything posted by whoahorse

  1. I can't find the other GB in Cpanel? Weezy
  2. I am going to delete that book and go back to using dreambook like I normally do. Thanks for all the warnings guys! Weezy
  3. I wonder why they have loosened up on this type of security? Is it because so many domains are owned by people that are not using them or aren't on the internet anymore? I have always locked my domains in the past but its a great reminder to domain owners Weezy
  4. Hey Sam! Thanks for the idea! I have to redo that G/B tomorrow Weezy
  5. Hi Trevor - It's all about trust. I trust TCH with all of my domains. I trust TCH with all of my clients domains. You can't but trust, you earn it. WELCOME to the flock! Weezy
  6. I just installed my first GB from Cpanel! TOO KEWL! http://www.remedyranch.com/guestbook/ Love the fact you can upload photos! Weezy
  8. Wow, that is great info thanks for the link! I never read that thread originally Weezy
  9. LOL! Yes that is how rumours get started Thanks and you too! Weezy
  10. Oh vedy interesting! Thanks, I never even thought to check that. It was working before and now it isn't. I will see if the owner of the domain made the change in her domain manager. THANKS! Weezy
  11. LOL! Sorry you are right - It's monday! Thats the gallery I loaded from the info found at TCH. Weezy
  12. whoahorse


    I just set up a new domain & I had to share. I purchased the domain and then set up the new account in WHM. I went to my FTP and set up the info there. It connected - I didn't think it would, I was just setting it up & used the domain as the actual host address. I looked on the web and there was the site already propogated. What is new that this happening so fast now? I remember before it always took at least 24 hours! Have I been on Mars and missed something new at TCH or on the web in general? Thanks! Weezy
  13. Can someone tell me what I did wrong? http://www.colouredquarters.com is the account name http://www.colouredquarters.ca is the parked domain Why is the com domain not working? Thanks! Weezy
  14. Hey Lisa I would for sure do that if I knew how. LOL!!! That blogging software is a challenge! Weezy
  15. Hey there - I use the gallery that is free with your account. Here are some of the websites I have using a gallery: http://www.hoofprints.ca/gallery http://www.ridealberta.com/gallery http://www.cybershelters.com/gallery Gives you an idea what you can do with the gallery - Weezy
  16. THANKS FOR THE HELP! My admin name is yappy_admin but I just tried admin and it worked! THANKS BUDS!!! Weezy
  17. LOL! I will Heh what file do you think I could find my password in? I got this damm thing working but now it says my password doesn't work? this is at www.horseblog.com I tried the lost password thing but no email is coming to me... Weezy
  18. Thanks for helping! I see what I did wrong I added the user but didn't add it to the database correctly I guess.. This is hurting my head. LOL Weezy
  19. Not sure. I'll check the permissions? Where do I do that? Man I feel blonde today! Weezy
  20. Thanks that helped a ton! I can't seem to log into my blog to install it.. What do you think I am doing wrong? THANKS! Weezy
  21. This is what I need to do: On your server, create or locate a mysql database for b2evolution How do you do that? LOL!!! Weezy
  22. LOL! Thanks GUYS! Weezy
  23. I have been trying to make a countdown clock in the CPANEL - when I hit make HTML - nothing happens? Is CPANEL sending my coding to Mars? THANKS!! Weezy
  24. LOL! True that! I can't believe how gifted some people are with graphics eh? That is sooo kewl!! Weezy
  25. Just thought I would share this with you all! http://www.cite-sciences.fr/english/ala_ci...age/mona/en.php Interactive Mona Lisa! Weezy
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